I woke up yesterday morning with an aching butt.
And a thrilling sense of accomplishment.
It's not like that never happens anymore, but once you become a parent it just doesn't happen enough, you know?
Except for this week: this week I was on fire.
What's this all about? You're gonna have to skedaddle on over to my Shooting For Hip Column at Better Than a Playdate to find out. Or you could just click here. You know, if you don't feel like skedaddling.

On fire when you're already smokin' :)
Good for you for keeping up this healthy challenge. Making me feel guilty for having dessert tonight ... bad me!
Those frozen entrees make me wish we lived in Canada and had access to Presiden't Choice again
Good for you for sticking to it. I know it feels so good when exercise becomes regular. If only I could get to that point... -sigh- I'm very happy for you. :)
Man - and I thought you were busy gettin' some!
what, no picture?
Maybe I should be going to law school instead of teacher school--law student hot mama and Cheri and I were thinking along the same lines!
And I was proud of myself for turning down the free brownie! You rock, miss Diva!
♡ That's so not my favorite thing! My butt would be on fire too!!! :)
You are a DIVA for sure...way to go...please send some of that motivation my way...I sure need it.
I'm gonna have that song in my head all day now. LOL.
Okay...it's late and my mind is in the gutter...at least I'm not the only one!! What a post this had the possibility of becoming!!whew!!
It's nice to be able to find some form of exercise that you don't mind doing most days...that's my problem...I'm pretty hard to please when it comes to working out!! (translation: it takes something reeeeeaalllly good to get me excited about working out!!)
and yes...you go girl!!! :-D
I need to become more regular. UGH! I just need to get motviated. Send me some my way!
Congrats to your butt and the rest of you. That is really cool and I hope to become inspired...
Congrats on your accomplishments. Well done
Okay no fair..I had way more fun imagining why your butt hurt. I had you necking at the park under a tree on a blanket that didn't soften the tree roots, but gave you a sunshiney weekend nonetheless
Burn, baby, burn! You, go Diva!
Oh. BTW. You've been tagged. Check it out at my place.
You go, girl! Way to kick butt!
YOU GO GIRL. I agree with flutter and vote for a photo! ;)
I wish I could exercise on a regular basis. Work just takes up too much of my time to even have enough free time to work out...
Excercise pain, wahoo! Love it! Keep it going!
Do some for me!!!
" skedaddling" was an excellent suggestion! I'm glad that I did.
Lovin Ya ...
niiiice teaser...
good for you though, aside from the after burn, doesn't working out feel fantastic?
I was in a crap mood and got up and went for a 45 min run & hit the gym and did 30 min of weights and I feel soooo much better
I have to work out at least twice a week (3 is even better) in order to stay sane.
and I love the president.
choice that is.
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