Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
California dreaming

My boy races the waves at Santa Monica Pier.

Posted by
Don Mills Diva
1:09 AM
fabulous voices rang out
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Look at me Dad!
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
4:43 PM
fabulous voices rang out
big boy bike
Friday, March 26, 2010
Gold medals in ice hockey aside, I think my favorite Olympic moment this year was watching snowboarder Shaun White win his gold medal for the halfpipe: dude is cool personified.
And balmy weather and career opportunity aside, I think my favorite part of living in Los Angeles is my proximity to Target: store is style epitomized.
So can you just imagine my joy at learning that Shaun White has a line of clothing for little boys available at Target?
Shaun White, Target and a little boy in need of new clothes: a perfect trifecta of my favorite things.
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
11:36 PM
fabulous voices rang out
Shaun White,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hello from La-La Land
Rob headed back to Toronto two weeks ago for work but Grandma has been here in his stead and we've been showing her around.
La Jolla Cove...
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
12:18 AM
fabulous voices rang out
update from California
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Did I mention Graham loves his preschool here in Los Angeles?
Well he does.
He loves it. LOVES it.
I think the fact that it indulges in "Crazy Hair Day" may be part of the reason.
Also? Apparently most preschool moms consider a colorful barrette or a silly ponytail to be a suitable celebration of said Crazy Hair Day.
Graham and I, we do not.
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
3:09 PM
fabulous voices rang out
keeping in touch
Monday, January 25, 2010
Well hello there
We are fine.
We are more than fine; we are happy.
That's not to say all of the changes we have gone through the last few months haven't been difficult and scary and enormously stressful.
They have been all of those things. But, for the most part, it's all good.
I had forgotten how beautiful it is in Los Angeles.
I had forgotten that on previous visits I had felt such love and affinity for her wild canyons and roaring surf and towering palms.
I had forgotten, also, how very alive a career challenge can make me feel and how exploring a new city has always sent a thrill through my bones.
I still haven't quite figured out what I will do with this blog. I do know I will not, cannot, maintain it as a forum for discussion and rumination as I have in the past, but I am reluctant to sever a means for far-flung relatives (who haven't mastered Facebook) to keep in touch.
I have been humbled by your lovely words and well wishes over the last few months. Thanks again and please know that we are fine.
We are more than fine; we are happy.
Posted by
Don Mills Diva
10:37 PM
fabulous voices rang out
i kinda miss you guys,
Los Angeles,
well hello there