Sex and the City that is.
And I do apologize if that headline makes you wince, referencing as it does, a cheesy and dated song that hasn't been hip for a very long time.
But in this case? It's kind of appropriate.
Because, as much as it breaks my heart to say it, the much-anticipated Sex and The City movie feels just a little dated, a little cheesy and not very darn hip.
Wanna know why the Carrie and Miranda and Charlotte and Samantha aren't my BFF anymore? Click on over to my Shooting for Hip column at Better Than A Playdate for all the deets!

You know, I was going to see it even though I never watched one episode of SATC but you know? meh.
We're doing a girl's night out to see it. I never saw the show itself though so I hope I 'get' it.
I used to love watching that show. I haven't seen the movie yet but I can understand what you're saying- it was probably the way I felt when I went to my high school reunion and was a little disappointed to realize that some people didn't change a bit- not as cute ten years later.
I really enjoyed it. Guess I'm not hip...
But, then, I knew that already. :)
My strongest emotion after seeing the movie was that they didn't completely screw up the show in translation. But that's about it. The clothes were alternately hideous and breathtaking (as always), and everything was pretty superficial (as always) but without the reflection on the superficiality that made the show stronger. I totally agree with you about all of this. Mostly, it made me tired thinking about struggling to be that skinny and that oblivious all the time.
Well, there I am ... even more "dated" than before. Never even heard of the "dated" song. (Guess it wasn't on any of the 8 tracks in my dinosaur's saddlebag.) (Did Fred Astaire do that one?)
Your admiring and loving Antiquarian Friend.
I've never seen the show, but I'm humming the song, thanks :)
I saw it and had a great time and really enjoyed it because I went with friends and it was a fun movie--sort of like a real long episode.
It did seem trite, though. I think they were trying to show that as you age you have to be true to yourself, but it did come across that they just hadn't changed at all. The product placement was enough to make me want to puke. Oh, and I totally didn't get the Samantha being fat thing at first. She was what, a size 4 or 6? I guess that's HUGE in Hollywood. And Big? I, personally, would have left him in the closet.
Damn you - I'm just out dated enough to have that song running through my head now...
Off to read the deets. :O)
I haven't seen it yet but hope to in the next couple weeks - just need to be able to participate in all the SATC chatting!!
I love the series Sex and the City! Being a small-town girl, I could never see myself hanging out with them, but the show was fun because oh my, I would NEVER wear that! But, I'm no fashionista! I think in light of high gas prices and a slumping economy, a little mindless fluff in the form of 4 money-flinging NY 40-somethings might be in order. I can't blow money on heels, so it's nice to be able to live vicariously through them. I haven't seen the movie..yet! I'll let you know when I do!
Yeah. I heard it was just okay. Still, I have to get to the theater to see it. Eventually!!!
I'm thinking that I'll wait till video LOL
It'll be out for Christmas HA HA
Thanks for the review. I think you're right about the self-indulgence ... but I still want to see it when it's out on video!
This movie got a thumbs down from the critics and a thumbs up from fans. I'm thinkin' I'm gonna like it. *Hopefully* I'll get to go to the movies this weekend...fingers crossed.
ohhh juicy gossip. I will have to check it out :)
I have been feeling lame for not having any desire to see it. But not many have said that they LOVE it. I guess I will wait for video.
We must be on a similar brainwave. I just wrote about the same thing (in brief) this am.
Somehow, I had the feeling I would feel this way. Into the Netflix queue it goes!
I'm going to see it with some girly friends on Thursday. Can't. Wait.
I guess I'll admit to having never seen a single episode.
I used to watch this show simply to see their shoes. sad i know.
I'll have to read this after I see the movie... darn!
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