*Yes, OHMommy really is that classy and that sweet: I should know - we were roomies at BlogHer last year and it was a blast. Lucky for all of you I sweet talked her into guest posting here and she's too darn nice to say no. ..Enjoy!"
On the wall of my aunt's house, in suburban Chicago, hangs a framed picture that makes me smile out loud each time I pass by it.
Pictured is a smiling family of five hand holding hands, drawn by a six year old, seven years ago. In the far distance is a small church. The artist, the baby of the house, included a puffy bubble over his head that reads "Hury wer late agin!"
Awe. Truth will always be told through innocent eyes.
For seven years I have gracefully walked passed that crayon drawing and smiled imagining what my children would innocently draw in the future that I would deem frameable. I envisioned colorful pictures of rainbows over our house and puppies prancing around. I had already picked out the shabby chic frame, in my head, that would hold such a treasure.
I was thrilled when my eldest at the age of three started to take an interest in crayons. I sent him off to preschool with a hug and a kiss every day whispering sweet words in his ear to encourage such sweet artistic visions.
It was a long winter, that year, in which on more than one occasion I, the busy mother of three young children, had forgotten to shave my legs. That, my friends, is a portrait of me with hairy legs.
A solid reminder that truth will always be told through the eyes of the innocent. And yes, this framed picture in our house makes me smile every day.

Wow and your leg hair is curly and everything!
It's a classic example: be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it!
I was just going to say, looks like you got a nice perm on those leg hairs LOL! Great to see you here :)
I love it, so so sweet
I can't imagine what my daughter would come up with in doing a rendering of my toes which are in great need of pedicure.
That is hilarious.
I have some less than flattering portraits of myself, as well.
Such detail in that picture! Gorgeous likeness.
Oh, aren't you looking fashionable. That square dress is oh, so classy!
That is classic!
That is all kinds of awesome.
Are you sure he wasn't just drawing some really fashionable pants that you were wearing? ; )
GREAT PICTURE! My most distinct childhood memory of my grandmother is her shaving her legs with an electric razor so that she would wear "pedal pushers" when we went to the park. :)
That's great. I just thought they were funny shaped legs... I completely like your hair by the way. Most bouncy.
um, you usually wear pants, right? Thems some crazy legs!
I think I'd stick with . . . "Yes, this is me in my fish nets." Wait. Maybe hairy legs is better.
More classy :)
Very nice. Thanks for the smile.
That is hysterical!!! And I am beginning to wonder about that time Lily drew me with what looked like a mustache. Hmmmm....
Ahhhhhh!!! That is HILARIOUS! I better go shave my legs....!
I can't breathe cuz' I'm laughing so hard. Though, and this is influenced by my daughter's art, why does it appear your "breastestes" are over your head?
GASP! Okay, I was finally able to catch a breath.
Great post!
I think that is so sweet. And those are totally leg muscles, right?
I love it. LOVE IT. Attention to detail!
Love it! How wonderful, the way they see the world - honest, pure, and uncluttered with responsibility.
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