Then get it back to its wrangler, dismantle the tripod and lights and get the kid in hair and makeup. Quick, big daddy, pack his tambourine and cap and throw him in the car: the Shiners are booked at the hotel down the street and he's not gonna stay this cute forever. Mama's got some s'ploiting to do!

That's an awesome picture, dude. Seriously cool.
hee hee. Cute shot!
Nice shot. :)
gahhhhh cuuuuuuute!
Great shot!
Great photo!
how cute...please tell me that thing is behind a glass
That is a rockin' photo!
Awesome! That raccoon is so much cooler when it's not . . . you know . . . all stiff and sad on the side of the road.
we have one of those (coons, not cute little boys) in our backyard... our cat tried to launch itself through the window to attack it this evening.
very funny, by the way. ;)
ha ha ha ha ha...
you s'ploit away girl!
have a great weekend!
This post ought to appear in the G&M in answer to the detractors who were given free rein after that article had appeared.
And oh - great picture!
Is that thing real, or stuffed? I find taxidermied animals are SO much more cooperative in photos...
RAcoons are evil. I hate them. Your son is adorable, but the coon makes me shivver. I have too many of them in my neighborhood. I swear that they are out to eat me.
Well, s'ploit away is what I say.
Love the shot, and your commentary even more! :)
What a great shot! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :-)
Sweet shot!
I'm all about 'sploiting the good shots ;)
You mean the raccoon? You're right - he's only cute on that side of the glass.
Comedic genius turn of phrase!
Great hair (your guy...not the coon)!!
Uh oh. Expect comments from some irate raccoons who now need therapy after being exploited this way.
Great exploiting - I wonder who will need more therapy? Graham or the 'coon?
Who was more surprised?
hehe That is a cute picture!
That is one bold racoon. And one sweet boy!
I love that picture! We used to have raccoons come up on our deck and eat apples we left for them. That was before children and before I learned they were a big rabies carrier! Who knew?
P.S. I'm glad you're ahead of your time. I love reading your blog. I just wish I had more time to read and more time to comment. Keep up the good work.
picture perfect :)
♡ Great picture!!!
What a great shot!!
Geez, why all the trouble with hotel rooms and bars when you could just stand him on the street corner? Oh yeah- darn DYFS getting in the way of exploitation ;) ;) ;)
I started reading Erma Bombeck at age 10. I still do.
Great shot :) Pretty neat that your son is not scared. It looks like he is reaching out for better contact.
What a great shot!!! No reflection on the glass - no red eye on the raccoon - wow! Nicely done.
It looks like they're ready for a big hug!
He looks fascinated. What another fun day!
My 80 pound lab looked EXACTLY like this last night when he flew through the air to attack me...erm, I mean, give me love. Great pic!
LOL! Now if you can get Graham AND the coon to play tambourine together you'll make a fortune! ;)
Everyone is saying how cute this photo is...while when I saw it I thought "OH MY GOSH, that is SCARY!" What a big ol' coon!!!
Very impressive shot!
Love. It! But that coon is HUGE.
what a sweet photo!
That is great! I saw you on Mommy Cracked comments! Had to come get a gander at your blog. lol
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