I was truly honoured to receive this little piece of hardware last week from MommyK over at The Great Walls of Baltimore.
She tagged me after being inspired by this post which got her thinking that Halloween is sometimes more about parents showing off their kids than anything else.
It's nice to be recognised for your humble contributions to the blogosphere, especially when there truly is so much inspiring stuff out there.
This award is also a meme and it works like this:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote
So, in the interest of spreading love and deep thoughts, here are the people and the blogs that made me think this week:
Dayna over at A Bug's Life - I am constantly inspired by the strength, grace and wit she brings to the challenges of mothering three chronically-ill children. Today's post moved me to tears.
Slouchy Mom over at Slouching Past 40 - She writes exquisitely, is completely established and has oodles of fans, yet remains self-depreciating and wonderfully welcoming to newbies like me. This recent post on mean girls really touched me.
Laura at Lunatic Fringe - This women has 3 kids under the age of four and she is taking up the challenge of posting every day for the month of November? And cooking up cool things like this? She makes me think I should just shut up about how busy I am.
Catherine at Her Bad Mother - Man can this girl write. This post about Brittany Spears is probably one of the most poignant things I have ever read. And if you check out her best-of archives you'll find even more great stuff. Her skill inspires me and make me want to continue to push myself to be a better writer.
The always engaging Bub and Pie always has something that makes me glad I dropped by. I especially love this post about embracing the failure when it comes to parenting. I think I'll take her advice!

Thank you for those kind, kind words. And your other choices are all wonderful!
Congrats. to you, too.
Thanks! What a thrill it was to read my name on the list! I am putting my list together and will post shortly!
Loving your blog - keep it up!
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