It seems that in my excitement to rush away and have at the slopes, the oysters and the dance floor I forgot my camera.
Oh yes I did!
So in lieu of pictures I'll set a few scenes:
1. Me on Saturday having fun (and looking good, natch) but struggling down icy slopes in temperatures about -12 degrees C.
2. Me on Saturday evening eating my weight in oysters.
3. Me and Rob taking to the dance floor shortly afterwards and TEARING IT UP!
4. Me in the bathroom shortly after that throwing up what I can only assume was a bad oyster (not looking good, natch)
5. A slightly pale me sitting on the sidelines and watching the band.
6. Me and Rob returning to the dance floor and tearing it up to a slightly lesser degree.
7. Me on Sunday having a great time on the slopes, despite -15 degree C temps and bouts of heavy snow.
8. Me not having a good time as we drive home through horrendous weather on back roads after the major highways are closed due to massive pileups.
A great time and many thanks to Rob's brother and sister-in-law Peter and LeeAnne for being such generous and gracious hosts.
What I wouldn't have been able to convey in pictures, even if I had remembered my camera, is how much I missed Graham.
I missed my boy, I really did.
I didn't really miss him when I went away for four days last month, but during the day and a half I spent away this weekend I found my thoughts constantly drifting to him.
I nearly fell while disembarking from the chair lift because I was daydreaming about what Graham might be doing. I almost spun out on a mogul because I was consumed with a sudden yearning to hug Graham I felt myself getting misty eyed every time I spotted a child who remotely resembled Graham on the slopes.
Yup, I'm in love. And I got it bad.
It's good to be home.

glad you are better after your nasty oyster. ick. poor honey.
They pull us with that invisible love don't they?
That's the good thing about getting away. You have the time to regroup and refresh and then you get to come home to them. It's the best of both worlds!
That stinks that you got sick...
I sure understand that feeling when I'm away from my children and then see others who remind me of them in some way- it's tough. Sounds like a fun getaway other than the oyster thing. Welcome back.
Sorry about the vad oyster but it sounds like you mostly had fun. It was pretty freaking cold out here, too. Way to cold to ski. brrr.
Isn't it amazing how those little ones get us wrapped around threir little fingers. I was missing Hope the last overnighter she had with the gp's. What is that all about?
Sounds like fun all except the oyster thing. Sorry! I always miss my kids too. But you need that break to recharge your batteries.
Glad that you got home safe, that weather has been a bee-atch!!! Oh, so sorry about that bad oyster - blech!!! At least you managed to get back on the dance floor - props!!
Oh, Graham must have been so happy to have mommy and daddy home too!
I'm always doing that when I'm away from the kids, thinking I see one or the other. Heck, when we were in Tremblant I kept thinking this other little guy was Liam and wanting to give him a quick hug, even though I knew my boy was on another hill!
Any woman who goes back out on the dance floor after a bad oyster has my undying respect. Good for you for not letting anything get in the way of a bit of r&r. I hope you feel a little rejuvenated -- and that the hug you got when you got home was all you daydreamed!
Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed (minus nasty oyster)! You are so lucky that the best part of being away is coming home. That first hug is priceless, isn't it?
Heidi :)
oh yes.....good to get away.....but missing the hard. Glad you are glad to be home.
A mom pining for her son. It's only natural! Aren't you glad to be back and have him in your arms?
We've had an offer of an over night getaway sans baby. I seriously don't know if I can do it. I think that I'd been thinking about her the whole time.
But, on the other hand, it would be so wonderful to get away.
Sounds like fun... minus the vomit. haha. Glad you had a great time! :)
Glad to hear you were tearing it up on the dance floor! Any C+C Music Factory? :-)
Sorry to hear about the bad oyster...And I can totally relate to daydreaming on what your little ones are doing while you are off having a much needed mommy break. Coming home and getting that first hug feels like a gift..
I spent the weekend without my little love as's tougher than I would have ever imagined.
eww...bad oysters.
poor you.
I had something that didn't quite sit right with me on friday night at a restaurant and also spent the weekend....shall we say...feeling a tad fragile.
oh and bummer that you got stuck in that traffic on the 400 yesterday.
nice to be home huh?
Sounds like love, if you nearly spun out on a mogul. You are too funny.
Nice to have you back. No more alone time with your husband. You make me jealous!
It sounds like a good weekend. Except for the bad oyster bit.
Aw, love.
It sounds like a good weekend. Except for the bad oyster bit.
Aw, love.
I LOVE weekends away - you come back re-energized and better than ever...glad you had fun!
Sounds like we both had cold, vomity weekends spent missing our kids. Isn't it funny how you can miss the little stinker after hardly any time at all? That's sweet.
Sounds wonderful despite the cold, oyster and missing of wonderful boy.
Sometimes you just have to get away as a couple:)
I'm glad you made home safely on terrible roads.
I can imagine missing my kids while on the slopes. I envision my girls skiing along side of me sometime in the future. I wonder if it is too early to start the on skis (or if my husband has his way, snowboards)
Awesome! Except for the oyster. Blah. And isn't that the thing about being a mom: you so look forward to just a little down and away time. And then when you have it, you miss them like crazy.
You were skiing and out in the bitter cold (where I'd have loved to have been!!!) and I spent the weekend at the lake! I guess I need to move further north if I want to be livin' your life! I'm glad you had a good time (sorry about the nasty oyster) - see you soon. Kellan
Sounds like a blast! Glad you got over the icky tummy quickly.
It is great to be away, but so nice to come home to those little, warm, sticky arms and their terrific bear hugs!
Sounds like fun, other than the vomiting. Vomiting is NEVER fun.
Wow, glad you had a blast. Sans the vomit blast that is. Isn't it amazing what a little recharge will do?
I agree with kyla - vomiting is NEVER fun.
I'm glad that there isn't a picture of the oyster vomitting incident. You are a trooper though.
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