The universe works in strange ways.
To wit, just when I think there is absolutely no way I can come up with something to write about I am tagged for not one, but two really fun memes!
The first one – sent my way via Amy over at Memories and Musings - is particularly great because it allows me to relive past glory by recycling five of favorite blog posts.
Kinda like how I relive my high-school glory days by squeezing myself into my old bikini, chugging red wine and crying – kinda.
Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.
Here goes:
1. Mothers-in-law – A love story – About how I learned to appreciate my MIL even more since I become mom to a boy - also about how Graham’s future wife is gonna think I’m a nutbar.
2. Another one bites the dust – Aww, only my third post ever! About my friend Jon’s 40th birthday and how my friends and I are so much cooler than our parents were at 40. Or are we? Also, Jon’s an actor – maybe you’ll recognize him.
3. Joining the ranks of motherhood – This was a hard choice because, boy howdy, do I love to write about myself! It’s about me realizing that I’m actually not too cool to join a mom’s group. Who knew?
4. Learning to fly – I love to fly float planes. I love my dad. I love how much I learned about life when he taught me how to fly float planes. Probably my favorite post ever.
5. Just for starters – It’s pictures mostly. Pictures of all the people and things for which I am grateful. This post always makes me smile.
The rule is that I’m supposed to tag five other people, two of whom are newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better. Also I'm supposed to remind readers not to forget to read archive posts and leave comments!
Consider yourself tagged: Damselfly, Tracey, Painted Maypole, Valarie, GoMommy
The second meme comes by way of OHmommy over at Classy Chaos. I like this meme because I get to talk about myself: as I pointed out above, I love that!
It consists of the following questions:
How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging at the end of August, so about five months.
What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?
I am a writer. Always have been. I’ve written screenplays, poems, stories, articles, essays and even a novel (unpublished) with varying degrees of success. Finally decided to cut out the middlemen (editors) and take it to the streets. Before I started Don Mills Diva the only blogs I really read were Girl’s Gone Child and Her Bad Mother and I just adored both of them – still do.
Are you trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?
Both. I’m already having fun – so much fun I could kick myself over all the fun I missed by not starting my blog sooner. But I am hoping to make money off this blog eventually because who the heck couldn’t use more money?
What 3 things do you love about being online?
The intimacy and immediacy of the feedback
The challenge of keeping my writing fresh and engaging
The sense of community and the friendships – true blessings I did not anticipate
What 3 things do you struggle with online?
Finding the time!
Keeping my writing fresh and engaging
The technical aspect – I have learned so much but it hasn’t come easily
For this meme I hereby tag Blonde Mom and Jen at Get in the car.

OH me likey this meme.
Short, but sweet!
These both were fun. Thanks for the tag. I promise I will get around to it asap. :)
Oh, and I liked your post about "joining the ranks of motherhood" a lot.
I'm so with you. Finding the time is increasingly difficult. Fun answers Ms. Diva!
ohh that was a different and fun meme! :) I like!
oooh... fun meme. thanks. i will give it a shot when I am not shivering with this 102.5 fever.
Aw, the post about your MIL (and about being a future MIL) nearly brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful.
Fun facts!
I like that first meme, because it allows your readers to catch up on posts we may have missed. Your post about motherhood is still one of my favourites, but the learning to fly one is great!
Happy weekend,
I started off blogging for fun too and now, I'm also thinking I should start doing it for money. It's a fun challenge now trying to figure out ways to get blog traffic and increase the chances of earning something!
Hey, glad you stopped by and said hi! I did the first meme a while ago. The second one is fun too. It has been fun reading down through your blog.
Your son is adorable and your Olympic dreams are wonderful. I have them still, too, but at 43 a bit over weight and out of shape (okay, a lot of both!) I just don't think I could jump to conclusions at this point without getting out of breath! The Olympics will have to be taken care of by some other hopefuls.
Oh, well. Being a Mom has provided enough notariety and workouts for me. Since I have a ways to go before they are all grown and on their own, I guess I'll settle for Mother of the Year. No, really, I'm sure I'm being nominated soon.
You know famous people. And you ski with your husband. And you drink vino and eat oysters. You love heels. Wow, you REALLY are a Diva.
Thanks, hon! I will definitely do it, but we're busy for a bit so it might take a while. I look forward to clicking on those posts and finding out more about you!
Those were both great memes. As a new reader, I feel like I'm all caught up!
Oh, and I think you may be too cool for me (not that it will stop me from reading). You have earned the right to be a Diva - you have a very interesting life!
Time is my biggest issue. In fact, I feel guilty now, when I neglect my blog and my blog friends for more than a day, or if I don't have time to read and comment in a timely fashion.
First of all, you are agreat writer.
Secondly, I love my mother in law too. She lives about 20 minutes away.
And third, the most famous person I know is the secretary (hey, she's WAY famous at North Ogden Elementary!) at my kids' school. I think changing into jeans to volunteer in my six year old's kindergarten class is dressing up.
I am no diva, but I sure enjoyed reading about one!!
I love meme's. I just HATE doing them. I must admit when I get tagged for them I don't do them. Blush.
Love all your answers, and yep, I have a lot to say too. Just can't find the time!!!
I loved the links to your old posts. They were all great reads. I can't wait to check your your mentors.
...because who couldn't use more money...
priceless lol!
I love to read your blog. It's fun, cool, cute and touching!
Thanks for the look back:)
Love the memes, gonna go and read all the back links now:)
A post about coming to understand a mother-in-law? Nooooooooooooooo!
I don't like doing meme's myself but I like reading them when other people do them...
Thanks for joining me in the fun! I posted my meme just now.
I am also kicking myself for not getting into the blogging earlier! But what can you do...
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