In the interest of keeping things upbeat around here I thought it a good time to present the second installment of our getting-to-know-me game – our second date if you will.
Let’s get right to the questions!
Apparently you are all people after my own heart because there were a lot of questions about food and music which are two of my very favorite things. Emily at Wheels on the Bus asked about my favorite dinner and Awesome Mom asked what I would request for a last dinner. Well, I do love a good steak and red wine, but I think I would probably settle on a huge feast of perfectly fresh sashimi with ice cold sake, followed by deep fried bananas with caramel sauce and ice cream.
Gabriella at Speaking from the Heart asked which three famous people, living or dead, I would share my fish with: Amelia Earhart, Salman Rushdie and Bono because not only is he a great musician, I bet he’s a hell of an interesting guy.
Speaking of music, Painted Maypole asked what my favorite dancing song was: that is a hard one because, wow, do I love to cut a rug…probably Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder. Kathryn at Seeking Sanity asked about my favorite make-out song to which I say probably my wedding song – At Last by Etta James. Hetha at Ethan’s World asked what I’ve been listening to lately and although I’m a little behind when it comes to new music I just bought Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black and it is fantastic.
Also fantastic was Kyla of The Journey's question about my favorite thing that Graham says. He’s not actually talking all that much but I just about died from cute overload when in response to my explanation about the cast on Rob’s arm he shook his head solemnly and said, Oh goodness. Sore arm. Oh boy. Sorry Daddy.
While we’re on the subject of Graham, Teachin’ This Mommy New Tricks asked when it actually hit me that I was a mom? To be honest I’m not entirely sure it has, but the reality slowly seeps in a little more each day. Over the past few months as Graham has really started to talk and I actually talk to him, not at him, it hits me, He’s not just a baby, he’s a person. He’s my son. I’m his mother. Crazy!
I had an anonymous reader who asked will Graham attend the fine public institutions Don Mills has to offer or will I send him to private school? If we can afford it and we are still in our current house I would love to send him to the fantastic private school that is literally a few hundred metres from our house, however it’s likely that Graham will end up attending Catholic school of some sort – Rob is a product of the Catholic system and feels strongly about its benefits.
Laski Gal asked about my biggest pet peeves and the most valuable lesson I've learned as a mom. These questions actually dovetail quite nicely for me. The most important thing, I’ve learned, I think, is tolerance for other people, especially other moms. The doubt, the worry, the relentless giving that comes along with being parenting has really opened my eyes to the difficulties that so many people face in their day to day lives. Without a doubt, my biggest pet peeve is people who are unable to feel compassion for others who are down on their luck and don’t understand how much success is dependent on fate’s whim.
Which brings me to my next question from In The Fast Lane at That’s Life who asks what’s my favorite thing about myself. I could be all modest and say Oh gee, nothing springs to mind, but in true diva fashion I’d like to asset that I am proud of myself for being ready, willing and able to roll with the punches in life and to take a mostly philosophic view of the bad times.
Another two questions that I can answer together include one from Dawn at Renaissance Mama who asked my favorite spot in the house to relax and Jennifer at Faking It who asked what colour is my bedroom? My bedroom is my favorite spot to relax. I love nothing more than heading to bed early with a stack of trashy magazines. The room is really unusual and I’m not sure it could be captured in a photo (sorry Dawn). Basically one whole wall is glass doors that open to overlook our living area (we have dark blinds for sleeping). There is a skylight and a huge triangular window above the bed. One wall is stone and there’s lots of wood and some stucco that I eventually want to cover with more wood.
OHMommy at Classy Chaos asked what a sassy mommy diva like me wears to feel fabulous on date night with hubby: high heels and attitude OHMommy, high heels and attitude.
Magpie at Magpie Musings asked how I got to be a diva: high heels and attitude Magpie, high heels and attitude.
Angie at Keep Believing and Adventures of a Reluctant Housewife both asked for a little background one me, specifically how I met hubby, how I ended up blogging and how I cling to the crumbs of my cool.
I dug up some links that might help. This, my very first post, is alludes to my wild youth, my journey to Don Mills and how I try and stay somewhat cool. This post is all about the people, places and things I love. This post talks about how I met my hubby and this post gives my very specific reason for starting a blog. (Seriously).
Karen at The Rocking Pony asked if there are plans for Graham to have a sibling.
