We made it past Groundhog Day people!
In my neck of the woods the little critter popped up and declared I would grow ever more gorgeous and stylish in 2008. And while I wouldn't normally put much stock in a rodent's opinion, I think he might be right on the money this year.
The good news is you're all gonna grow more gorgeous and stylish along with me. To wit, I present my take on the last five of the Top 10 fashion-must-haves for 2008 according to Elle Canada magazine.
1. Deck shoes - This trend doesn't excite me only because I'm a heels girl and always have been, even though flats have been super trendy for a few years now. But I do know there are lots of women who will cheer the news that once again they can wear stylish shoes without sacrificing comfort. To you I say - ENJOY! There will probably be a lot of cute variations on the preppy, boat shoes we all remember from high school. And who knows? If this trend looks like it's here to stay, I might even cave, embrace it and relive my brief high school flirtation with preppy style. Minus the torrid love affair with Duckie though - it's taken me way too long to quit him.
Want to check out the rest? You're gonna have to skedaddle on overto my Shooting for Hip column at Mommyblogstoronto. I got some fun pictures over there...

&hearts, I not to fond of deck shoes either...
I don't think my parents will ever forget our family vacation when I made them stop at every shoe store/mall enroute to locate a pair of Sperry Topsiders. Don't think I'll go there again...
I rocked the boyfriend jacket in high school, but I don't see it coming back.
As for the see through - no THANKS! If I wanted someone to see what I looked like naked, I'd be... well... naked. NOT gonna happen.
I enjoyed both of these articles. Even if I'm seriously lacking in fashion! LOL!
So not interested in doing deck shoes again, they do nothing for the gams. Nothing.
I liked that Ombre dress but what is up with that lady in the layered sheer dress. That hair?
No deck shoes for me! I'm a heels girl too!
Holy Toledo am I with you on the sheer thing. Please no thanks. If I wanted my thighs to show that much, I'd just prance around in my underpants like some deranged Charlie's Angel. But something I pay good money for as a dress ought to cover up all my bits and pieces without requiring me also to go purchase THE MOST GIANT GRANNY PANTS EVER in order to be decent. Just sayin... :)
It usually takes me forever to get back into an old style, like clogs, but I think I could wear the deck shoes pretty easily! Thanks for filling me in on that!
Deck shoes? They still sell deck shoes?? :)
I thought the same thing about that jacket...boyfriend written all over it! And, I think I'll pass on those transparent looks. Great roundup and hilarious commentary as usual!
I love heels and flats. They both have their benefits. I dont' get into wedge shoes though. They have too much of a heel for me. I am 5'10 and I don't mind a heel a bit, but no 5 in' wedges for me please :)
Deck shoes, huh? I'm not sure I'll join in on this one. ;)
Ahh...see through! This would endanger many eyes! No thanks!
And I don't like deck shoes! I jump the bandwagon often though so I'll see!
Ugh. Deck shoes? Sigh.
I totally wish I was a heels kind of girl. I try to force myself to be one but it doesn't seem to be working. So I'm very excited about the prospect of boat shoes!
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