Thank God I’m not running for President of the United States.
Besides the fact that running a campaign would seriously cut into my free time, I can’t imagine being scrutinized for every word, every nuance of every word, that comes out of my mouth.
And I especially can’t imagine not being allowed to tear up when I feel emotional.
You’ve probably heard by now of the big controversy over the fact that Hillary Clinton let a bit (just a smidgeon, really) of emotion creep into her voice during a recent news conference.
Now, I have no intention of debating the merits of Clinton vs Obama vs Edwards or whether Hillary letting her human side show was a calculated thing or whether it will help her or hurt her or even whether the whole controversy is sexist.
I just want to say that I if I were in her shoes, my response to every press query would be punctuated with copious, heaving sobs.
I tear up when I hear the national anthem. For any country. I cry when people win money, appliances even, on game shows. I am prone to weeping during long-distance phone commercials while, at the same time, loudly snarking about how manipulative and cheesy commercials are these days.
And that’s when I’m well rested.
If I get less than seven hours sleep more than a few night in a row (yes, I’m spoiled – Graham slept through the night at six weeks), I get all melancholy and teary and prone to humming spirituals…Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrows.
And if someone were to inadvertently say something that might possibly be interpreted as slightly critical when I’m in that stressed and/ or sleep-deprived state?
Let’s just say that the ensuing hysterics would be waaay more entertaining than the clip of Hillary making the rounds in which she purportedly loses it. (That’s a breakdown? Sheesh – talk about amateur hour!)
It’s genetic, this propensity to shed tears at the drop of the hat. My mother is exactly the same. If we happen to be watching television together and something the least bit heart-wrenching comes on, we first get all self-conscious and avoid looking at each other.
Finally one of us will cast a surreptitious glance at the other, our teary eyes will meet and we will exchange a guilty, silly little laugh. This laugh acknowledges our mutual weirdness and serves as a green light for no-holds-barred sobs which are usually punctuated by bursts of laughter at the absurdity of it all.
So yeah, I’m thinking it’s probably a good thing I’m not running for President of the United States. Even if I were better at holding my emotions in check, I’m not sure middle America is ready for that photo of me in a princess hat and a feather boa.

Personally, I'd prefer a President that shows some emotion, it makes them human.
I just watched Labrynth with the boys and bawled like a baby at the end. I can burst into tears over the smallest things. But I do love that girly part of myself!
I tear up when I sing Christmas carols. Needless to say that's not the only thing that stands between me and a political career. :)
It's pretty ridiculous isn't it?
I don't think I can run for President either. When I can hardly manage a small household with 1 toddler!! ;)
I have the exact same sentiments. I'd prefer a human president anyday. BTW, you're a very talented writer - love your style!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
I too think it would be terrible to be in the spotlight like that. I always feel sorry for the partners of politicians, they aren't even running and they get picked apart!
It would be so refreshing to have a president who *did* show emotion, then we would know they're human!
I try so hard not to cry when watching sad movies; then I get this huge knot feeling in my chest, and the sobbing begins- so embarassing.
I have been known to weep uncontrollably for the silliest of reasons so I can totally relate.
I cry at Lotto 6/49 know the ones. The couple who buys the house for their aging parents with their winnings? The kids who come to tell their father at his office that he gets to retire early? TEARS STREAM.
Ha! I have been crafting a "What I Can Never Be President" post!
Loved this! How have I not found you before? Oh, that's right. I'm lazy. Yet another reason why I can never be President. =)
I guess that judge from the Anna Nicole Baby Daddy Trial could never run for prez, either.. LOL
I saw it too, and wondered what all the fuss was about. And *that* is supposedly the reason she won NH?!? It boggles the mind!
Heidi :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I, for one, have no political desires, and I am sick and tired of the election already!
Your little guy is adorable!
this post is brilliant...and so true for me too!!!
thanks for sharing!
I am a Grade A Sap. I cry during commercials, I cry when I'm happy, when I'm sad and when I'm angry. I cry when they bring the family members out on Survivor and I cry during shows that really aren't supposed to make you cry, like Deal or No Deal and Rock of Love.
So yeah, I would never be able to run for Prime Minister, because all I'd do is cry. And laugh and cry some more.
Nope - me either - I'd be a bawling mess! Too funny! See ya. Kellan
I've gotten way tearier as I've grown older, though I don't always get what it is that gets me. Obama's Iowa speech though, did it. It's bizarre and a little disconcerting for someone who always prided herself on not being so crazy. sigh.
I always get teary eyed over the dumb coffee commercials. So I'm right there with you in the embarrassed sniffling department.
and folgers commercials. and kodak commercials. don't ever but extreme home make over on...snot fest. poor hillary. if my daughter was being raked over the media coals and my marriage at the same time i would be a bit emotional too!
Remember, it was one silly noise that ruined Howard Dean's chances for the nomination. So I don't think it's necessarily sexsim. I think if Obama or Edwards shed some tears they'd be getting a lot of flack too.
I cry when I watch extreme home makeover every week! I cry at commercials, too. I cry a lot. I actually appreciated Hillary's teeny tiny bit of crying. I think it makes her more personal and I could see her passion more clearly. Why anyone would want to run to be president is beyond me anyway!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my fat cat pictures. She is definitely the entitled in our home.
I was all set to comment on how disgusting it is when the press drags someone over the coals for something so sexist and irrelevant ... but then I saw the comment from Family Adventure and realized I'd better read this morning's paper first...
hallmark commercials used to get me. also, there was a local news ad campaign going on, around 10 years ago. a little boy, who had been kidnapped had been found...and they showed him getting off the plane and running into his mothers arms...and, i'm tearing up as i type got me!!!
loved this, america isn't ready for a boa and princess hat clad candidate!!
it seems that i went to school with a bunch of my bloggy friends...we have a ton of the same kinds of hilarious!
you live in toronto? that's my most favorite city on this planet.
I too am a big weeper. My dh has been totally laughing at me this week, I read 2 books that made me sob and then he took me to PS, I Love You. Well, between my belly laughs and my wrenching sobs, I am sure he wishes we had seen Alien vs Predator. Alone.
Not a great trait at work, I remember being pregnant with my second and being called into my supervisor's office for some gentle criticism. I managed to not cry aloud, but if she had asked me to speak I am not sure I could have managed to not break down. Really not a good idea at work, even if you want to be the president I guess. I think it can't hurt Hillary with women voters though, she has often been seen as very cold.
I don't weep anymore because I take Zoloft. But, that would disqualify me because, depression? As in mental illness? Is verboten in politics in this country.
As many of your commenters I cry for silly silly things.. like if my son(s) holds his hands in a new way, or if my oldest make up with a new word all on his own.. I am a cheeseball and proud of it!!
Amen to your thoughts here! I cry at everything. I think it humanizes Hilary (AND ups her buzz aparently thanks to the media hum about it.)
But wouldn't it be fun to be a part of just one of those pseudo-debates? Come on....there are things you'd want to say.
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