I told him over and over again that it was just a haircut.
I told him that it wouldn't hurt a bit. That he would look so handsome afterwards. That I would give him a lollipop when it was all over.
And still he protested mightily, whimpering and clinging to me the whole time. It wasn't a furious scene like last time, thank goodness. There was no screaming or flailing or streaming tears.
But there was tension and muted murmurs of protest, as if he knew something that we adults don't like to think about.
As if he knew exactly what these photographs prove: that with each lock of hair shorn a piece of his sweet babyhood falls away and flutters irretrievably into the past.

My son used to scream every time we tried to get his hair cut. I'll never forget the time that the hairdresser did half of his head and then refused to continue. He had half a haircut. It was very 80's asymmetrical, but not very chique for a kid of the new millennium. I had to finish it at home. (and the hairdresser STILL charged us for the cut). Luckily he eventually outgrew the screaming but he's still a nervous haircut patron.
That looks like a very cool hairdresser's. Are those cars I see? Wow.
That looks like quite the kids haircut emporium. I once thought I'd save money by cutting the boys' hair at home. BAD idea.
Yes, he does look like a bigger boy with the haircut!
Hello gorgeous!
I want to go get my hair cut there! That place looks fabulous!
The different expressions on his face are hysterical!! He is so cute!!
You put it beautifully! Love this!
What a handsome young man!!!! Loe the haircut!
He looks cute! Is that one of those cool places for kids to get their haircuts? Did he have fun?
he is such a little cutie! my oldest used to be the same way about haircuts. when i watch him jump into the barber's share i still get flooded with emotions.
Awww, that's so sweet! And thank goodness for lollipops! My kids have always liked getting their hair done (well, my son until this past year when longer skaterboy hair is all the rage on 7 year olds). I keep wishing he'd cut it so he'd look like my little boy again.
But girlie loves the salon, especially the blowdry. She almost falls asleep!
Love the haircut! He is so adorable!!!
But I was totally expecting a mohawk! hehe.
Oh, what a cutie!! He looks so grown up!
That first haircut is a definitely step away from looking like a baby! They always look so grown up in just a few snips.
There was a haircut place for kids like that in St. Albert (edmonton area). The kids loved it. Made my Gavin tolerate haircuts. He is 6-1/2 and still hates getting his hair cut. From the time he was 8 months, he had hair that would stick STRAIGHT UP. When it got long enough, it would lay over, but with the roots sticking up giving him this wonderful, voluminous, quaff. He started hating haircuts around 15 monhts. And with that hair, we had to keep enough length so it didn't sick straight up, yet laid down. Therefore, he needed cuts every 3 weeks. HE STARTED SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER FROM THE TIME WE ENTERED THE PLACE UNTIL THE TIME WE LEFT. The haircutters would be so distraught they could not finish the job. We left with half done hair cuts several times. So, at the age of 2-1/2 we buzzed it off and until he was 4-1/2 I buzzed it at home. Now, he tries to talk the haircutter out of it, but she eventually gets through it.
I had no idea all this time it was because he was losing part of his childhood. Maybe I will let it grow now.
He definitely looks more grown up but he's adorable no matter what!
What a handsome dude :-)
Wow! I can see what you mean.
But wow! Why aren't there hair shops like that here???
He's so cute and his haircut looks great but you're right...with each haircut they do look a little older, don't they. My son is due for a haircut- he would sure love that place where you took your son- it looks like fun.
awe...he looks adorable!
Our 5 year old still has the screaming, flailing fits. We let it grow to pony-tail length then nearly shave it so that it only has to happen once every 3 months or so.
It's amazing how much difference a haircut makes.
What a cutie! :)
Omg! HE IS SO CUTE! It looks good.
It is amazing how they age so much with just a haircut. He looks adorable!
He looks so grown up! What a handsome fella!!!
♥ I love the new hair cut. He's so cute!
He went from a baby to a boy with one hair cut. But he is a good looking boy.
my olddest used to totally freak out when we got his hair cut. it was major drama. he looks so much older with his hair cut. for some reason ava is sitting on my lap looking at his pic and hissing at him...hmmm.
The haircut really makes him look like a big boy. I know it's hard as they grow up. My son is 4, but the big boy years are just as fun as the baby years. I just bought my son a pair of shorts from the big boy department at Walmart and I almost cried right there in the store. Time passes way too fast.
Yep- That is a BIG BOY there. No baby, anymore...
Oh, he's adorable in BOTH pictures!
Isaac still pitches a fit everytime I mention a hair cut and he's ten. He doesn't think it'll hurt (althought he HAS been bit more than once by the clippers), but he still hates it. He told me once that he likes seeing his hair when he's not looking in the mirror. Whatever.
love his face in the first picture! he looks soo mature and laid back! :)
Awwwww. It's always to funny to see how suddenly grown up they look every time they get a haircut.
It looks great!
Oh my!! I hesitate to add to your apprehensions about his growing up ... but, Oh My!! what a dramatic difference. (psssst .. let's let the bangs grow back for a bit longer [no sense hurrying this growing thingy!])
He has that 'big boy' look about him and I think he knows it! Cute!
Aw, he looks so grown up!
I put off the first haircut for my boys for as long as possible, and even now I like to keep it long enough for their curls to show.
I love the hair cut.
I dread taking my kids to get their hair cut. Luckily girls don't need haircuts as often. My oldest wants very long hair, and I am happy to oblige.
I think you're right.
I love the before AND after. The before was more skater/snowboarder/surfer cool, but the after is nice and preppy!
Very cute either way!
What a great haircut! And the key to a calm hair cut is the reward sucker afterwards! There must ALWAYS be a sucker!
They go from little boy to big boy with every hair cut.. it is amazing how different and older he looks with a new do.. LOOKS great!!!
Aw..... he looks so sweet, but I know exactly what you mean. I have hated every haircut my little boys have had, cuz they always look older.
Awe!! But now you can see his pretty eyes better. He's so cute!!
Hi Kelly - It's sometimes scary for kids to get their hair cut! He looks so cute!
Hope you had a good day - see you soon. Kellan
What a cutie! What is it with kids and haircuts? It's not like it "hurts" their hair ;-) My son never complained . . . actually liked getting his hair cut. My daughter, different story. The first couple times I sat in the chair with her, under a tarp - she did fine on my lap (after the screaming fit before I gave in). The next time, I took her to this kiddie cuts place - she got to pick out a movie and sit in a little red race car with a sucker in her hand . . . she loved it! I'm not above bribery when necessary ;-)
It is amazing how a haircut can make them look so grown up!
My oldest son still gives me grief over haircuts.
look how nicely you can see his eyes.
we always hit the ice cream place next to the where MQ gets her hair cut, so now she says to me "I think I need a haircut"
What a perceptive post. You are so good at seeing life in the "big Picture"> I enjoy your blog very much.
Aw, lookit your little man!
Mine doesn't love getting haircuts either, but I insist on regular bang trims, at least. Of course, with girls it's easier to manage - at home on my lap in the bathroom. No salad bowl required.
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