Hip people eat dinner really late.
I don't know exactly who proclaimed this an edict, but I do know that my stubborn attempt to abide by it, even since becoming a mom, is probably the biggest reason why my exercise routine has fallen by the wayside and my weight is starting to creep upwards.
And there's nothing the least bit hip about that.
Cooking and eating is just another style indulgence for a lot of young marrieds. There's something so sensuous and decadent about dallying in the kitchen, sipping wine, preparing gourmet food and then enjoying the fruits of your labour at some ungodly hour, secure in the knowledge that you'll still be awake hours later to...ahem..work it off.
But indulgent style ain't exactly kid-friendly.
Check out the rest of this Shooting For Hip column over at Better Than A Playdate. Oh yeah baby: it used to be Mommyblogstoronto but now it's new and it's all sexed up and it RAWKS!
I promise. Go see.

okay, I'll git....
yes, leisure dinners with wine and chatter are so not kid-friendly. Something to look forward too in the later years I guess. :)
Oh, yes. I do miss those hip late nights. Food tasted so good and my waist line listened to me.
I could not imagine serving anything in a box to my children. The occasional pizza, chix nuggets, and Mac N Cheese when I am desperate is ok.
My rule of thumb is if I am not gonna eat it... I ain't serving the kids it either.
I like your rule. I think I will apply it to the guy who lives in my house
If you're going to bed by 11 to be up with a toddler at 6 there is now way dinner at 9 sounds good to me!
Oh, man - I'd completely forgotten about late-night dinners!
Ooo I could totally use a late night half-drunken dinner!
I know that slippery slope all to well.
Yes, I know that if I go to a restaurant with my family at 6:00 for dinner, I will be there with other families with young children, and elderly people 70 years or older.
I totally drink wine while shoveling food into my baby . . . does that count?
I gitted. Nice article. Enjoy your nutritionist.
Good luck!
Just wait...they get older and pretty soon you will all be at the table with a bottle of wine at 10 debating the politics of the day. It all comes full circle if you just hang around long enough....
We've never differentiated between "kid meals" and "adult meals" we eat together as a family, and consequently my kids aren't afraid of Thai food or eggplant Parmesan the way some of my friends' kids are. My kids eat whatever I'm eating, and since that's how they were raised since solids were introduced, new foods aren't weird to them. My kids and DH usually help me in the kitchen, so it's a fun family event.
Late night dinners?? I'm SURE I used to fit in that category. But now, if I haven't eaten dinner by 5:30 - no later than 6pm - I become Mrs. Grumpy Bear. Time now is 7:30pm and I haven't eaten yet....heads are about to roll ;)
We? Were never hip. Sigh.
I gitted. Late night dinners are not kid friendy, but I was soooo excited to read that Bare Naked Ladies are now! I am totally tossing my Wiggles CD's.
I'm going....
I hear ya on this one. I will git after I make my rounds in blogsphere.
Have a great day!
Yeah, we are so young and free.
I will have to go and check it out.
It may be hip, but it give you more hips, right? I'll go check it out.
Can I just step in here as a mom of two teenaged boys with activities that keep us sooooo busy that dinner at 8:30 p.m. is a "normal" occurrence?
Late, but not hip.
I find myself WISHING for those early dinners. I could get to bed earlier.
I popped over to read your column. What a great read!
Good luck with everything :)
P.S. I've got a fun little contest on right now. However, the prize won't fit into your healthy lifestyle bit ;)
I exercise if you count lifting a toddler and a baby, or pushing 70 pounds of stroller and kids up a hill. No?
Ok, yeah, I hear you on that front.
Leisurely late-night dinners are SO over in our house. Sigh.
But getting to bed earlier? HEAVENLY.
We always eat at 5
Hubby comes home at five, and likes to have dinner right away.
Unfortunately I always eat dinner late... The BF doesn't get home til later and I like us to eat together.. Guess that means we're hip, LOL..
I love your blog BTW.. Very cute!
we are still able to enjoy those ngihts sometimes....our kid is still young enough and luckyly will sleep anywhere. So we can go over and chat and eat with good friends here adn there, but not like we use to.
Late night snacking? Tostitos, peanut butter on the spoon, crackers, cheese . . . by candlelight. Does that count?
I like to eat morning, noon & night. I have a big ole' muffin top to prove it....and no, no pictures of me in a bikini will be showing up on my site anytime soon!
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