What a week for Don Mills Diva.
There are so many worthy writers, wonderful writers, out there in the blogosphere that I feel just a little guilty about all the wonderful attention, support and bloggy love that this humble site has recently received.
But not quite guilty enough not to gobble it all up - I am a diva y'all!
Seriously though, I am honoured to report that Don Mills Diva has been shortlisted for Canadian Blog Awards in both the categories in which it was nominated - Best Personal Blog and Best Family Blog.
The final round of voting has just opened and if you could take two seconds and once again cast your vote for me I would be forever in your debt.
Just go here:
And scroll down to the Interest category. You can then click on Best Personal Blog and Best Family Blog and there you'll see DMD listed as one of the five finalists. Thanks tons!
Okay, next I want to thank the gorgeous Dawn over at Renaissance Mama for bestowing this very impressive-looking award. If you haven't checked her out yet, you really should: she's a self-described homeschooling tree-hugger who aspires towards simplicity and I always find her point of view an inspiration.
And then Kat my German blogger friend over at My Two Cents handed me this lovely bling. Kat and I recently discovered each other and I think we have a similar sense of humour and a similarly realistic grasp on our athletic abilities. Did I mention we're training for the Olympics together?
And rounding out awards week here at DMD is this next award I received from one of my favourite new (to me) bloggers Amy over at Memories and Musings.
This one is particularly thrilling because I have seen it awarded to other people and I have never, for the life of me, been able to figure out what it meant. Lucky for me, Amy knows that it's hard for a girl to look this good and be smart, so she explained it. See, if you rotate it counter-clockwise it becomes a heart.
Get it? She hearts me! Aww, I heart her too.
I heart all of you. Seriously.

Congratulations on the awards. Definitely well-deserved. I voted for you!
Congrats on making the short list!
We heart you too, Good luck!
I voted!
and of course you're worthy...or you wouldn't have gotten the awards! :)
Congrats on your very worthy awards! I just voted for you. Thanks also for the kind words- you are so sweet. Have a great day.
I've been voting!
And that last button is particularly thrilling for me too. I've always wondered what <3 was and I just got it when I saw it written in that context. And now that I know you were in the same boat, I don't feel as dumb. :)
Congrats ans soooooo well deserved. You are the bestest!!!
Congratulations on all your awards. You deserve them.
I voted. Best of luck to you!
Congrats on the awards. :) Very well deserved. :)
Have a great Thursday!
Congratulations! You totally deserve them. I just voted and will do so from my laptop at home again and may even get the hubby to do so in work. Have a great day.
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
One for each award + for being short listed!
Congrats on all the awards, they are all well deserved. I am glad you explained the <3 award.
Good luck!!!
I am so excited that you have moved on to the next round! That's awesome!!
Congrats on making the short list...
And, oooh, nice bloggie bling!
Congratulations!!! you deserve it!
You're up there with another of my favorite bloggers and I voted for both of you!
Wow, watch you go. I can say I knew you when. Congrats on the bling!!
I love your blog, your style and your insight. Keep it up!
I think it is so funny we found each other at TP....
Congrats on all that bloggy bling! You deserve it! I just love your blog! BTW, thanks for the congrats on my latest award :) I'm bestowing it upon you as well, so now you've got yet another one to add to your collection! Your blog is one of my "Daily Doses". I've linked you...hope you don't mind! ;)
Oh, yeah you!!! That's awesome!
Congrats on all your blingy bling too! You definitely deserve it.
Wow. What a week. Congrats!
Awards make you feel good, don't they? I just haven't figured out how to post them, so I usually just say thanks and leave it there... :(
Wow! So many awards, so little time ;) I voted for ya!
Done deal. I even tried to vote for you twice in the same category, but they shut my cheating ass down on that.
I voted for you again. Be sure to mention me in your acceptance speech! :)
Look at all that bling-bling! Well deserved. Totally :)
Look at you bling girl! Congrats!
I voted for you. Don't let all this love go to your head though. Remember us little people.
Congratlations Kelly on all the awards - they are all well deserved and I have so enjoyed getting to know you through all of your wonderful posts. I heart your blog too! Take care and good luck on the contest! See you soon. Kellan
Ooooooooooh!!! That's what that <3 thing means!!! Thank you for enlightening me! I was beginning to feel really, really dumb because I totally didn't 'get it'! Very cool! Congrats, again! I really <3 your blog and am glad I stumbled upon it!
Rock on, girl!!! I just gave you my votes! Congratulations! Very well deserved!
You're gonna run out of room there soon, with all those awards. So very well deserved DMD - your writing is phenomenal.
Congrats on all of it! You deserve it!
And thank you for explaining the I less-than-three your blog!!! Finally, it makes sense!!!
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