Do you think there's such a thing as cold weather beauty?
I have to believe that there is.
Given that another 25 centimeters of snow just fell over the weekend here in Toronto and that the mercury has barely risen above -10 Celsius in days, there had better be.
Otherwise I may as well just give up the ghost and resign myself to spending several months every year packing on extra pounds, sporting dry skin and hair and wearing dreary, shapeless clothing.
But it's hard to be fetching when you're freezing, no question. And staying warm isn't normally very conducive to looking hot.
But as a self-proclaimed diva who makes her home in the Great White North - that's Canada, eh - I believe it behooves me to try. To that end I have a few tips to share before I turn the floor over to all you snow queens out there for your favorite ways to generate heat in the dead of winter.
Click on over to my Shooting For Hip column at Better Than A Playdate to read my tips on staying hot when it's cold outside and to contribute some of your own!

I almost died when I lived in the Northeast (Massachusetts). I can't wait to hear (clicking over now) how you stay warm........:)
The winter sucks. It is pretty for about 12 minutes (the time it takes to bundle yourself and the kids up to ven ture into the cold... and then for about 2 seconds while to decided to go back indside.
i was born and raised here in Ottawa and i still cant get used to the cold. i am a summer baby for sure.
i did however pick up some of the new vaseline clinical therapy at walmart and let me tell you - it has made my skin happy in these cold dry months. its my new winter must have
Thanks for the shout out. Not necessary but appreciated. :-)
Winter is red skin, static-y hair, strange acne patterns, general dryness, and hairy legs.
oh boy could I use a few tips- or more like an intervention....
is it normal to wear yoga pants 7 days in a row?
(and only be doing yoga once a week?)
headed over now for some inspiration...
We had snow here today ~ not alot ~ and nothing like what you get over there ~ but it is cold!!
I hate being cold too ~ I am just off to bed ~ wrapped up in PJ's, Dressing gown, get the picture ha ha !!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXXX
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