I'm totally jealous of Rebecca Eckler.
I think it's best to just put that right out there at the beginning, instead of pretending that I'm not jealous or that it's irrelevant to any kind of a review I write about her latest book Toddlers Gone Wild.
Because a lot of us are jealous of Rebecca Eckler, aren't we? Show me a parenting blogger who's looking for readers, who aspires to make a living from their writing - or better yet achieve fame and fortune from their writing - who claims not to be jealous of Rebecca Eckler and I'll show you a bold-faced liar.
Okay? Let's move along.
Will my jealousy get the better of me? Click over to my Shooting for Hip column at Better Than A Playdate to read the rest of my review and enter to win a copy of Toddlers Gone Wild...

I am openly and ravenously jealous of anyone with their name on the cover of a book.
yup, same as flutter.
Admittedly, I'd never heard of her before this (should that make me proud or embarrassed), but that doesn't make me any less envious. Like the Mommy Chronicles or whatever they're called that consist of emails written between 2 moms. Dude, why them and not us? Yeah, I'm bitter!
But I still want to read this. Sounds like a good bathtub read.
I LOVEEEEEE the title! What a great book idea.
Yep - same as Flutter!
Nice to see you Kelly - take care - Kellan
I loved (and have) her first two books and I am thrilled to see she has another one out!
Hope all is well Kelly - Graham is so adorable!
Knocked up was a hoot. i didnt know she had more out.. now that i do ill definately have to read them
Ditto Flutter.
Oooh, I am jealous too! I have to admit that I only just heard of her when this book came out. I live in a cave.
you hit the nail on the head - BOLD faced liars indeed. :)
I have been wanting to read this
I suppose this is the time for me to slink away and hide rather than admit that before this post I'd never heard of her? Perhaps I will have to investigate...
Slutty Shoes beats Clean Butts by a mile you lucky diva
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