I believe in the power of the blogosphere.
I believe it has the power to bring together people and ideas and advice.
And knowledge.
Here's the deal:
Rob's mom had her first chemotherapy treatment last week and it did not go well. She suffered mightily from every possible damn side effect, was re-admitted to the hospital twice and has resided there since Monday.
What is complicating her ability to tolerate the chemo treatments is apparently her body's inability to retain potassium. She can take it in, has been taking it in, under medical supervision even, but her body will not retain it. She and her doctors know this inability to retain potassium is related to her celiac disease, but no one is quite sure how to get around it.
She feels, we feel, that what is lacking is someone fully versed in the effects of celiac disease on the body and specifically how a celiac sufferer might counteract his or her body's inability to retain potassium.
Any bloggy angels out there with any thoughts on this? Please e-mail me directly at donmillsdiva@hotmail.com.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your kind comments and e-mails this past week. I expect to be back soon with a substantive post because this break has made it clear to me that, even in the midst of stress, this space, and all of you, sustain me.
Oh yes you do.

I don't know anything about celiac disease, but I do think you are right to throw this out to the blogosphere. Good luck and I hope you find a solution soon. Sending positive vibes to your whole family.
Good luck.
You know I'm thinking the very best thoughts for you and your family. I hope you find some answers soon.
sending the best to you and yours
oh gosh l wish l could say something helpful..but l'm at a loss in terms of celiacs..I will send positive thoughts and prayers your way....
Sending you all postive vibes, prayers and best wishes and lots of hugs.
I will refrain from the many swear words that I want to say, and instead offer my love and prayers...
Don't know a lot about CD but sending love and strength for your MIL and your family!
I pray you can get the solution to her problem soon. I am so sorry to hear she is not tolerating her treatments well. You are all still in my prayers.
I will do like Jen and pass your question on my blog (although I am sure most of my readers already read your blog). I have a friend with Celiac I will send her this as well.
I wish I could help. I hope you find a solution to this.
Ah, shoot. I know nothing to help, but you're in my thoughts. Hugs.
Just solicited prayer requests, and then clicked over to your link. The blogosphere is great, but my favorite thing about it is how God is able to work through it and to create new connections and creative solutions that our eyes can see. I'll pray for this sweet lady and for a speedy solution and for divine sustenance.
Ohhh...sorry to hear about your MIL. I'm going to ask my SIL if she has any helpful insight. She works at the hospital here and my niece (her daughter) has Celiac disease. We've all adjusted our ways of cooking for whenever our niece is over.
I'm going to send this post over to my mother-in-law, who knows a great deal about celiac and has it herself. I hope she can help out somehow. *hugs*
Kelly, I wish I knew something about celiac... but know that I'm thinking about you and praying for your MIL. Hopefully someone will offer you some guidance...I'm sure they will, CD seems so common these days.
Chemo is such a double-edged sword... I'm hoping that she stabilizes soon and responds well to treatment.
And take care, you...flu just sucks.
I wish I had something constructive to say. I'm sorry thigns are going poorly.
Wish I had the answers, but am confident that someone out here does. Sending you and your family lots of good juju!
Coconut milk is REALLY high in potassium, as are bananas. Perhaps a banana-coconut smoothie would help boost her potassium levels?
Vitamin K supplements are supposed to help Celiacs absorb more nutrition. But I would contact a nutritionist and get some specialized plans for her.
I wish I had an answer for you..I'm gluten free but not because of celiac. I hope your mil finds something to help her soon. Are there any doctors out there well versed in celiac disease?
I wish I could help, I don't know a lot about Celiac although I know there are numerous resources out here. I hope you guys can find some answers for your MIL. Thinking of you.
I wish I had answers..I barely recognize the name. I know that a lot of things can be counteracted with the mind...maybe finding some sort of meditation or even a kind of hypnotist to help guide her through visualizations or something. ::shrug:: A bit new age but I've heard crazy stories where stuff like that actually works.
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