I know my thoughts are all over the place when it comes to Graham's future career path.
Yes, I have ruled out culinary greatness in the foreseeable future, but there are so many other ways he could really make his mark on the world.
At one time I was positive about a full medical scholarship to Harvard. But then I started to think MIT would come calling on account of his clear talent for engineering.
And then just about a month ago I chastised myself for not recognizing that I had a budding artistic genius on my hands.
But then just yesterday I started to consider a possibility that I had thus far overlooked...

Does anyone know how much washroom attendants make?

aww - that is so cute! He reminds me so much of my nephew!
I had one that wanted to be the blue Power Ranger, one wanted to be a garbage man. Kids are the greatest!!
You are both kind and funny!
YOu can't imagine the laughter this post brought me. I was fully expecting you to say that he'd be a doctor.......
He is soooo cute! What a good helper! hope hubby is feeling better and not too sore.
Awwww - so cute!
See, I thought you were going to say pharmacist. There's good money in that, you know.
Looks like he would be a great washroom attendant! So helpful!!
Cute, cute, cute!
Washroom attendants make ... the hearts of their Dad's glad ... tax-free!
Dunno, but with the way tipping standards keep rising, it could be really good money.
So sweet and who could not tip him?
He'd make a mint in tips, he is so cute!
A whole lot as long as it's the wash room that Britney Spears is using!!
too funny! he is so cute!
hope hubby mends quickly!
Awww...that's so sweet.
At least he is keeping his options open.
Very cute little helper.
Yeah, I wonder what the divers at the Mayan restaurant and bomb squad members make too! So many possibilities in one little person!
Your poor hubby still looks so uncomfortable...poor guy
A multi-talented little guy. Sorry about your husband's cast!
Oh, and they DO make tips, I believe...
With his personality he'll make a killing in tips. No worries mom.
If he's destined to be a washroom atendant, lets hope he's the best damn washroom attendant ever!! Here, here!
I think the skill set of extreme helpfulness may be transferable!
And here I was going to ask YOU what the cart pushers make. Ben seems to have a budding career of lining stuff up.
With tips? Like zero dollars an hour.
That's too funny! And too cute! (He sure does look like Daddy!)
I really insulted a friend once who was telling me they took their two year old to the aquarium and he kept stopping to inspect/mess with the lights on the paths in the dark hallways. She said, "You know what that means?" I said, seriously, "A future as a maintenance man?" "NO! He's going to be an ENGINEER!!" , Sorry, didn't see that coming...
♥ Too funny! :)
What a sweet boy. Very cute post.
Is he standing on the sink?
There is always a silver lining isn't there? LOL. I am encouraging mine to be kept men...no tuition at all for that LOL
Is there nothing that boy can't do?! That's some super talent going on there.
Adorable..so funny, but the pictures are just priceless.. LOVE them!
how cute and funny is that! best thing for a mommy... pride no matter what!
Your poor husbands arm makes me hurt....augh!
What a cutie your Graham is. Isn't it true - whatever they choose to do, as long as they're happy, they'll make us so proud!!!
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