Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Old friends, new friends

You might think that ruining my parents' anniversary was the highlight for me this past weekend.

But you'd be wrong.

I neglected to mention that one of the other reasons I journeyed up to my old home town was an informal high school reunion / dance that was held at the local Legion Hall Saturday night.

I am one of the few people who will freely admit that I thoroughly enjoyed high school, so there was no question that I would accept any invitation to walk down memory lane. I dragged Rob along and we both had a great time, dancing and chatting and generally staying out way too late.

Here's me with some friends I have not seen for nearly 20 years. That's me on the right. The guy in the middle? He was my first-ever boyfriend. Our scandalous romance started when I was a ninth grader and he was in grade 13. He still has the quick wit and sense of humor I remember and a great time was had by all.

So let's talk about new friends...

Just one more sleep til I go to BlogHer and make a whole bunch of new friends and memories. I'm rooming with this lovely lady, sitting beside her on the plane, meeting these guys at the airport and have plans to hang out with her and her and her.

I've read a lot of posts in the last few weeks about how nervous people are about traveling to San Francisco and meeting fellow bloggers in person but I'm not scared, just excited. Perhaps it's because I really am a diva, or perhaps I lack a certain self awareness or perhaps the caution that "it's kinda like high school all over again" actually sounds like a good thing to me.

Especially because I know I will not be committing this fashion faux pas again.

See you in San Francisco peeps!

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Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You dated Richard Simmons?

Hallie :)

Mary Lynn said...

Heehee! Yeah smalltown Ontario and dances at the Legion.

Last year we had a high school reunion up in my hometown (Barry's Bay). A few days before I went to get my haircut at a salon in Markham. When I told the stylist I was going to a high school reunion, she said "Oooh! Is it being held at a resort?" I just laughed. "Oh no, they put down boards on the ice at the local arena and that's where we have our dance." And it was fun, too!

I have to admit I rather enjoyed high school, too, though in retrospect I'm somewhat mortified by much of it.

Have fun at BlogHer!

OHmommy said...

I am not nervous. I. Can't. Wait.

One thing I forgot to tell you: I believe that sleep is over rated. Teeheee....

Brittany said...

oh so exciting! have a wonderful time!!!

Laura said...

Looks like you had a blast!

Have a great time at Blogher --- I SO SO SO SO SO WISH I was going...maybe next year...oh, man, I want to go!!!!!

Favour to ask...trying to spark some comment activity on my site regarding a city bylaw issue...can you be a doll and stop over and maybe drag a few friends?

Safe and wonderful travels...cannot wait for all the details!!!!

Helen Wright said...

I also thought he resembled Richard Simmons!!!

Enjoy your time with all the ladies!!!

Anonymous said...

hehe the Legion, I remember going to the Legion with my Grandpa!

Have a blast at Blogher, sounds like you will be in good company!

the planet of janet said...

i wish i wish i wish i could go.


Mr Lady said...

I am SO not nervous, either, but I might try to kiss you, so consider yourself warned.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

You're going to have such a great time!

flutter said...

I am so excited to meet you!

A Crafty Mom said...

How cool - have a FABULOUS time!!!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

have a great time!

Miss Lisa said...

I had to giggle at the first comment--I thought it was richard Simmons too--and here I thought he preferred guys :0

Have fun!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Have a blast! Travel safe...

Mimi said...


I do have to say you aged much better than he did.

And, whohooo, enjoy your trip!

Mimi said...

OH, we will have fun! Fun, I tell you!

MarĂ­a said...

So fackin' excited!! <--you like that? The censorship? Just for you. :P

I'm nervous only about falling on my face or stuttering in front of the audience. Woo. We'll see how that goes.

Jaina said...

Have a great time! I can't wait to hear all of the stories through all of your blogs!

Melisa Wells said...

You look gorgeous!

I loved high school, too. :)

Vered said...

You girls look so pretty.

I'm excited about BlogHer too. But I am bringing my husband along, just in case. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Have a great time.......just out of curiosity, how does one get invited to BlogHer anyway?

KG said...

FYI while I'm sure he's a nice person he's channeling his inner Richard Simmons. He just needs some hefty old crones behind him in nylon sweatsuits and a sweatband to complete the look.

Anonymous said...

I can not tell you how relieved I am to see that I was not the only one who thought he resembles Richard Simmons.

Have fun on your trip. Be safe!

Stacey said...

I'm sure he had a great personality.....
As for the dress, I swear I wore one nearly identical (same style, colour) to my high school formal.
No white nylons for me, although I did wear elbow length gloves, because they are classy.
Have fun at BlogHer!

Anonymous said...

We expect pictures! Lots of them.

Have a great time this weekend.

And btw, the dude in the middle? Any relation to Richard Simmons? I jest...

Karen said...

Have fun at BlogHer!

Reunions are a wonderful way to catch up - looks like you guys had a ton of fun.

Karen MEG said...

Have a great time in SAn Fran with your peeps! I so wish I were going... almost but no cigar...
take lots of pics!

PS, you look awesome in that photo; your old flame hasn't aged as well as you have, my dear, not by a LONG shot!

karengreeners said...

Yeah, I was gonna make a Richard Simmons crack too, but I see it's been done. Gotta get here earlier.

scarbie doll said...

I was thinking more a moustacheless Ron Jeremy, but whatevs.

See you in San Fran. Excited beyond words.

Stomper Girl said...

Have a super time. I like that you actually enjoyed high school. (I hated mine, but it was populated with idiots)

John-Michael said...

Your excitement is TOTALLY contagious! Having followed your directions and 'dropped in' on all of your referenced Friends, I know that the energy levels that you will be immersed in will be 'off the charts!' 'Looking forward to tales of great times had ... bon voyage'.

Lovingly ...

Anti-Supermom said...

Have fun at BlogHer!

Unknown said...

On my reader there's a little picture of your Richard Simmons look-alike ex boyfriend. I had to come here to just to see why! HA!

Have a great time at BlogHer - can't wait to hear about it!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

You look fab in that photo, sounds like a great time.
Have a blast at Blogher, I can't begin to get over my jealousy at this point. Maybe when you get back and share all the fun with us I will feel better. Give that Kellan a big hug from me, will ya?

Beck said...

Legion dances! THat's my life, right there.
You look so gorgeous! Have fun.

Woman in a Window said...

You brave and crazy soul. have fun. said...

Have fun! Don't pass out cuz I've seen the postBlogHer photos. Brutal.

caramama said...

Have a great time! I'm totally jealous and really down that I couldn't go! :-( Maybe I'll meet you next year.

BTW, you look H-O-T in that pic! You go, girl!

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

have the best time at blogher!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking your ex isn't quite as studly as he once was. I also believe you are taking the right attitude to BlogHer. If you go in knowing it's high schoolish, you're probably doing better than half the people attending.

Anonymous said...

DMD you are totally smokin' in that dress! Nice! My 20 year reunion is in Aug. and since you are a fashionista I wanted to share with you that I found a Betsey Johnson dress 50% off!!! I'm freaking.