I love my blog.
I love your blog.
But I also really love my family and my work and my friends and my home and well… something’s gotta give.
I started blogging because I have always felt compelled to write: I did not know about the incredible community I would find in the blogosphere and how truly happy and grateful I would feel upon finding acceptance there.
The problem is I have been running myself slightly ragged trying to reciprocate all the wonderful love and support you have shown me.
And so….
Going forward you may notice that I am not commenting on your blogs as often as I have in the past. It doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you and that I am not reading - I will be reading - it just means that there are only enough hours in the day and I am finding it increasingly hard to carve out the time to actually write.
And I have to try and keep the writing as my priority.
Uh…I mean…after these guys.
I really hope you are not offended. When I do find myself with some spare hours I will be out there commenting my little heart out and trolling new blogs like a mad woman (oh how I love doing that!) and…uh…maybe actually picking up around the old homestead.
And speaking of housekeeping: it has been ages since I updated my blogroll down there in the left hand column. If you are not on it and you would like to be, please leave me a comment with your url and I’ll get things up to speed this weekend.
Thanks. Please keep reading and stay sexy.

Love you always. And you'll note that my comments are few and far between. But I'm always readin'.
And I'll keep reading, if you keep writing.
Damn you for having a life outside of your blog!!!
Heh - just kidding. You have a lot more people commenting on your blog than I have commenting on mine, and even I have problems keeping up with everybody.
But you should read MY blog and comment on it - daily, damnit. Just ignore everybody else's, mmmkay?
You won't lose me - no worries. Take care of what is most important.
p.s. you can add me to your blog roll. i will do the same when i actually do mine. =)
No worries! This blogging evolution seems to happen to us all. First you write, then you start reading more, then you comment and get comments back, and then you don't have time to do anything else and you lose your mind.
I'd love to be on your blogroll:
And really, do what you can, keep your priorities straight and you will not lose any readers. How could we possibly stop reading?
I'll be here:)
How could you!?! Have a life, that is!!!
Of course--you have to take care of you . . . and those wonderful men in your life.
I blogged about this very thing not long ago . . . I was looking for advice.
As of this weekend I am putting my plan into action. I need to find balance--
Good for you for keeping it all in perspective.
No worries about commenting . . . I do hope you keep posting!
From the Cheap Seats/Laskigal
I'll still be here reading. I don't always comment, but I do always read. That's the only way I can stay sane. :)
I think every one goes through a time of reflection. Yeah for you for keeping things real.
I would love to be on your blogroll: http://tuesdayupdate.blogspot.com/
I know the feeling, I still try to comment on all the blogs I read (probably a fraction of what you do!) and I am finding it's taking up too much time.
Something has to give!
Afterall if we live too much in the blogshpere and not enough in real life, WHAT would we write about?
I have been thinking about the same thing -- I will read my little heart out but may not comment quite so much. We all share the bloggy-love....
Oh you haven't lost me! You have become one of my fav blogs to read, and like you I don't comment too much either even though I read everyday.
Please add me! www.ourlittlefunnybunny.wordpress.com
I so can't be your friend anymore. Seriously. I can't. HA HA HA.
Just kidding! Spend time with those boys; they need you more!! :) We all understand!!!
Gasp.. you have a life?
I so badly want to zerbert that belly.
Good to know all is well. I was wondering what happened to you. Thought maybe you got bored of me. You are welcome to add me to your blogroll if you are so inclined. I have been bad about commenting too lately. I have been swamped trying to finish up at work.
No apologies needed. I think most of us feel very much the same way - wanting to stay a part of the community by reciprocating via comments, but not having enough hours in the day to do it on a regular basis.
I would love to be on your blogroll (something i can definitely reciprocate, too.)
I know the feeling of being overwhelmed and I don't have nearly as much on my plate as you do.
I would love to be added to your blogroll if you're willing...just follow my link..
Who cares if you comment?!? What is important is YOUR life!
:-) Beth
I kind of find it amusing that so many bloggers feel that they have to comment on every single post. I am a lame commenter but I still have a few people that read my blog. Just live your life and comment when you feel like it.
You're so sweet to even think you need to apologize- it's completely unnecessary but very thoughtful. I think it's understandable, you have a very popular blog. I'll still be reading.
I could totally see where it would come to that. Yay for you for having your priorities straight.
You're not loosing any readers, silly. Go out and have a life. It's all good.
