They're yesterday's news. Having mastered them with such style and, er, grace, we today moved on to cupcakes!
And not just any cupcakes.
Cupcakes with four shades of neon-coloured frosting and an array of gummy toppings.

Which almost made up for the fact that the end result was sickening sweet and, well, kinda disgusting...

But that's just my humble opinion, of course.
*Need cheap cupcakes and lots of them? E-mail me - you won't believe the prices!*
Mmmmmm. Now you've made me hungry for cupcakes. Or at least cookies! Tomorrow will have to be a baking day!
I'm sure from Graham's perspective it was just the right amount of sweet!
uh... yum?
or maybe not.
Graham sure seems to love them.. doesnt matter what you think mom *giggles*
I have to make 70 cupcakes for three different parties this week. Oh, I cannot wait.
Wow, those are some pretty bright cupcakes, INDEED! But, Graham seems to be enjoying his so s'all good, right! ;) And, I'm so excited to bake with the Monkey. The most I can get her to do is pour the chocolate chips into the muffin batter.... It's a start!
Looks like someone (what a cutie) liked them... And at least they're pretty - a little beauty goes a long way.
which reminds me... i need to bake cookies today
Yum and what a great time Graham had.
Looks like someone enjoyed them!
Well as long as your little chef enjoyed it and doesn't mind them being so sweet then I think it's worth all that work. He's even cuter with all that frosting on his face. ;)
We made cupcakes yesterday, opting for sprinkles...sprinkles all over the place! Seriously, though, are't cupcakes among the best things ever!?
They LOOK delicious! :)
Since my tastes never matured much past the age of 5, I think they look delish! Pastel icing and gummy candies? Sounds like heaven to me.
I'll always eat a cupcake. They look really good and it looks like he had a ball!
Yummy! I can't believe that much sugar was disgusting. Obviously I've got a big ole sweet tooth...
Oooh, they make my teeth hurt but I do love a good cupcake!
I tell ya, it takes three times longer to make cupcakes when kiddos are involved, but they LOVE it! Cute pics!
Those look cute :)
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