I interrupt this series of provocative, issue-oriented, BlogHer-inspired posts to bring you...
"Gratuitous Cuteness", a true story of a boy and his french fry, told in four parts.

Regularly-scheduled programming will resume tomorrow when I discuss monetization and blogging for bucks - you know you don't want to miss that!
Oh, and also, if the sight of Graham stuffing his pie-hole has got you feeling a bit peckish, hop on over to Don Mills Diva Recipes and Reviews where I've just posted another of LeeAnne's fantabulous creations.
Dude, that looks delicious.
I am so hungry now..
and he is just to flipping cute.
I am looking forward to that post. It really interests me.
He's a cutie!! (and he's looking so grown up!)
Mmmn fries. I have been craving them lately, except with gravy.
Look at how big he is!! :)
he is SUCH a doll
You made me crave french fries!
He knows how to do it - some serious ketchup action there.
Yum. Now I want fries too.
Oh my goodness he is adorable...
How freakin' cute is he?? Love the moptop. When my son was that age, he was way into Billy Ray Cyrus' "Achy-Breaky Heart" and wanted a (gulp) mullet. He was adorable with that 'do.
Peace - D
Those fries look FABULOUS! And he is so gosh darn cute!
So cute! And it doesn't look like he made too big of a mess with the ketchup, either! That's always impressive.
What kids doesn't love yummy fries :)
He's a doll!
Think Chandler from Friends...
"Could HE be any cuter?!"
Oh I just want to eat him up he's so darn cute!
Is ketchup a food group for all children?!?!
I see he loves ketchup! What a cutie.
He's sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
Who knew eating French Fries could be so cute. I hope you have a great weekend.
Okay those pics are priceless! Cute!
LOVE his haircut!
Hey there, great meeting you at BlogHer last weekend. Wish we'd been able to hang more. But I'm going through all my business cards slowly and adding people to my reader. Cute boy you've got there.
Ohhhh! I love some good gratuitous cuteness!!!!!!! THANKS!! ;)
Damn - now I want some french fries w/ ranch.
I realize I keep saying this, but he is so dang cute!
Can you believe, Darling Daughter has NEVER acquired a taste for french fries? OR ketchup. (She must not be my child...)
I LOVE his hair... what a cutie!
Oh my God. Now I'm craving french fries.
GIRL!!! He is SOOO CUTE!! And such a ham (wonder where he gets THAT from..ha!)
Thanks for that great rendition of gratuitous cuteness. He is such a cutie pie!!
Does he share well? Because I totally want french fries now.
Love the ketchup mustache! What a doll Graham is!
Too cute! He sure is growing up!!!
Does the boy need some ham with those fries?
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