Oh, I know what you're thinking.
You think my two-year-old is just lazing around in his toy car, eating junk food and watching television.
You're even a little disappointed in me because you've seen this type of thing before.
But thing is, you're missing what's actually going on here. What this picture actually captures is my painstaking attempt to make history come alive by teaching Graham about that rich, historical tradition, that great North-American post war cultural phenomenon: the drive-in theatre.
Yup, between my history lessons and my field trips, I'm thinking I could really rock home-schooling.
Or not.

aha!! I love the popcorn box, too! I need to get some of those for Adam, he LOVES popcorn!!
So cute! A kid has to have some fun! :)
Great pic!
You and me both. :-)
I love it!
I love the idea of a drive-in movie in your family room!!
Honestly, I think Hope was the only child that didn't have one of these cars.
♥ Too cute! The popcorn box is classic... My kids LOVE the drive in theatre... I love that it's way cheaper than paying individually and my kids can be loud and not bug anyone! :)
You're a genius!
Hilarious. What an excellent idea. And what a difficult thing to explain to a little kid? I'm finding it hard enough just to get my Son's head around the notion that ANY tv show you want is not on any second of the day you want it, since most of his happen to be via "on demand"...
oh... the drive in theatre... those were the days....
Sign me up for your home school. I was looking for a course to take.
Ahhhh, drive in theatres...love those!
Cute pic, cute little boy...
My girls fight over who gets to sit in their car.
Very clever...and so cute!
Oh... but you are so way creative enough to home school.
Nice picture!
Oh, how cute!!! I sooooooooooo miss drive-in movies!! I was just talking to one of my friends recently about how sad it is that they are gone - at least here. There was one that reopened this past summer, but I think it is closed again - sad.
Have a good Tuesday - Kellan
I've never been to a drive-in movie. It's on my list of things to do...
Drive-in theatre... don't think there is even one at where I live.
OOOH what a great history lesson! Plus he looks darn cute.
And I think you would be an amazing home school mom!
LOL! That's awesome!
Ha ha. You are a natural girl!
You're brilliant.
I'm pretty sure I have an identical picture of C at the same age. Too funny :)
I love it! You can homeschool my kids any day!
Love the creativity of home schooling!
Hey, thanks so much for stopping by to say hi this weekend! I enjoyed having you. Come again!
That is awesome!
What a cute picture :)
I've never been to a drive in :(
so clever! i really have missed the boat too, as i have never been to a drive-in! i guess it's just another thing my parents deprived me of. lol!!!
What an awesome picture.. and I totally love the drive in theater theme!!
oh that's funny, I love your take on it all, classic!
We got the great idea last summer to take the girls to a drive-in, but we never did and I am not sure why...
I think I like your idea better.
Right now I'm teaching my kids about the sleep-in theatre...
OK, I laughed out loud at this one! That's great!
A drive-in theatre is the ONLY way I will consider taking my Toddler to the movies. There are no other options in life.
That popcorn box is TOO cute.... I wish there still were drive in theaters...
that was the funniest thing I've seen today. thank you for the laugh! I'm totally knocking off that idea the next time we're in a bind in our house
You've definitely got the homeschooling mentality going for you. It's all about making the everyday a learning adventure. And he looks as though he's enjoying every minute of it!
Your homeschooling would be just what my kids are looking for.
Little ones should have fun because once you grow up it all changes.
Oh my gosh! That is such a cute picture. And what a good boy to sit there and watch the movie. My son is still too active, I bet he'd be good for 10 minutes.
Oh yeah... you're totally ready to homeschool!
awww! i miss the drive in!
Very cute!
So he is not actually watching TV, he is pretending that he is at a drive in.
Using his imagination!
You are brilliant!
I am SO doing that next time I need a break and don't want to feel guilty about all the screen time.
It's so brillant that I am stealing this idea!
Thanks :-)
What a great idea for them to try out. I spent many a weekend night with my parents at the drive in and loved it.
My kids used to do that, too.
Hey, if you want to get crafty with it, get a big box, cut some "doors" out of it, and let him color his own car. Don't forget small paper plates for the steering wheel and headlights, and make him a license plate. He'll stay busy for hours and probably won't let you dispose of it for months.
(Yes, I did that...only it was for my son's b-day party ages ago)
Way to go, mama!! Way cute :D
LOL!!! Too cute.
You pushed a "Fond Memory" button.
We had subjected Matt (my son w/cerebral palsy) and ourselves (primarily me ... I was the designated "Handle the CP problems" person.) to all sort of psychiatric, psychological, and therapeutic evaluations to discover how to open a window of communication for him.
Then, one morning, I was shaving ... heard Matt talking to someone (he and I were home alone) ... tip-toed down the hallway ... there he was ... focused and intent on Mister Rogers. He knew that Mister Rogers was speaking directly with him ... at his pace ... and patiently waiting for Matt's response ... which he gave.
I have thanked God for Mister Rogers countless times. He accomplished what all of the "experts" could not. And I assumed his rhythm, pace, and respectful demeanor, whenever I communicated with Matt from then on.
The drive-in was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that photo honestly! I used to love going to the drive-in as a kid.
Love it! We have frequent "Popcorn Parties" but no car. I'll need to correct that this summer.
You rock!
That's great - really great!
Did you get the popcorn box @ Target?
Tee hee! Love this post! That's great! I actually posted about how sad it is that there are so few drive-in movie theaters now. I miss those days when we'd pile into the car and catch a double feature and just hang out. Most of the times the movies would be horrible though! Haha! Anyway, this was such a cute post! ;)
That is brilliant. I wish I was home schooled by you!!!
Ah! The great drive in movies. I need to teach that one to mine. ;)
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