And the blogroll. RE: being on it. Yeah, I wouldn't mind. Thanks!
Here's the URL:
I'll look forward to more posts, more writing, more family time....I"d love to be on your blogroll.
LOL.... once again you have read my mind. I have 6 blogs in my reader, yours included, that I comment on daily. I have reserved commenting to my comments just once a week. IT is overwhelming.
Spring has sprung and I am hitting the outdoors. Have fun with your fellas. Can't wait to read all anout your fun.
I always wish I had more time for commenting. The guilt is a really hard thing to shake. I'm impressed when I do the rounds and see all the wonderful comments that everyone leaves. Then I beat myself up some more.
It would rock to be on your roll.
That's it....I'm done with you.
lol if only....sigh. I get you...hear you...I'm on the computer entirely tooooooooo much.
no worries. :) take care of you and yours.
oh and if you want to....I'd be honored to sit on your blogroll.
This is exactly why I try hard not to add new blogs. I love the ones I read, if I fall out of love, I'll drop one, so it's manageable to keep up with the people I've found. But very rarely do I pick up someone new.
And omg I haven't updated my blogroll in ages, but i warn you, blogger is giving me major grief about saving template changes right now, so I can't seem to change it anyhow! Gah. Tried to put up the playdate button today for at least an hour.
This whole experience of getting back to writing for my own sake has been the best therapy I can think of.
All the wonderful posts I've read in your blog and others has been like icing on the cake.
Commenting in response the cherry on top...
But in 23 days time I'll be back at work and guess what? I won't be able to sit for hours every day, reading blogs and making (hopefully) thoughtful comments.
We all need to set our priorites and you're making the right choices.
Of course I'd like to be on your blog roll!
I'll miss you! but will still look forward to your posts!
hope you will link?
I'm not offended at all...I have the same time-crunch problem alot of the time and obviously family has to come first! I don't think anyone out there started blogging to be stressed out about visiting others (or not).
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. :)
Would you please add me? Thanks!
No one has time to do everything. You are right to set your priorities. Of course, I'll be delighted to see you whenever you stop by;
I feel your pain, indeed! Last night I was feeling so far behind on commenting. I've even given up on going back to see if there's a comment to my comment :-) I joined BlogLines, though, and started just adding my favorites to that as my reader. So I can quickly see who has a new post up, hop in, read, and comment. At least it's made that part easier.
Once you start getting into the double-digits (let alone triple, as I'm sure David M. has) of readers, it all gets to be a bit much! No worries here.
If you want to add me, I'm here:
I understand, I will will still read (and comment when I have time). Now go play, and keeping ignoring the housework :)
psshaaa we are all busy, and it is my dream that all moms are putting their kids first. Really if you are not out experiencing life what is there to write about?
I have been crazy busy so I completely understand ... hang in there and enjoy it all :)
As I've been reading with Google Reader lately, I find I'm commenting less and less. But I don't read and comment to get return comments Kelly.
I read you because your writing always wows me and I think you're a pretty cool chick. :)
i dont read for comments back silly.
but.. really.. a life outside of blogland.. sheesh.. what is this world coming to?
I say it is your blog and life for that matter so you are allowed to put the priority wherever it serves you best.
I think if blogging becomes a burden then what is the point?
Enjoy your writing time, I am sure it brings you much happiness.
Please, Diva, no guilt! (You should hop on over to Mrs. Flingers and pick yourself up one of them there "blog guilt free" buttons.
Keeping up in the blogging world can be hectic. But real life and sanity take precedence. I'll still be reading!
I totally understand about the whole commenting thing. I find it so hard to write in my own blog, work 40+ hours a week and then comment on other's blogs.
Just enjoy the writing and your family...that's all that matters.
PS...I would love to be added to your blogroll
I am sure everyone will understand. I also find blogging can seriously cut into my 'actual' work. Speaking of 'actual' work... ta ta for now!
Don't you hate when work gets in the way of your activities???
I like your blog too much to split now...And I will look forward to seeing you when I see you at mine...
Eh, life happens. Blogging is awesome but only a fraction of our lives. When it starts interfering with reality, it's gotta be cut short.
Yup. I wrote about this not too long ago as well. The last 4 weeks, I have taken at least 2 and often 3 days off of commenting altogether. Maybe one or two comments on my absolute favs, but I just don't do it as much. i find when I alot myself a couple hours one particular day out of 3, I am almost as effective as I was when checking every hour or so.
