You know what's humbling?
Well, there is this.
But there's also this picture of Graham watching television.
That's right. Graham. Watching television.
It's humbling because it was only about four months ago that I had a letter published in the on-line edition of this newspaper decrying the launch of a new network for babies (which I still think is crap by the way) and proudly stating that I had never once turned on the television for my son.
And I hadn't. Then.
But in the last few months I have. A few times. A very few times. Mostly at times when I am struggling to get something posted. (It's your fault dear readers - you, I blame you!) Sometimes when I was just feeling lazy. (Bad mom, bad, bad mom!)
Right after that picture was taken?
I shut off the television.
I'm no longer quite as judgemental about television as I was four months ago, but damned if I can stand to see my 26-month-old son that engrossed in something that isn't (a) educational or (b) his mama's lovely face.

LOL. My kids only look like that when they are about to fall asleep. What a cutie.
I so get this post, sooooo get it!
He's adorable, I just gotta say...
Welcome to the club sister. Welcome.
Television is one of my biggest sources of "mommy guilt". I sure understand how you feel. He's such a cute kid.
Such a handsome boy!
My son LOVES t.v. which is why he only watches one show a day. Usually Sesame Street. I take advantage of that hour let me tell you, its the only way I have time to shower!
My youngest daughter (she'll be 3 in March) is a recovering Dora ADDICT. It was like crack and I enabled her addiction by Tivoing it. ;)
I got tired of "I wanna watch Dora, I wanna watch Dora!" and I just quit turning it on in the mornings (I would use Dora to babysit while I got ready for work and got her sister ready for kindergarten.) She still loves her Dora but I make a very conscious effort to not blindly flip on the idiot box for either of my girls. They love Nick Jr. and Disney and will practically go slack-jawed and drool over an especially riveting episode of Sponge Bob.
See? Me, "bad" mama. ;)
p.s. he is such a beautiful boy!
Our children have a way of humbling us, don't they? I've learned to resist saying "I never" or "always" because you just never know what's right around the corner.
I issued a public apology at a church pot luck to a Mom I had criticized for feeding her kids hot dogs. Well, I hadn't criticized her...I think I just gasped and said, "Oh. I would never give my kids HOT DOGS. What's even IN a hot dog?"
Oh yeah. And about a year later who was showing up at the church pot luck with a crock pot full dogs!
I'm with you. My older son didn't watch tv until he was 2. In the last year? (he just turned 3) He's watched. But only occasionally, and probably not more then about 1 or 1.5 hours a week, if that (some weeks none).
He likes watching a bit before bedtime.
I still think just a little bit isn't so bad.
(Now the baby, on the other hand? since his brother watches, he gets to watch along with him, while we nurse. Yea.)
so funny...when my youngest one was little...he is 4 now...i told hubby, no t.v for this one! no t.v!! i yelled! but, when he was around 2, somehow, someway...he discovered it..the t.v. but,not only that...he discovered the magical world of KIDS SHOWS...doodlebops was his first love...then, by the time he was 2 1/2...he moved on to power rangers. suddenly, he learned how to use the remote...and guards it with his life. now, the t.v is ALWAYS on...he knows how to work it. so, even if i turn it off and leave the room...he turns it back on. but, he plays, too. so, i guess i can't be too angry. a lot of the time, it's just background noise, to drone out the sound of me yelling at him to turn off the t.v and give me the remote control!!!
He looks totally under the spell of the box. My girls love any show about the alphabet, learning words or when there is singing and dancing. We all get up and shake our bodies!
Everything in moderation has been key for us.
I know! I hate the "zombie face"-eyes glazed, mouth agape. Of course, Dora introduced some Spanish- I'm not really sure if that's really what Little C is speaking, but he claims it is!
I was SO righteous about television with the princess....I reviled TellyTubbies,and Baby Einstein....but eventually I gave in and when she does watch tv, it's with an expression similar to Graham's...
The boy has always been able to watch tv....and he couldn't give a rat's ass about it.
Great post! I too kept Maddy's T.V exposure to the minimum preferring other toys and activities and books to keep her amused. That is until her brother came along when she was 21 months old and he was nursing up to 18 times a day and I was exhausted, stressed and recovering from a c-section. I admit, I caved at started letting her watch it on a daily basis. Not a lot, just a Dora episode here and there so I could get a break. Yeah, it's not the best thing for her, but in our family it really did save my sanity. And, it eases my guilt a bit since she now has a great Spanish vocabulary (not kidding). It's something right?
I admire your willpower in not using the tv as a permanent babysitter - I know a lot of parents who do. However, I also agree with llama mama about the hot dog story. As much as I say "I'll never use tv as a babysitter," well... it seems like the "nevers" have a way of coming back to haunt you!
I so understand and relate to this post. I use TV in the afternoons for Anderson's quiet time...and then feel guilty and we end up playing wrestling and having a blast...then pay for it with cranky boy in the early evening.
When TV is used properly - it is educational and relaxing...well, let's hope!
I'll join you in a slice of humble pie. My children watch much more TV than I ever thought I would let them. Usually (or especially) when I am trying to get something done without interuptions.
So you have finally joined us on the dark side. Welcome! :)
Children humble us like nothing else!
He's darling. The TV is not the devil, it can be quite fun and at times a nice educational tool (yes it can) :-) It's only when people use it to babysit their kids that it's truly bad.
Kudos to you for acknowledging that you've been humbled. I find myself backtracking over things I'd said when I was childless. Amazing how our views change, isn't it.
Great post, as always.
Thanks for the vote love honey!
I am loving his tv coma look! My eldest did not watch anything til he was 2 and then I introduced some videos. But by number 4, Dora videos are a regular part of our day. We don't have tv though, just videos so that I can regulate what they see and limit the commercials.
TV is a huge guilt thing for moms, but a little tv does not hurt, and can be very educational. At least that is what I tell myself as I plug in a Dora dvd for my 2 and a half year old.
ahem, been there done that with this post.. swore I would never allow TV.. yeah.. now we watch movies together.. go figure.
Oh - it happens to the best of us! Welcome to my world. See ya. Kellan
The TV is a slippery slope. I am trying not to watch to much, it is so hard. It's in front of their nose, and they know it...
When I was in the depths of all-day morning sickness, the TV became Pumpkin's new mommy. It's so bad but it's sooooo gooood!
child #1 didn't see TV until he was 2. child #2 saw TV from day one since child #1 was already four by then and we were in the quandry of how do you limit it? Of course we tried.
But don't beat yourself up. Sometimes you need the break, if only for 30 minutes....and it sounds as though you've got him more than engaged the rest of the time.
Love your blog! My babe loves Yo Gabba Gabba! It's an addiction for both of us - but I feel a little like I'm on 'shrooms when I'm watching it. White screen, bright colors...too cool. :)
How funny you should post about this....just this morning, my husband and I were going through all the "I never will do (fill in the blank)" with our babies. When he was deployed, TV became a babysitter while I prepped dinner. Oh well, a girl's gotta do what works at the time!
He does look like he is loving that show though!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Wednesday
I look like that when I watch TV too. =)
He's a cutie.
I had exactly the same thing on the brain this week. I have a hard time figuring out exactly what the limits should be, though I do feel really strongly that if it's used sparingly, it's NOT something to feel guilty about. Here's my two cents on the issue. It's nice to find others musing over this too!
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