"It is true that you may occasionally overhear a mother say
"'Children must have their naps,
It's mother who knows best.'
When what she really means by that
Is that she needs a rest. "
"'Children must have their naps,
It's mother who knows best.'
When what she really means by that
Is that she needs a rest. "

LOL! Quiet possible :)
But he does looks tired too...I think the kitty is keeping him awake ;)
Awww! So cute!!!
LOL - I remember putting on DVD's for Sierra to watch whenever the baby fell asleep so I could nap. Did you manage to get a nap?
yes!! There are so many days when I think I need the rest more than they do!!
I lurve me some naps.
It almost looks like you're holding him down though, so he doesn't go anywhere to cause some noisy trouble. :)
Truer words have never been spoken. :)
I think I will take a nap right now, you know, in solidarity
I love that your sleeping and G is awake. What a great shot!
I have definitely pulled that one a few times in my mom career!
Too true.
That is the truth. I love nap time.
oh so very very VERY true :)
That's the rule #1...I am training to get a 10" nap when the kids watch their favourite show after school. They have agood time and I feel more patient !!
Exactly! :)
What a funny picture! Some days I live for naptime. It always seems like we don't get one on those days, either. Hmmm....
Amen...now if I could just get my kids to remain still long enough!
If you can think of a way to get mine to not give his up? I'll pay you tons of money. No nap in the last week. I'm living in fear. Congrats on catching some shut eye.
oh, and just like here-- mom's eyes are closed while the child is NOT resting.
I couldn't agree more.
Haha!!! I can SO relate...!!
Haha, I have to imagine that's true.
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