I have always gotten by with a little help from my friends.
I admit my photography skills leave something to be desired, but I know they are improving thanks to two of my very talented friends.
There is OHMommy of course who is running periodic photography challenges, complete with her best tips.
And then there’s the friend I met in the local mom’s group I was almost too cool (or too scared?) to join waaay back when our sons were both mere infants. (That's her second son Theo pictured)
I noticed Kelly MacDonald right away and quickly sought her friendship. And why not? She was engaging and stylish, with a quick wit and an intriguing background in the arts.
One day, I figured, she could probably teach me a thing or two.
Well that day has arrived, my friends.
Kelly has just started her own photography business, with a twist. She has married her photography skills to her visual arts background to produce stylized children’s photos featuring saturated colors and labor intensive post production work.
AND she’s offering a discount and her best tips to all my friends, including YOU.
**Learn more about Kelly, her photography and her suggestions over at Don Mills Diva Recipes and Reviews***

What a fun picture. No wonder you were attracted to her and her work!
AND, thank you, thank you, thank you. I got a little package in the mail today. Thany you so much for the book. I'll gobble it up and then pass it on. It'll see a lot of life. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for sharing this. this is the kind of stuff that makes my day (as photography is my new hobby of choice)
Can't wait to go check it out.
Oooooh. I loved her pictures over there.
I love learning about photography - yeah for friends to teach you!
She's very talented! Lovely of you to promote her work.
do visit to get more tips
If there was one talent I could possess, it would be photography. That photo is amazing. I'll have to check her out!
I love that photo! And how awesome that y'all became friends!!!
(I lack in the photo area as well)
I sooo need to up my photo skills!
what a great photo!
I wanted to drop by your place and say HELLO and thank you for popping by mine and leaving the lovely comment you did!
I'm enjoying hopping from post to post out here and reading your well written, often humourous take on life with a toddler and I'm especially appreciative of your review site.
Can wait to come back and read more.
What a talent! I'll have to check her out, it's such an interesting take; and kids grow so quickly, I'm hoping to get some nice photos done of the kids, while they're still kids, KWIM?
Thanks Kelly.
Oh fun! I'm going right over to check that out!!
But I'll come back here.. promise!
I enjoyed checking out her stuff!
Wow, thanks for pointing her out...she's got some great stuff going on.
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