I figure the way I have eased into letting go is a good way to ease into summer and activities and life outside.
So, I hear ya and I concur.
It's funny. I just started blogging in earnest a couple months ago, and I have been wondering how everyone else seemed to do it... blog every day (or about), comment all over the interweb, and still have a family and quality things to blog about.
Now I don't feel so bad knowing it is a huge time commitment from others.
I am glad I found your blog though and am glad you are going to continue to write.
Oh heavens to betsy you dear woman! No biggie!!
Just keep on writin' and we'll keep on readin'! :)
What is it about spring that's making everyone remember they have lives outside the blogosphere?!? Hmmm...I guess everyone else wants to go out and enjoy the sunlight.
No worries - we'll be here!
I'm exactly where you are, so if you find me commenting on five of your posts in a row, it's because I finally had time to play catch up. I am here, just don't always have the time...or the hands free.
Dude I soooo hear ya! I used to read all the blogs on my roll every day . . . now there are so many, I can't do it . . . working mommy who's on her own half the time . . . and who likes to play and have her own time with the girls. Back atchya with the reading, but not always commenting . . . always checking up, but not always checking in :-)
Have fun with the fam, and write your little hear out! I love reading :-)
I've had to do this too. I had a choice. Feel compelled to spend hours at the computer until I burn out and stop blogging entirely, or find a balance to gives more time to my family and less to the blogosphere. It's an easy choice to make, and better than leaving blogging entirely.
I'm sure you've noticed that I've slowed down too. I used to try to write something every day, and visit all the new feeds on my reader every day. Now I try to blog something once a week or so, and I catch up my reader when I can. It feels a lot more balanced and I feel like the quality of what I'm writing is a little more honed.
Stop by when you can. I'm still here, but just a little slower than I used to be.
I am a faithful reader.. and will read no matter what..family is what life is about.. nothing else.. enjoy !! :)
Those boys should definitely come first. And then your writing. You're such a good writer, and it's so important to keep writing. Commenting on others is not as important. I think we all understand that.
I'll still be by and reading, even if I don't comment every time.
And I'd like to be on your blogroll, if you'd like to have me: caramamamia.blogspot.com
I have that same problem as do so many of us in blogland. I just enjoy reading so much of what you write and will keep on visiting.
Ugh. I hear ya. I've been struggling too. Especially with the weather getting warmer and wanting to get the boys outside more.
I want to copy this post and put it up on my blog.
I totally get it and have been there myself.
No worries, m'dear. None at all.
Love you no matter what.
Real life trumps blog life. No question about that. Thanks for this post -- I've had the same thoughts and the same guilt too, and you've saved me having to type all of this out and reassured me that I'm not alone.
I am having the same trouble. So I totally understand.
Oh man don't be sorry. I was just having this conversation the other night about how hard it is getting to keep up!
I will also keep reading and stay sexy.
No worries! Do what ya can when ya can. Everyone needs a break and gather more blog-fodder. :)
I am doing the same thing. I am reading when I can and not commenting as often.
Enjoy your time with your writing...er, I mean, your family.
I'll read if you write :)
Add me to your blogroll?
Yeah, I'm still reading posts from last Tuesday. There are too many good writers out there. :)
You're one of my favorite readers and always will be. You know how terrible I am about commenting, so no worries! I would love to be on oyur blog roll, though:
I love reading your posts and I love hearing from you. I totally understand about the time management situation (laundry is up to my ears) I found myself holding my breath at the beginning of the post...I was afraid you were going to stop all together (yikes!)
I am very glad that you will still be around!
We're all totally hip to this apparently! Like others here, you write and we'll be reading.
I'm so exactly right here too.
Today's one of those days in which reading blogs/commenting has seriously interfered with my ability to get any work done. It's got to stop. I'm with you - life outside the blogging world is more important.
Totally feel you on that blog/life balance thing. It's hard. Not sure how to work it all out yet either.
My dearest Diva, you are not alone here. One of the reasons I have not stopped by and visited you lately is because I am trying to prioritize and blogging (both writing and reading) has fallen to the bottom of the list. We ALL understand that something has got to give in terms of timing and fitting it all in. Enjoy your beautiful family, express yourself with beautiful words, and then, occasionally, visit your beautiful readers. Cheers!
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