Anyone want to take a guess what these three items have in common?
Yes, they are all decorative items found in my home.
But more significantly they have all over the last few days been identified by Graham as "Scary monsters."
I figure this is both good and bad news.
The bad news is I may have to do some redecorating.
The good news is, despite my earlier fears, I feel pretty confident that I could indeed kick these monsters' collective butts.
Well...except maybe for that one moose.
I mean, he has a paddle.

That middle one scares me a little. EEK! Good luck with that moose!!
I don't necessarily think it would be a bad thing to replace at least two of those. And as for the paddles, I think they will get caught on the hooks so you may be OK. Good luck.
ummmm yeah....that cat clock....SCARE-RAY! go kick some monster tushy!
have a great weekend while you're at it. :)
"That other moose is liable to pull a knife"?!! LOL!
Ah, childhood fears.
But I can actually see where he's coming from with the first two!
Ok I admit, the moose scare me.
I'm with him on the clock. I bet I could take the moose, with a shovel or something.
I don't know about paddle . . .it looks more like a baseball bat to me . . . and he has a sneaky look in his eye. Great, now I'm going to have nightmares! ARGH!
The middle one... that one scares me a LOT. I would NOT be able to sleep if that was looking at me. Well, to be honest, I wouldn't be able to sleep if the first one was looking at me either, but it wouldn't scare me as much. The moose, he's probably a gentle giant. And though he might be loud and act like he might smash that paddle, he won't.
we are going through the monster phase as well. I gave him (the 4 year old) a spray bottle filled with water. I told him monsters don't like baths, so he could spray his room so the monsters wouldn't go in there. He now sleeps with it on his nightstand!
Um... would you hate me forever if I said it's probably a good thing that the middle thing (clock??) is going away?
I think you should challenge people to post pictures of the one thing (or things) they have in their homes that they think should go, but haven't gotten rid of yet. (Oh yeah, there's a fluent sentence. Anyway, you get my drift.)
what an eclectic collection of monsters you have.
Dude. Monster. Spray. The kids love it.
(it's pretty much water with a little bit of Febreze; but we make a fancy label for it and everything!)... wow I'm a dork.
Is number 1 as big as it looks in the picture? 'Cause its kinda freakin' me out!
I like the idea of Monster Spray with a fancy label! !t's not buying into their fears but allowing them a harmless way to deal with the imaginary monsters. Within a year or so their perception of the world has changed enough that the masks and hangers (and clocks??) return to being just that.
However... if the bone moves with the tick-tocks in that clock, it would give me the heebie-jeebies as well!
How does he feel about the Montanna's commericals? (Dead animals hangin' on a wall, talking to eachother...Who's a funny moose?)
That fishing pole looks scary, too, but moms definitely know how to open the can of mama whoop ass when needed! We are resourceful like that.
The Buddha mask does have those eyes that might seem like they are following him....the second one is just freaky!! What the heck IS that really....where did it come from?
The moose? (mooses? :-D) Maybe in the dark....with the light shining on it juuuuuust right...yeah...could be scary!! I'm pretty much a big wienie even now....I can relate to scary monsters....I'm going right now to fill up my bottle!!! :-)
You are so funny. My niece used to think that the lady in my MIL's Home Interior picture was a ghost. She had been watching too much Scooby Doo.
Maybe even I'm a little scared...I have always been weary of masks and scary cats too!
The moose - no problem - you can swim right?!
i thought you were taking pictures of things in a museum. :)
i love love love the cat clock!! that thing rocks!!
poor graham. and poor mommy!!
The clock.....definitely.
You are so funny :)
That middle one is freaking me out a little :)
I truly believe you could lay the smackdown on the moose.
Yeah, dude, I think the middle one freaks me out a bit. But in a good way.
You've completely misjudged! You ought to fear the moose who can levitate a fish with a magic wand.
That dude bears watching.
I can't believe how freaked out people are about the cat clock! I love it! If you decide to get rid of it, send it down to Massachusetts!
Maybe that Monster-Be-Gone spray would work, though.
Hehe I love your house
my husband would love the moose one!
Man, that moose looks pretty fierce.
Just don't hide any of these under a bed, K?
I love that moose. Actually I love both of them, but I don't know the plural for the word moose. So, um, I love your meeses.
That was good. I really tried to figure out what they had in common. Moster spray is a good idea. I will be using that idea soon. My son didn't want to sleep tonight b/c it was dark. Ugh!
I can see being a little freaked in the dark with any one of those things following me...but then, I still check all the windows and closets when I hear our old house settling at night. I know. It's sad really... :)
And you can TOTALLY take the kitty clock. Of that I have no doubt.
Here's some advice for ya - befriend the moose. He'll protect you against the other "monsters"!
♡ My kids think there are monsters down stairs... Just because it's dark they only go down there with each other and never alone! And if one of them leaves the other down there they get very upset at who ever left! They also think there is a monster in my closet which is actually okay since that's where I hide all their gifts that I find through out the year for cheap! :)
Even the moose with the paddle is preferable to monsters only Graham can see...
Good luck with the forced makeover :)
Happy Mother's Day to you!
Living where I do, I would mostly be scared of the moose. They're too dumb to get out of the way of cars, you see.
But we DID have to do a ton of redecorating once the Girl was old enough to tell us what scared her.
ahh monsters ... we went through that phase. Now our cat is the ultimate protecter since cats are monster repellants ... Some people use monster sprays too.
I like the moose one, but I think the other two would definitely scare me in the dark! Haha!
For the love of god, take down the creepy clock! It's even frightening ME!!
Yeah, hate to say but the first two really could be pretty scary to a kid. The moose though? Well if he says so but I think it's kinda cute.
My first response was that they were all things my kid would find scary!
That's awesome. Nothing scary at our house, probably because our dog eats monsters. Ya wanna dog sit for me in a couple weeks?
The buddha seems rather benign, but the middle one does scare me a bit I will admit. I find it hard to be scared of a moose who can paddle a canoe.
Uhh, yeah. Have you seen the guns on that moose? Clearly he works out.
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