I remember prom being kinda a big thing in high school.
I remember feeling stressed because, although I went every year, I was always asked last minute.
I remember feeling just a bit sad that I never once went with a date I was particularly interested in romantically.
I remember that a guy I was interested in, from another school, showed up at my house to take me for a motorcycle ride an hour before my senior prom date was due to arrive.
I remember hastily french-braiding my wind-blown hair with one minute to spare and not caring how it looked.
I remember thinking I was a cool rocker chick when my senior prom date and I smoked cigarettes and drank beer on a roof top across from the school/ prom venue and talked smack about the people arriving.
I remember he wore a white tuxedo and shoes and that when he moved in for the kill, I shot him a whithering glace and said, "It's not gonna happen." (Apparently I was a bitch)
I don't ever remember thinking that white nylons look good with black pumps.
I must have blacked that part out.
That's me on the left.
I wrote this post as part of Flashback Fridays: Prom Memories.
Check out some more memories from these participants:
Sweetney, Her Bad Mother, Girl's Gone Child, Breed Em And Weep, Oh The Joys, Mamalogues, Whoorl, Mrs Flinger, Assertagirl, Don Mills Diva
All are welcome to join in and publish a post on this theme. Just copy the list of participants and add it to the bottom of your post. Don’t forget to add yourself!

Man - I JUST did a prom post. I was a total prom whore - I think I went to 2 proms every year in high school. My dresses were HORRID. And I remember also telling one guy "not gonna happen." I was also a biatch.
Oh man!! I don't even think I can find a prom picture (and even if I could, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to post it) HA!!
I was laughing as I read this. I was guilty of wearing white nylons at one point in my life also. ;)
I never went to prom, but you can bet your ass if I did, I so would have made the white tight, black pump faux pas
Wow, I've been doing Flashback Fridays since I started in December. Did I steal it from someone else or is the idea catching on?
At least you didn't pair the white tights with a white hat!
I don't have any pics from prom, but it wasn't that memorable for me, either. And hey, you don't look like a rocker/smoker bitch at all :)
That is amazing. White tights with black shoes. AMAZING. lol Fun!! :)
You look so cute! I never went to a prom, we didn't have them in my town. I always felt bummed about that when I was a kid. No longer, though.
you were asked to prom EVERY year? so popular! :) My senior year I didn't go with a guy I was interested in... the whole experience was kinda disappointing. I bet it would have been 100 times better if I was drooing over my date and hoping for a kiss all night.
♥ You crack me up with the withering glance & white nylons!
What a fantastic post!
It's always fun to take a walk down memory lane. I was also guilty of wearing white nylons! LOL!
What's even scarier is that I had a dress almost exactly the same as yours! Mine was a shade of blue that was just a little darker than yours and it had a fugly looking black sequins flower at the hip. LOL! GAH!
I've never worn white nylons! You look adorable though!
I love that you made it up to the roof of the school. I did too!
What in gods name is happening over there on the right? I know it was the 80's and all, but still...
What a great post. The 80's really weren't kind on anyone. White nylons and black pumps...I am glad that look didn't stick. Your dress was lovely though
Flashback Fridays? What a great idea. This post rocked. Funny stuff!
white tights looked GREAT back then.
I remember the white nylons years. Or, year. Somehow it doesn't seem that long ago...
Looking fabulous in the white tights! :) Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
I just did my own post, though not very well. :)
LOVE the nylons, btw. Rockin.
I think you look great there! You haven't changed very much:)
Awwww.... you look so cute! White nylons and all.
I was a wanna be "hippie" at my highschool prom and wore a dress with no nylons and sandals.
You were (are) so much cooler. :)
So awesome.
I know I have some prom pictures somewhere! I don't dare drag them out. Way too much hairspray was happening in the mid80s!
You were rockin' the white hose I might add!
Every once in a while my friends and I would go to the ballroom where a lot of proms were held and we would crash other school's dances and rock out in our shorts and jeans.
Inevitably some girl in nylons and a fancy dress would comment that she wished she were wearing what we were.
I think those nights were more fun than my actual proms.
Cute post! I was also guilty of wearing white nylons with black shoes in the eighties...unfortunately I also had the BIG (very BIG) hair to go with it.
Loved the prom story. Especially about the motorcycle ride with the boy that you did like just before the boy that you didn't like all that much picked you up.
And the white stockings and black pumps...oh, well....makes for great blog fodder - years later!
P.S. Yes, meeting BOSSY was awesome! But, Tootsie, now that was FUN!
I love these prom posts - but they leave me feeling weirdly wistful because I never went to a SINGLE prom.... I could of, but I didn't WANT to and now I wish I had so I could blog about it. Stupid past me.
I'm with Beck. I would have put myself through prom anguish if only I'd known someday I would be a blogger.
That girl on the right will probably pay you to take that picture off your blog, by the way.
I think every prom photo I have seen has someone in white nylons...what on earth were we thinking!
Buhahaha! I LOVE IT. We're going to an 80's prom next weekend and my friend Michelle bought a dress almost just like yours. She'll be thrilled!
This is great!
love all of it!!
hmmm..where are my prom pics?
Oh my...
I got nothin'
It just amazes me when I look at high school photos, just how much fashion has changed in but a few decades! All the things we thought were soooooooo cool then now look kind of like "What the heck was I thinking?"
I'm in the process of digging up old high school pics because I somehow ended up being the one who is organizing our 15 year high school reunion this year. Looking at the photos just cracks me up.
BTW, you were (and still are) gorgeous!!!!! Graham's got a hot mommy! ;)
I was being "all enchanted" until your "thinking that white nylons look good with black pumps." Then I scrolled down. Oh my!
And, wouldn't you know? I recalled (way before YOUR time) Pat Boone white buckskin shoes! Oh my gosh! What a mess those were. (and Oh how I loved them!) "Progress?!"
Sure do love you, though. (and THAT stays in style)
last night was prom here, so this post was perfect!
Great picture with 3 very different looks! Oh, how I loved my mauve and hot pink prom gown......
I would join you, but I burned the pictures!!
(Yes, it really was that bad!)
EVERYONE who gave in to 80's fashion trends needs to plead temporary insanity. It's the only decade with no redeeming fashion qualities.
With an 80s perm, I so wouldn't be caught dead publishing a picture of me from prom. But I loved your entry. Very refreshingly honest! I laughed and remembered my own prom...thanks for the memories!
Awe.Some. I love the motorcycle story. I had a shiny blue prom dress once, too. But mine also had a big black bubble skirt around it. Thank you, 1988.
I LOVE it! How cute are you?
I'm trying to even remember who I went to senior prom with.....
I love the pic! You look great, even in the white tights.
And your friend liked white nylons too! I think that would be a really nice and non-embarrassing photo if you cropped out the legs!!! But keep the original to laugh at....
LOL!! I had that dress but in pink. I must dig these photos out. Soon. I need the giggle! =)
I didn't go to my own prom - but the year before, I went to my boyfriend's tiny alternative school's "formal" at someone's house and backyard, I think.
I skipped mine and sent my then-new-boyfriend with his ex. I knew it would be fine, they had planned it before we started going out, and I wasn't much on going myself.
The real question is do white nylons look good with any shoe? Or any THING. I'm so glad the 80s are over.
OH MA GAWD...Hahahaha!
(Please excuse me while I point and laugh)
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