This morning as I rushed about, packing clothes for a much-needed weekend sojourn to my parents' lakeside house Graham chattered about what we would do there.
"And Grandpa is going to build me a tire swing so I can swing into the lake!"
Notwithstanding the temperature of the lake, I considered whether the lone tree at the water's edge would facilitate such an arrangement.
"Well, I'm not so sure Grandpa can do that..."
Graham was undeterred.
"Yes, he can. It's easy just need a tire and some rope."
Honestly? I couldn't see it happening.
"Graham, sweetie, I'm just not sure Grandpa can do that."
There was a long pause.
"Oh. Okay Mommy."
There was another long pause and then a sudden, exuberant outburst.
"But Mommy it's okay that Grandpa is not smart enough to build a tire swing! We can get Grandma to do it!"

Graham is a sweetie....
As long as someone fulfills Graham's dream!
Oh what a love....out of the mouths of babes eh?
Graham is one smart cookie, isn't he? Hope you have a nice visit with the folks, Kelly
Oh, I totally would.
That is priceless. I bet if he could, Grandpa would build him a tire swing anywhere.
Enjoy your trip.
Kids say the darndest things!! I wonder what Grandpa would say had he heard that!!
There is nothing that Grandpa's ~ or Gran's can't do!
Hope he get's the tire swing that he want's ~ whoever builds it!
Amanda x
So funny!! I love how kids' minds work.
Hee hee hee. Yep, why bug the man when the woman can get it done? Smart boy.
I love it! So cute.
There you go, it's Grandma that can do anything!!!
He looks perfectly capable to me! I love that Graham will figure a way to get that tire swing! HA!
I love it! A future feminist supporter, for sure! He's such a cutie.
Yep. I would. But grandmas can do everything too. Warms the heart.
Absolutely. Grandpas can do anything.
OMG LOL! What a sweetie :-)
And yes - Grandpa's can do ANYTHING!
Absolutely! I hope you had a great time :)
very funny ;-)
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