Evidence is emerging that the soul of an old man - an old British man at that - lurks inside the body of my precocious three-year-old.
To wit, these gems have emerged, unsolicited, in the past few days...
"You know Mommy, that reminds me of an old story I once heard..." delivered in an attempt to forestall bedtime, with a knowing smile and a sage tilt of the head. (Seriously: he did the head tilt.)
"Pish, posh Mommy - don't be so silly."
And, after I apologized for losing my temper and screaming at raising my voice with him:
"That's quite okay Mommy, but I don't expect Daddy is going to be very thrilled with you."

tee hee. I love them all, but that last one. priceless! :)
thanks for the smiles today!
HA! That's adorable. The things that pop out of their mouths is astonishing sometimes, isn't it? ;_)
Love it.
Either he's an old soul or you have been watching too much Coronation Street in his presence. Since I sincerely doubt you have time for the latter, we'll go with the former.
Thanks for posting these, they brightened my day, very cute!
That's hilarious. You have a wise yong man there.
You are kidding me? LOL! Too cute and adorable! Aaah, the things they come up with. Pish-Posh....I have to add that one to my place under New and Fun Terms!
Best blog title ever!
Amazing how they go from 3 years old to 60 in the blink of an eye.
From the mouths of babes... Wonderful!
whoa there...Daddy will be home...and he's the nice one..LOL.arent we all bitches then!pah!!
It sure can be heart-warming, scary, wonderful and un-nerving when the wise old man comes out of our babes!!!!
What a cutie! HUGS to you both.
Halarious. Where do they come up with these things?
My three year old is channelling Tennessee Williams and calling me Momma with the sigh like a Southern Belle.
What a cutie pie!
oh where do they get that stuff?? So clever!
Is Mary Poppins his nanny? Ha ha!
that's so funny! Does he do an accent as well?
Wow, he's a polite ol' fellow, huh?
Oh wow, it sounds like he may be ready for daily tea time or to solve a good our Sherlock Holmes mystery... or both! ; )
Thanks for the laugh by the way!
Awww... so adorable. Kids say the darnedest things. He does sound like a cute but old soul! Love it!
Don't they just know how to put you in your place?!
That's hilarious! Sounds like he's been reading Dickens at bedtime.
Maybe a little too much "Thomas", my oldest once told me he was "cross with me" after I told him it was time to turn off Thomas:)
I love when my kids use colloquialisms way beyond their years. I will just laugh and then they repeat it to get a reaction.
Eh, offer him some tea and a bisquit. ;-)
Can I please borrow your child on off Tuesdays? He is the cutest thing in the world!
And I think Colleen's idea is brilliant - I'd love to hear what he has to say about clotted cream.
Too funny. ;-)
Out of the mouths of babes... I love it when they talk like old people -- to me it's much funnier than if they imitated modern-speak (gangsta style).
Oh my! What a dear little man you have there.
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