I know you're all freezing your cute little butts off out there, but trust me spring is right around the corner. Before long you are going to be wondering what kind of clothes you should be stocking up on in order to preserve and promote your image as the MILFiest mom on the block. (That's right, it's an adjective now - you heard it here first).
And so I present to you, my take on the first five of the Top 10 fashion-must-haves for 2008 according to Elle Canada magazine.
1. Floral Print Dress - Meh. This isn't exactly an earth-shattering trend in my opinion. Haven't stylish floral print dresses always been must-haves for spring and summer? It sounds like we're going to have brighter and bolder patterns to choose from this year and that's great, but I would caution heavier gals not to go with versions that are too flowy: make sure the fit is smart and flattering as the difference between a floral print dress and a mumu could boil down to bad lighting in the dressing room or a sycophant salesperson.
You're gonna have to mosey on over to my Shooting for Hip column at Mommyblogstoronto to read the rest. You best go else you're not gonna have a clue what to wear. Go on now. Git.

I am dreaming of spring! I am sick of shivering to death! I want to move!!!!! Whaaaahhhh!
I went. I came back to comment. I like the cinched waist thing. But here's the deal: most people need to do that with a f-l-o-w-y skirt, not a pencil skirt. The latter looks totally frumpy on anyone who's not very tiny. The former looks great on someone curvacious.
Floral -- yep, not much new there.
I resist the spring clothes a little bit at the moment, though. A snowstorm is on its way here, and I sort of think that if that is a possibility for the next three months (which it is here), we should still be able to buy new winter clothes. Otherwise, what's the fun in shopping for something you can't wear? Just me. I want a new fitted turtleneck, though, and everyone's got short sleeved shirts out...
I'm not crazy about any of those styles - nope! I guess I'm getting old and ... I can't wear a cinched waist - too short waisted, but I like it on other people. Take care Kelly - see you later. Kellan
The What Not to Wear Girls might have a little something to say about all this? I miss that British pair. They would never let anybody with an ample backside like mine cinch amything!
You did a great job on this fashion review! I love it. I'm tired of the "muffin top" look also but yikes, I don't want to go anywhere near looking like I'm wearing "mom jeans".
I'm looking forward to the next 5 trends. These trends seem to recycle every few seasons; I think I'll pass on the cinched waist, floral, and gladiator sandals, though. You've given me the itch to get to Winners.
Drop by to pick up more bling!
Interesting... but... I would look terrible in a dress, and, well, UrbanMummy might be rather surprised, so where are the must have clothes for the men, and if a word like MILF exists, what is the male equivalent? Hmmm. Filf? lol.
That floral dress in the picture looks like it was put on the model backwards. lol
I don't know if I like any of these trends but you sure did a great job on this piece.
Oh and the mom jeans SNL skit is great, they just forgot the camel toe (I know I know, gross...but true).
Thanks for the tips! I am contantly trying to maintain MILF status ;)
Are you sure spring is around the corner? Cause we're stuck in day 57 of a snow storm...
Thanks for the help, but I'm not sure I'm gonna love any of those trends! Except for the handbags....I have me a long-term love for handbags....
I am ALL for a cinched waist if that means we'll be leaving the 'baby doll'/'empire waist' behind. I don't care who you are it just looks very maternity.
Great review!
LOL at 'milfiest' .. a whole new movement of 'milfism'? :-D
ohhhhh I cannot wait to see if Dorothy Hammil hair cuts are in!!!!!!
And, ah, no........no photo! It will be a cold day in hell before I get my photo taken...or at least not till all the outdoor ice rinks melt!!!!
Great post...love your take on it all!
Um.. I am not sure I could get away with that white shirt at the office..LOL
Also wanted to stop by and let you know that I have a little bloggy love on my blog for you.. Hope your having a great day!!
Gladiator sandals.... SWEET. I have the cutes pair I got in 1995 in Italy. SWEETNESS, go glad they are back and Diva worthy!
I read it...and we will see. I love love love low rise. Not ultra low rise, but I will never go back to anything near my belly button. They are just cuter on my butt if the rise is lower.
The handbags I'm already seeing everywhere where I live though. I have lots of white shirts, but I feel chunky in them so they are very rarely worn.
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