I know there was that one post where I asserted my belief that Graham was destined for Harvard Medical School.
And then, a few weeks later, I presented clear evidence that a full scholarship to MIT engineering was pretty much a given.
But earlier tonight, I realized that perhaps the world shouldn't be deprived of his obvious gift for the arts.
Does anyone have any idea what tuition at the Sorbonne would run me?
I mean, just in case he only gets a partial scholarship...

Kelly - he's beautiful! Hope he gets that scholarship ~ and don't you LOVE those colour wonder markers/papers? We use them all the time for colouring on road trips! Brilliant idea!
He's obviously very talented :)
What a sweetie! You make me smile, DMD.
I was pretty sure that someone would be knocking on my door with a huge check in hand the second I saw my daughter actually put eyeballs on her stick people for the first time. *sigh* such unbelievably gifted children we have...
I'm thinking it would be pretty expensive but I bet he gets more then a partial scholarship! His artistic abilities are a shoe in for a full ride!!!!
Lol. I think OCAD would be much cheaper, but the wine there isn't as good.
I'm voting for France.
I love that easel.
So your saving his work for his portfolio, right? He's got to have a portfolio to get into the Sorbonne.
Pretty expensive. Time to get a second, and maybe a third job?!? Fun picture.
What a cutie!!!
Ah, you have a little genius, huh? Go Graham!!
Awwww.... what talent!
If he marries my Lola, he will get EU prices for the Sorbonne. We have dual citizenship. :)
Ha ha ha! So you have a baby Einstine! Good for you! He is the next Picasso!
He's a little darling. You have every right to be very proud!
He looks like quite the Picasso there. I'm convinced that my son will be a professional baseball player he's that good. :)
It's our right as a mother to feel that way about our children.
Oh, how I love a proud mama!
How cute. You crack me up, DMD!
BTW, your comment page won't let me sign in! So that's why I'm listed under my name and not as MommyK.
Oh, I'm sure he'll get a full scholarship! The tough part of all this will be his deciding where to go between Harvard, MIT and Sorbonne, not getting the scholarships!
And I love that easel!
How sweet Graham is... an multi-talented a heartbreaker too.
Those colorwonders rock, don't they?
Funny, I was just talking about the Sorbonne to someone today. If Graham gets in, you must visit him... LOTS!!!
ha ha! totally cute!
Are you kidding me? He'll have his pick of schools with a full scholarship!!
With talent like that, a scholarship is in the bag! ;)
How cute is he?!! He might just get a scholarship in various areas - that smart kid of yours!! TAke care - Kellan
He is so cute! It really is amazing to see those tiny little bodies doing stuff.
When i talk about my very bright and talented daughter i sometimes wonder if people will think that i am bragging (which is not in me at all). Your post makes me realize that it is cool and okay to talk about my gifted child.
Of course, he'll get the scholarship!
Yay, Graham!
He is so SAWEEEEEET! So talented, so young. I know what you mean, I'm already buying MIT onesies. I know. I'm dumb like that. :)
With a mother like you, how could he NOT be gifted and talented?
Heidi :)
Start saving now!
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