Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Daddy's best boy

Daddy works long hours. Really long hours.

He wanted desperately to get home in time to kiss his boy goodnight on his birthday yesterday, but was stuck at work until after 10 p.m.

But being the wonderful daddy that he is and fully understanding his son's greatest obsession, he made sure there was a big surprise waiting for Graham when he woke up this morning.

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Be Inspired Always said...

What a cutie pie :)

I'm new to your blog, just wanted to say that I'm enjoying it.


Laura said...

Hope Graham had agreat day! HE must have loved the balloons!

Tania said...

Awwww, good Daddy.

Nancy said...

Such a cute birthday boy!

*Thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

Anonymous said...

That's lovely! Lucky boy!

Karen MEG said...

He sure loves those balloons doesn't he! Happy birthday!!