Oh, Karen, that’s both a hard and an easy question to answer. I can only say that absolutely nothing in the world would make me happier than another child: I don’t, however, know if it will happen…
And finally, Melissa at Hope for the Hopeless asked what makes me happy?
Now that one is just plain easy.

So fun getting to know you. And that picture? Priceless. He looks so much like his daddy.
At Last by Etta James is one of my all time FAVORITE songs.
Once again, I learned a lot about you. Seems I tuned in to your blog at just the right time, eh?
I'd love to join you and Bono for dinner sometime. That was fun getting to know you better. Have a great weekend.
Your soul is so colorful and beautiful! This is such a candid post. I love the ending!
Oooh I totally agree with your pet peeve. Nothing can set me off on a good rant as well as someone who can't see all the luck (and HELP!) that went into his or her success. I know that Hubby and I both feel very, very lucky for the little bit of comfort and happiness that is ours. You know, yes, we worked hard. But we also had a lot of luck and help.
BTW, I found you via Caramama, and have been happily lurking loving your blog for awhile.
How cute is Graham in that picture!! I love getting to know more about you!
Wow. That was an amazing as I was able to learn SO much about you in a single post. Very awesome Q&A.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll - much appreciated :)
I wish I had started (known about) this blogging business when my kids were young. Before you know it that giggling toddler will be 6'2 and leaving for college. It's nice to read about you treasuring these days!
Loved reading these answer bear-your-soul posts.
And that photo ... too cute!
Loved your answers. Especially the last one.... tooo cute!
Great stuff! I've loved reading your answers.
We share the same wedding song with you.
I love getting to know you posts...I'll be back to read your links to old posts during naptime:)
Graham is looking more and more like Dad I think...very handsome fellows!
You've done so many of interesting and unique things, some of my dreams for the future (Africa, writing)
Thanks for sharing, you're an inspiration to this woman for sure.
Great Qs and As!
I enjoyed reading them :)
Hope that you are having a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. Those are great answers.
I love the song At Last. It would have been our wedding song, but my sister used it first (without knowing we wanted it).
And I feel the same way about constantly realizing that I'm a mother, and that my little one is becoming a little person. It is crazy, isn't it?
Graham is so beautiful, both in looks and what he said to his hurt daddy.
Thanks for answering all these. I learned a lot about you!
Awww, great answers. And Graham does look just like Daddy in that shot. Hope Daddy is feeling a little better today .... and hopefully not on his bike in this crazy snowstorm!
So fun getting to know you...thanks for playing this game and sharing with us.
Sweet. And one cute kid there...
Great job answering all the questions! I realized that my date nights are lacking high heels. I think I need to do some shopping.
Dude, his smile is so infectious. Let me just tell you that I'm going to bed with a smile now b/c of your sweet boy!
All great questions and great answers. I loved, "heels and attitude" - cute and that is all it takes!!
I hope you are having a good weekend, Kelly. Thanks for coming by today and for your thoughts and prayers for my little nephew. Take care and I'll see you soon. Kellan
My hubby and I had our first dance to "At Last" as well! I LOVE that song. Sooo good.
My hubby has a man-crush on Bono and has read U2 By U2. Bono IS very interesting. He also read Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas and couldn't put the book down. You should read them both, if you haven't already.
That picture at the end of your post is perfect - my, but he's a handsome boy. x
Your sweet baby boy sure looks like his daddy!
Really enjoying getting to know you! Great posts.
These are such great posts! He looks so much like his Daddy, especially the wild and crazy hair one with his hurt arm!
Happy Sunday!
Your starting point (before reading this post) was a well established "Lovable." Now that I have followed your links to past revelations and insights ... raise Lovable to the power of "likable as well."
This was so much fun to read. And your bedroom sounds heavenly -- I so envy the **stone**!
Fun questions and great responses, I feel like I know you after all those answers... I was intrigued about Amy Winehouse's disk, though... That good, eh?
You deserve some sort of bloggy award for all these links. HOLY COW! Seriously!
Darn it! I wanted to ask a I will anyway!
What movie closely relates to your life???
It may be a hard one, but it keeps you thinking!!!
I wish I would have asked sooner!
i love this whol concept of being interviewed. I'm going to have to suck up and do it soon. but reading this stuff is great! :)
Man I love your blog. I read this post with an enormous goofy grin on my face because: You. Are. So. Funny!
So thanks for existing, and blogging, and mentioning lil' ol' me, and also for answering my question.
This was a fun read! We share the same pet peeve, you put it beautifully.
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