I'm not sure why this particular slice of my evening brought me to tears just now.
Maybe because it's the first day of spring tomorrow and it's still so bloody cold and miserable outside. Maybe because I still feel heavy with sadness over the terrible news I received a few days ago. Maybe because Rob is still in such an awful lot of pain.
Maybe because Graham has never been happier thanks to an art project, a doting cousin, a good book and a chair big enough for two.

Your poor hubs.
OMG, I hope your Husband is on the mend...Sorry for your family's loss.
I get that. It's because in such a time of turmoil, we still have so much to be thankful for and smile about every day!
I tear up all the time over little things. You've got a lot going on right now. You have a right to be a little emotional.
The simplest things in life always make me cry.
Today. I cried at hearing the birds and watching Fifi point to them.
I take pleasure in the simple things. That picture of Graham... that moment you captured... priceless.
Hope the birds sing to you tomorrow. :)
It's always the weird stuff that gets me down. I'll be all fine and good and then someone shows me some intense kindness (even small--especially small), and I'm putty. Snotty, drooling, putty.
I hope that you feel better soon.
Hope things will be looking up for you soon.
I'm sorry to hear the hubby is still in so much pain and to learn of your families loss. I will be including you and your family in my prayer list.
Take care!
You've had a hell of a lot thrown on your plate lately. It'd be shocking if you DIDN'T have many moments of reflection right now, don't you think?
Take advantage of this clarity. Treasure and bask in your good fortunes...
Take care, hon.
A chair big enough for two is a great thing. Hope things start looking up for all of you.
♥ I'm usually pretty good about not being all emotional and stuff and then WHAMMM... Something really small will hit me!
I hope your family is doing well with everything and I hope you husband recovers quickly! It sucks being in pain!
Have a great week/end!
(Hugs) Those cousins look so sweet in the chair for two.
Things may have been rough but I'm sure it will get better. Take care!
Aw...chin up kiddo!
So sorry to read about both of those previous posts....sometimes the little things in life (like what mad you smile tonight) can bring so much comfort.
Awww bugger. Hope you will feel happier soon. Sending a hug and some sun on its way to you.
Hang in there sweetie! The sun will be out soon. Thinking about you and your family and hoping your hubby heals quickly.
Sending hugs and good thoughts your way today.
Dealing with pain, sorrow and the complications of life can be so stressful and pull all our energy...seeing our little ones happy and the love shared between family, really grounds us...
Sending you lots of love and support over the miles.
Grief is complicated. It sneaks up on you. But then it leaves you and you feel guilty over its passing. Hot baths help and so do adorable kids. Spring will help faster if it would just ever get here....
hope today is a better day for you
Each moment with You encourages and gladdens my heart. The burdens of life's unhappinesses allow even more of the wonder of You to shine through.
So, I have linked you on my blog as:
"Life's Lessons, With Pleasure"
Because I love You.
You've had a lot thrown at you recently. You try to keep on keeping on, but the tears inevitably surface - how could they not? I hope things start looking up soon.
Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! (Have we met before? I tend to be a bit forgetful...)
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.
Art projects, doting cousins, and comfy chairs can make ANYTHING better!
I've been out of the blogland loop this week and have just been getting caught up on posts today.
I am very sorry to hear the news about your cousin's father-in-law.
I'll keep your family in my prayers.
If my son was sitting quietly, working on an art project, I would cry too. Tears of joy!
But seriously, hope you feel better, babe!
Maybe because all of the above and you are a wife, a mother and a friend to all of them.
I love these little moments too. Make you remember what's important huh?
What a beautiful moment with Graham, very sweet.
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, such a tragedy. You guys are having such a hard time right now and I want you to know that I am thinking of you.
It has been a tough week for everyone I have spoken too...I hope the next few weeks bring health and lightness back.
You guys have had a time of it lately, haven't you?
Hope the new week brings a bit of peace for you and your family.
Your post just hit me like a tonne of bricks! Sorry to hear the sad news. Hope Rob feels better soon. With so much going on, I imagine how overwhelming it can all be. Those moments like seeing Graham and his cousin so happy just wash the other stuff away...even if only for a moment :)
I was in Don Mills on Sun/Mon and thought of you guys!
Or maybe it is all of it mushed together.
Hope you are all feeling better soon.
Aw, they look so content, don't they?
I've found that I cherish the moments like the cousin and the chair so much more when there's a tragedy in my life. I only wish I would every day.
Cousins are the BEST.
So very sorry for this hard time your family is going through.
Cousins are the BEST.
So very sorry for this hard time your family is going through.
it really does seem like you guys have been through a rough time. I hope things start going better and your husband is hopefully on the mend. Sorry again for you family
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hugs to your family. I am sorry for their loss. It is so good you found joy in a simple thing today. Those every day moments are what life is made of.
Thinking about you - and just letting you know I'm still around, but under a different name...
I hope you feel better soon.
Some days can be tough...
I hope things go better for you and your family.
It's the littlest thing that can sometimes hold "everything".
What a rough few weeks for all of you. I'm so sorry.
Those sneakingly poignant moments, they always catch you off guard.
things will get better. tomorrow is ALWAYS a new day. always. without fail.
Even without all you have going on, that looks like a very sweet moment. Those are the ones worth cherish!
What a sweet moment in the middle of all that crap. I am so sorry. The picture is just precious and almost brought me to tears. Hug your hubby GENTLY.
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