All the cool kids are doing it.
She did it and she's the coolest lady in the whole darn blogosphere. So here goes:
Ask me anything. Leave your question as a comment and I'll answer it in an upcoming post. Think of it as a way to get to know me better. Just what you always wanted right?
I'll try and be as honest as possible. Just don't ask me about the years I spent detailing Harley Davidsons in a tiny Midwestern town okay? What happens in the witness protection program stays in the witness protection program.

Okay, So I am new to your blog (the last week new) and I LOVE your style and prose. I love your insight and your depth in your posts. I don't know much about YOU, though. Maybe just a quick background on yourself (I know you are from a small town, then Toronto? then Don Mills) or links to past posts that tell us more (or I could probably go back and read your prior posts, but most likely won't due to my ever growing google reader). How you met hubby? How you ended up blogging? etc.
What is your favorite dinner?
I grew up in the DM and that is why I love reading your blog so much. I get a little taste of home once in a while.
My question is: will Graham attend the fine public institutions Don Mills has to offer or will you be sending him to private school or somewhere else in Toronto?
You work in the entertainment industry. What is your most and least favorite thing about what you do?
If you knew you were going to die what would you want your last meal to be?
I want to know more about your work. Your field fascinates me. And because you work in the film industry who do you particularly admire as an actor, director etc?
My question is this: Do the french fries at Mickey D's taste OH SO MUCH better after throwing the smack down on them?? I totally bet they do...
Ok no, I'll ask a real question: What is the most bizarre thing you have experienced while working in the film industry? I bet you have some great stories...
If it's cool, I'm totally stealing this idea-my 100th post was yesterday and what better way to celebrate?? Thanks Kelly! :) Don't worry, there will be a little linky love :)
I don't have a question, just wanted to say thanks for the comment. So glad that I'm not the only one that does this. I once actually considered telling someone about this little "quirk" of mine, but then I spent the rest of the afternoon going over and over the story I would tell in my head, and decided I had better seek help instead.
Thanks for making me me more "normal" LOL
What is your favorite thing about you?
Most embarassing moment?
Awww.... thanks. You are the sweetest!
My question:
You have many dates nights & mini vacations with your hubby. What does a sassy mommy Diva wear to feel fabulous on those nights?
I'm new to your blog as well, but I do have a question. What are your biggest pet peeves?
What is the most valuable lesson you've learned as a mom?
Can't wait to see these responses. I love these!!!
I'm always up for a good book. What's your favorite recent read and what did you like about it? (Why should I spend my valuable reading time reading it?)
One simple question...What make you happy?
I've asked this question on other blogs as well; If you could have dinner with 3 famous people (living or not) who would they be?
What moment did it hit you that you are a mom. I don't mean when you gave birth. But was there a moment when you looked down and it just hit you...."wow...I'm a mom!"?
Kelly, My Darlin',
Having you as a part of my world is a treat!
I haven't a question in the world for you. As an introverted kind of guy, I am most happy siting on the peripherie of the "goings-on" and bask in all of the happy banter. (Which you do so gracefully well!)
What are you hobbies?
Tell me about your trip to Africa, where, why, when, how you felt, with who?
Starbucks or Timmys?? (important stuff like that)
Hi there!
I love these questionaire posts! Thanks so much for giving us a peek into your world!
Okay,..I'd like to know if you were given a day to do anything you'd like, go anywhere in the world, with money being no question, where would you go, and why?
Dream destination and why?
Heidi :)
What is your favorite saying of Graham's?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
It may have already been asked - but are there any plans for Graham to have a sibling? You're such a great mommy it would be a shame to stop at one.
What's your favorite spot in your house to just relax? Do you have a picture of this spot? I just love those little "corners of my home" photos I see sometimes on blogs. You can learn so much about someone that way.
I can not wait to read all your answers to the questions.
What did you think about when you flew your first solo cross-country?
P.S. OOXOXOXO (just because)
i always feel such pressure to ask a good question. ack.
What song is your favorite song to dance to?
In your industry, who are some of the coolest people you met?
What actor makes you swoon?
Your favorite make-out song past and present?
Hi,love your blog & looking forward to your answers. (I'm so doing this when more than 3 people read mine)
How did you get started blogging? What do you do to "cling to the crumbs of your cool"?
How did you get to be a diva?
A couple weeks ago you linked to the imbd for your screenplay turned movie. It looked very interesting. I would like to know if the film was shown anywhere and if it is available on DVD.
What color is your bedroom?
have you ever or do you plan to ever write a book? children's, fiction, non-fiction? i love reading your blog and just wonder if that is something you aspire to do? (cause you'd be good at it!)
This is fun! Thanks for giving us a chance to get to know you a little better. Now for my question....Hmmm?? The presure's on...
What are your favorite types of books to read and who is your favorite author?
What music have you been listening to lately?
(I heard myself telling our babysitter this weekend that I used to be cool, I used to listen to adult all I hum or whistle are kids songs)
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