A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is wrong to his family. Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. The love of knowledge comes with reading and grows upon it. And the love of knowledge, in a young mind, is almost a warrant against the inferior excitement of passions and vices
The voting in the final round of the Canadian Blog Awards closes at midnight tonight. If you haven't already voted for me would you please consider doing so?
You can vote for Best Personal Blog by clicking here:
You can vote for me Best Family Blog by clicking here:
Thank you all for your support and especially for the heart-warming comments and e-mails I received regarding yesterday's post. Yes, Julie's parents read it and they have been greatly moved by all of your kind words about their daughter.

Hi. Back from voting! Have a good one.
voting made simple.
Hope you win!
And turn off the TV! And the computer games! You can have a house full of books, but they can't compete with electronic entertainment for the mind of a small child.
I totally agree about the books! Love them and my kids love them as well!
Good luck! I'm a serious book lover, too.
of course, i will gladly vote for you. bye for now, as i have to go vote!
Books are the best!
I just read your previous post...what a wonderful tribute. Julie will always be with you. What a wonderful friend you are.
Votes are cast - good luck!
Votes are in!
There's just no way around books in my house...
Pst- go check out my blog for a surprise!
great quote and picture
I love that quote. Tis so true! I'm trying to figure out what book they were reading in that shot.
And I just voted. But OF COURSE. :)
I hope you win! That is a great quote and the picture is precious.
I voted for you! For both- personal and family!
I love this post. Short and sweet. I LOVE books, as a kid and now even more. I can only hope to instill that love for them in my children.
Don't tempt me with movie set tours! I was voted by MJ "Most Likely To Tackle a Celebrity." God how I hate myself for it!
If that is true...I am surrounded by windows...(books)
Good luck on your voting...I'll go vote too!
Congrats on your E for excellent award! (Saw you got it on Brittany's site) :)
The Egel Nest
That was great. I grew up with tons of books around me and you will find it is still the case when you get into our house. Tons of books everywhere. That was so nice and these words rang so true in my ears. That picture is just adorable.
I just sneaked over to a colleagues computer to vote again
We are a 'book' family - the pc and playstation still get a look-in, but it's a question of balance isn't it? :-)
I lobe books too and your right it is very important.
Good luck with your voting!!!!
We hoard books in our house.. :) Good luck (I voted..!!)
We sure love books at our house too:)
Good luck in the voting!
I love the photo and the quote. We're just like that at our house too!
L-O-V-E love that quote about books. How true, how true! Being an ex-reading teacher extraordinaire (ha!)we have a plethora of books around our house. Too many to count. I think children can have too many toys, way too many clothes...but never too many shoes or books :)
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