I have always been a rebel in my own mind.
I’m like a lot of people out there: I adore the notion of myself as daring and fearless when, in fact, there is little about the way I live my day-to-day life that could be considered radical.
I am a working mother. I am a wife. I’m a bit of a smart-ass, but when the chips are down I’m loath to actually offend people. Sure I fly float planes in my spare time and it’s an interesting pursuit, perhaps even brave, but I’m about 70 years late to the aviation revolution.
What I do here, what I write about on Don Mills Diva, is not courageous. I’m fluffy and I have always owned that. I am a manipulator. At my best I can choose and position my words in such a fashion that the tears and chuckles of my readers are almost involuntary.
I’m shameless, really.
This blog is not my personal diary and it never will be. My intimate struggles - and you must trust me when I say I have intimate struggles – are not detailed here.
I am not Mr. Lady, who stood beautiful and alone on stage at BlogHer, read this post, brought the facking house down and goddamn-broke my heart. I am not Maria – she of the shirt - who teases me for saying facking when I really mean…well, you know.
So why did I grab a microphone during a BlogHer discussion entitled Is Mommy Blogging a Radical Act? and declare “Hell yes, it is!?”
Because I am a writer.
Because I have always been a writer. Because I have spent my whole life searching for an audience and now I have one. Because I had piece after piece rejected by (mostly white and male) newspaper editorial boards and now their opinions don’t matter. Because you are here, reading me and, presumably, it is my writing brought you here and my writing that can drive you away.
I start my dream job on Monday after submitting a resume that prominently featured Don Mills Diva. I’m going to be the director of communications for these people, partially because I used this little humble space on the Internet to prove that I can write: to prove that I can compel people to want to read the things I choose to write about.
And no, I do not choose, and will not in the foreseeable future choose, to detail how my family has been touched by pain and stress and mental illness.
But I will continue to write and I will endeavor to entertain and I believe with all my heart that my hard work and dedication will continue to expand my readership.
Pretty facking radical isn’t it?

yes it is, ma'am.
Being you. Doing what YOU want without conforming or folding to pressure from others, no matter what the pressure is for.
That is radical.
GREAT words!
GREAT post!
One of the things I love about reading blogs is the variety; I wouldn't want to read only hard-core, soul-baring posts.
I'm glad you've found your place and have been a success at your comfort level.
And congratulations on the job!
i agree,
very much i agree with you.
You kick so much a$$, you don't even know it.
I enjoy readying whatever you write. And congrats on the job!!
Damn right, sister!
YAY for you and the job and of course I am hear for the words :)
That is awesome. Congrats!
Congratulations on the new job!
Congrats on the new job...very, very cool! Kudos to you for going out and showing them how great you are...CHEERS!
Go DMD! I love reading what you write...Peace - D
Congrats on the dream job! That's awesome!
Sometimes it is radical just being able to be completely you.
Kelly, congrats on your new gig!!! Whoot!
And I saw your BlogHer spot on youtube... glad you grabbed the mike. What you said was absolutely true. And it came from the heart, that was so obvious.
I've always thought of you as being pretty rad...but you already knew that.
Keep doing this, we'll keep coming.
Drinks on me, 'kay?
You are going to knock their socks off at your new job. Go get 'em!
Yes it facking is. :O)
Your writing, your style is facking unbelievable.. Heck ya.
yes it is radical! and congrats on the job!
i think mommy bloggers rock, and i admire them for what they do. Plus..its nice to know that when we decide to have children, there is an online community of women who tell it like it is, its reassuring to know that all moms have fears, that all moms make mistakes, and that I have a huge resource at my fingertips where i can find support and advice.
so what i am saying is...rock on.
I'm so exited for you with your new job! You're an awesome writer and I'm so thankful I have the privilege of reading your blog each day.
I hope that you love your new job!! How awesome that it came about because of your website and your writing... sounds like it will be doing something that you love-- that is always a good thing!
Let me just say...you are facking awesome...how original I know...hold the applause...but so true:)
Congrats to you! I am not a writer but hope to one day be one and share by experience through my blog. You go GIRL! We are all behind you.
Facking. Snort. I love it!
AMEN! This is exactly what I mean when I say that traditional media is in the throes of a rebirth. No longer are writers like you and I beholden to a few, chosen old-guard editors who for years controlled what constitutes "culturally significant." Voices as diverse as the blogosphere would never have been heard before women and men could sit with their keyboards and their ideas and hit publish.
And I am a firm believer that the cream rises to the top, on both sides. The best writers will find a place in this brave new world, and the consumers who can't make the distinction will be relegated to a secondary force in the market.
Bravo to you! BRAVO!
You is awesome girl. :)
perfectly said!!
and congrats on the new gig :)
Awesome news! Congratulations!!!
Congrats congrats!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
And, yes. Blogging is a radical act! A radical act and a great responsibility.... It's all so fascinating....
:) great post, as always!
Agree. What you're doing here IS radical. To the max.
Which is why your one of my new favourites!
