I had you feeling a little misty, admit it.
You couldn’t help but be a little verklemp when I wrote about how we cleared out the accruements our rock star youth to make room for Graham’s future.
But then I didn’t mention this guy.
I’ve tried not to think about this guy for the past six years. He came with the house and, at Rob’s insistence, stayed, hanging behind the drum set.
Once, during a jam session he actually fell off the wall and hit the drummer and his tooth left a nasty gash on the drummer’s cheek, but I digress.
This guy is gone now. He just didn’t fit in with the playroom’s décor.
I don’t feel the least bit nostalgic about his absence, but if you’re in the market for a wild boar’s head with a freakish smile drop me an e-mail.

EWW! That would totally creep me out.
he is kinda scary.
Yikes, I think I would have asked to pay less money for the house if that thing was included. Sheesh!
I think it's hilarious how you labelled this a drummer story!!
I have a huge aversion to animal heads without bodies. Especially on walls.... shiver...so I think I'll pass.
I gotta say I'm with almost everyone else on this one, animal heads on the wall freak me out. I swear the eyes watch you everywhere you go... I'm glad you took it down for Graham's sake.
He kinda gives me the creeps.. :)
That is precisely the sort of inspiration my 5-year-old doesn't need - not after all the stuffed-animal decapitations last year.
Straight up, my husband would love that.
Hey it's Pumba!! Yup, definitely something only a Man would want to keep. HA!
WOW! You're very nice to let it stay up as long as it did. I would have had it trashed as soon as we moved in!!! :)
ummm yeah...I'd say good riddance. :)
have a good weekend.
Too bad the shipping would be horrible expensive or I would take it in a heart beat. That would make an excellent finishing touch to my boy's bedroom. Lol! I think that having something like that in my house would creep me out a bit.
That thing is like a weapon!
That thing is ugly. I am not a big fan of dead animals hanging on my wall.
You know, I think there's a market for that on eBay.
What is it with men and dead animals? I used to babysit for my aunt and uncle and they had deer heads and they freaked me out! Congrats on getting rid of it!
There's no way in hell I will show this to my husband. His best friend from childhood runs his family's barbecue business north of Nashville here and I know my husband would ship this to him. ;)
Congrats on the board head free decor!
That is pretty nasty looking...I think you were right to think it did not fit into the play room decor!!!!
Oh, my goodness! Well, you had me chuckling at the drummer story! I hope the drummer wasn't injured too badly...or that he wasn't too traumatized! ;)
Hmmm...I wonder how much you can get for that boar's head on eBay??
Some things just aren't meant to be. In the house, that is.
It's for the best. Good decision!
Ewwwww. Good riddance!
Yeah, no thanks! But I got a good laugh.
Thanks for your comments on my blog!
No thanks, but it was a funny post all the same. You could always put him on ebay. ha!
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
I don't need this for our up-and-coming playroom. Nor do I own a smoky bar with $2 beers that needs a little "ambiance." But I'll be someone does. You should so sell this on eBay. At the very least, you'd score yourself enough to buy a lovely bottle of wine in recompense for giving up your grown-up playroom...
Thanks for the offer, but no, I don't think I want it! I'm glad you got rid of it. I can't imagine that in a playroom!
i just stumbled across your blog. hi there! oh my goodness! if my husband saw this, he'ld probably want it!
take care!
OK, yeah. Be gone, dead animal ornament!
dear god he is frightening!
Oh, my. LOL!
hey. you could have a Lord of the Flies birthday.
Honestly I AM tempted, I collect skulls and antlers and stuff. But he is a bit over the top even for me.
Uhmmmm...I'm gonna pass.
Thanks, but...eh...no thanks :)
OK I have some weird stuff, but nothing *that* weird.
That's funny! The pack rat in me would have kept him in a box some place...you know, just in case you might need him for something some day?
I wouldn't want it in our house, either. On the other hand, it would be really funny to mail it to somebody... a brother, or a college roommate... with no explanation at all.
Or, you could pack it away and pull it out next year as a holiday gag gift!
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