The debate on spanking can get pretty heated sometimes, can’t it?
Some people think spanking is an acceptable way to discipline a child; some people think spanking is pretty much child abuse.
I have struggled with my own urge to spank, but I otherwise try not to get too worked up over the whole debate. I don’t think it’s a great way to teach a child about good behavior or respect, but neither do I think an occasional, judiciously-applied swat by a loving parent is the worst thing in the world.
But I definitely think that it’s valuable for people who embrace very different philosophies regarding spanking to realize there is always common ground.
And so, in the spirit of solidarity, I invite each and every one of you out there to rally together and be equally gob-smacked at the courtroom antics of this crazy bastard.
You’re welcome.

WHAT THE ??????
Yikes, that is one twisted son a of a who ha!
What is in the water, in that Texas court?
Wow. Now there's a judge with a closet fetish.
holy crap!
Spanking belongs between consenting adults.
And? Spanking a 14 year old has sexual overtones. Shame on that judge.
That's crazy!
All I can say is...
"What the...?"
Sorry, but I'm laughing at what wheels on the bus first said .... ahem...
But that is jsut twisted. Something I'd expect to hear about maybe a couple of centuries ago, but now?
I think I am on board with you. Now spank me :p
In defense of the rest of the U.S., Texas can be a little out of step sometimes.
Wow. That's a whole lotta what the f*ck.
I've tried the whole spanking thing when I'm fuming. It doesn't work for me. My daughter suddenly start behaving herself and I feel like a horrible mom.
I stopped.
For the most part.
♡ Wow and to provide the "club"! huh!!! Only in Texas!?!?
What a fantastic idea - really great way of getting a family to look after itself.
I know the US has the death penalty but I wasn't aware it had corporal punishment. Surely that was illegal.
Did you hear my jaw hit the floor???
Sounds kinky to me.
I want you to spank her and make her sorry. Make her good and sorry...
We just heard about this on the news this morning. Good grief.
That is too crazy! I grew up with spanking, so my parents were always of the mindset- there's nothing a good spanking can't cure!
The more stories like this I happen upon, them more "unsurprised" I am at some of the antics of our fellow "humans". My God, how can this man be allowed to "Judge" others???????????
How did that man ever become a judge? My lord.
What a nut job!
The spanking debate aside, IMHO, 14 is just too old to be spanked. A teen is just going to roll her eyes at you.
I saw this too - unbelievable. I think I live under a rock sometimes, when I don't realize there are some sick whackjobs out there pulling stunts like this. When I skipped school my parents laughed and told me to do a better job next time and not get caught so easily :-)
What?! We are a family that spanks, but at a certain age it's no longer appropriate. Fourteen is definitely well beyond that, and never in public. That's too much!
What the hell? Seriously. What is the matter with some people?
I don't really have any issues with spanking. I was spanked as a child and I think I deserved it when I got it.
That said, we don't spank in our house. The naughty step has been working just fine.
Um, that is just weird. And a 14 year old?????? I am confused. Def. sounds like a fetish to me.
Wrong and creepy . . . I've swatted my kids a few times when I thought it was warranted . . . but for a judge to order a father to spank his child in the courtroom - while he watches . . . wrong wrong wrong.
Wrong. I'm sorta where you are with the whole spanking thing. A swat not a beating and not very often.
How does one become a judge in Texas anyway? Might be time to look at the system again....
Ok either that judge has been driven over the edge or he likes his robes a little too much...hides his spikey heels and leather strappings...
Also, a little refreshing that you are not an insane anti-spanking parent. I don't support it as a general rule but things are getting a little wacky out there...
That is twisted and creepy and honestly sounds to me like a judge with a fetish. Yikes. And awful. And I hope he loses his robes.
WTF??? I'm with MommyTime, but I think he should keep the robes, 'cuz I don't want to see what he might be doing under them when this was going on... Yikes.
Pretty scary goings on down there.
Gotta love Texas . . .
I had this professor who SWORE that spanking created thoroughly screwed up kids who had a "propensity for violence." I was spanked occasionally . . . and can't say that I've ever gone postal.
Well, not yet anyway. *maniacal laughter*
Unbelievable. What year is this? Wow.
Wow! That judge is just a creepy bastard who likes to watch teenage girls get spanked. That's my opinion anyway. Gross. I'd sue his ass too...I hope they throw the book at him.
THIS is just ONE of the reasons why I don't like Texas.
The humiliation factor for that teenager is what concerns me. Who spanks a teenager???? Perverts?
insane. and that the parent DID it? even more insane. i would have refused. REFUSED. and when the fine and other punishment were presented, I would have appealed and then sued like the parent did. INSANE.
Ahh, Texans!
Now that's messed up!!
Shocking! I'm speechless...
Whether or not a parent uses spanking as a form of disipline is really up to the parent. This judge totally stepped over the line. This gets my hackles up!!!
And, I totally agree with Wheels on the Bus. HAHA!
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