Congrats on the new job. Stay radical.
Well said.
Congrats on the job.
I am woman, hear me roar!!!!! ;)
That's facking fantastic! All the best to you on Monday. Can't wait to read more....
First of; congratulations on your new job. It sounds like a perfect match for you.
Secondly. I am truly glad to have found your blog. Not sure how it happend but I do like your "punk-funk", as I like to call it.
Good luck with your new job and please keep on blogging away.
... and thank you for your kinds words.
Congrats on the new job! That is wonderful. I also write for the joy of writing, and try very hard to keep lots of things out of the blog. My reasons are more for fear of hurting my husband's feelings. Also, my father-in-law is the blog's biggest fan, no need to worry him. I try as much as possible, to just focus on Little Elvis.
Don't know how radical that is.
Fack yeah! I tip my glass (of rice milk) to you DMD, congrats!
Congrats to you...Facking awesome!
Very well written, as per usual ;) Congrats on the job, that's very exciting!
I was at that session, one of the few I actually took something away from at the conference.
Congratulations to you! I hope the traditional media are paying attention...we're radical, and we're coming for you.
this is what i'm talking about. it was you who made it all crystal.
Great post. Congrats on your dream job! That is really awesome. And I just have to add that I appreciate you using "facking" instead...has a better ring to it. hahaha!
I loved it when you got up and spoke. And huge congrats on the new job. I was impressed that they were forward thinking and read your blog.
I am so friggin' happy for you! I'd do more swearing, but that would be facking ridiculous.
Again, another fabulous post! Congrats on the job!!! Just don't leave us hanging here, ok? ;)
Congrats on the job!
Congrats on the job!
How RADICAL of you to NOT talk about your trials and tribulations! I came here to cry.
Congrats on the new job. You are a writer and we all know it. And now so do you
congrats on the new job, that is amazing!
Fascinating that both you and metro mama GOT jobs partly based on your blogs, when for so long it's been about fearing losing one because of it. That's a very cool change.
Basically, what you said. Both in this post and at the "Is MommyBlogging Still a Radical Act?" panel.
I am so glad to have met you, and I look forward to linking (virtual) arms and kicking some more arse together. And best of luck with the new gig.
FUCKING radical. Yes, it is. Thanks for saying so, in your own words. Because it's not whether you say facking or f*cking or fucking radical - it's whether you own it. And you do.
Congrats on your new job. Oh and by the way... you rock!
Congratulations! It was great to meet you at BlogHer. You radical, you!
Good luck on your new job - and for continuing your blogging!
Great post. And congrats on the new job!!
DMD, you keep on keepin' on. We are in your corner!
in the UK they say 'fecking' - funny huh. so glad u had a great time. there are some great pics from the conference floating around out there! thanks for stopping by again.
am present and accounted for b/c jen (one plus two) said you're hot sh*t.
and she's right. ('course.)
this post nails it.
Write on, sista!
Diva...you inspire me!
Congrats on the new job!
Wow! Congratulations on the new job! And, hell yeah. Mommy blogging is radical, and you are among the best at it. Keep it up, and we'll keep reading.
I love that you actually grabbed the microphone and say 'hell yes, it is". This fit perfectly with the picture I have of you. A post that brings a little insight to who DMD is~
You GO girl!!!
WHOOOOOP!!!! Totally radical!!!
totally facking rad.
congrats on the new job!
Beautifully written and so eloquently (as always) articulated.
Congrats on the new rock...I'm sure you'll rock it!
Someday we must meet. You are one of my favorite bloggy moms, and you are radical, and I love that about you!
P.S. I'll be in Buffalo for 2 weeks. Fort Erie, yo!
P.P.S. If not this time, next time for sure.
P.P.P.S. If not next time then Blogher09!
<3 ya Fly Girl.
Congrats on the new job! You deserve it, cause you are an excellent writer!
Go on with your bad, radical self!
I'm so facking excited for you, DMD!!! Much congrats and best wishes!
Yay for your writing and yay for your new gig! Congrats and keep bloggin, Mommy! : )
yep. As if facking, which I love by the way. :)
Congrats on the new job!!
I enjoy reading your blog because of the stories you tell and the way you tell them. Not conforming to what others want you do be or do is always radical and I say...good.for.you!
Congrats on the new job!!
I enjoy reading your blog because of the stories you tell and the way you tell them. Not conforming to what others want you do be or do is always radical and I say...good.for.you!
You know, I knew ... when I spent that (relatively) little bit of time with you, I knew ... that one day I would read something you wrote and feel inspired. I just didn't realize it would be so soon!
I agree completely.
I think I might have to print out this post and keep it in my moleskine.
Thanks, Kelly.
DAMN straight! Congratulations!!
You've got a new regular here, that's for sure! Everything I've read on your blog moves me in some way!
You make me wish I would have started blogging 5 years before I did.
I really messed up not getting in at this time...it seems so much more authentic back then.
Since I began, not two years yet: it's become pimping, competition, products, show, all about how perfect everythimg is.
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