Stay off the sidewalks,
Lock up your daughters,
And be prepared to suck some exhaust...
Because my boy's got a licence to drive!

Stay off the sidewalks,
Lock up your daughters,
And be prepared to suck some exhaust...
Because my boy's got a licence to drive!
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
8:51 PM
his first tricycle ride ever
It was 60 here on Saturday. I can't believe the snow still on the ground! He looks so cute!
Do they make adult tricycles? If so, I want one!
It is like the light at the end of the tunnel! How cute is he.
Sweet tricycle! :)
Dude, I am so hitching a ride with him.
He looks serious about the road, man.
Very cute! Wishing you warm weather to melt the snow away....
He looks pretty tough there. I don't think he even needs the leather jacket and shades! ;)
Woo hoo--look at 'em go. You know what's next don't ya? A bike . . . then . . . keys please. Yikes!!!
you better get that boy some snow tires
He looks so serious on the road there LOL!
So sweet, isn't it fantastic that spring is finally here?
It's like a big wheel! That's awesome! Way to go, Graham!!
You'll really laugh about this when he actually does have a license to drive--and it's not as far away as you might think!
Must give my boy a license as well. Time I go shop for a nice "car" for him!
I just swooned
♥ So cute! I love Big Wheels! :)
Look at his toque! So cute.
That's one hog of a tricycle!
Way too cute for the hat!
Spring is starting,isn't it wonderful? Took kids for a bike ride on Saturday for the first time -it was nice to be out!
Hope all is well.
LOL... He needs his snow tires. :)
Our snow finally melted this weekend. It was beautiful!
very cute -- let the sun shine and wheels spin! :)
how cute is that! looks like he is enjoying being outside now!
So sweet! I'll definitely be staying off the sidewalks!
You, my Darlin' are totally blessed! He is so beautiful! "Joy on wheels."
What a cutie pie. I am totally keeping my daughter down here in Illinois. All she needs is a cute guy on a bike. Give me a heart attack, why don't you?
Lol...he is too cute! Looks like he had fun!
That is too sweet! Look out world, here he comes...
That is one mean machine!
We're still waiting for the sidewalks to clear off just a bit more so The Baby can take to the open road... or sidewalk...
He even looks a bit like Dennis Hopper with that serious stare :)
Pretty cool bike, he looks so cute!
You've got bling!
I don't know about you, but I am soooooo happy my wild man can finally get out and run around. Spring is not coming fast enough.
Cute Pic!
Just knowing that riding season is out there gives everyone that little lift! Hope he enjoys the spring!
You can tell he's looking for whatever comes his way! (I think I just stole this from a song...)
tee hee...he looks rip roaring to go. :)
I've been gone....too behind to catch up on everyone's blog, so I am starting fresh. So sorry if I missed anything.
Awww. So adorable!
I love the little look on his face!! What a cute shot.
Clear the roads!!!!
No daughters here to lock up but my dudes would join him anyday!
Boys and their toys :-)
Oh Ma Gawd...too effing cute! I'm DYING to get my kids one of these things but haven't yet for fear of them running me over and then cruising the 'hood and stealing other children's popsicles. ;)
"I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space" ~Steppenwolf
Wahoo! Watch out world here he comes!
totally cute!
Hurray for warmer weather and playing outside!
What a cutie! Enjoy your nice weather :)
Sweeeeeet!!! What an adorable little guy you've got!!
Lock up the daughters - for sure!! What a cutie and he looks like he is having fun!!! Glad spring is coming for you all - it won't be long now! See ya - Kellan
ohhhhh sweet ride!
Watch out world!! lol!
Aw, he's so cute!
adorable! and watch those driveways too!
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