What to do?
Last year's laziness was not going to cut it, Rob was to be working all night and I had no intention of ending up with a ton of leftover Halloween candy OR disappointing any visiting princesses or goblins.
So I rigged a self-serve station...
And took to the streets with my little ghost.

Where he charmed old friends...

And met new ones.

And scored so much candy...

That neither of us minded a bit when not a single, leftover piece of candy greeted us upon our return.
Happy Halloween everyone!
oh how I wish there were no leftovers here... oh my aching belly!
cute little costume! love the skeleton lights :)
Paralyzed by cuteness...
Cute! I over bought and we have a ton left over. Sigh.
The cutest ghost ever!
Happy Halloween to you!
Very cute GHost. Happy Halloween!
We set up a self-serve station too. This year only two candy bars left. We don't have many trick or treaters out here so I bought full-sized candy bars this year.
Happy Halloween!
Oh what fun. I hope he got the best loot.
You are very trusting with the self-serve station. I always picture 16-year-old bullies emptying it into their pillowcase. I risked it this year - just turned out our front light and prayed for no eggs to hit our cars.
What a doll! I am guessing the little old ladies were giving him handfuls :)
Awwww, cutest ghost EVER!!! I'd love to see if most of the kids took two candies or not - I might have rigged up a camera or something, lol. We had so few kids stop at our house, I was dumping the bowl into their bags by the end of the night. I think we had nine kids - WAY too much candy in our house today.
I have to pick all the dark chocos out and deliberately leave some Snickers inside - Mommy's Halloween treats~
He's a cutie :)
We had lots of self serve stations on our route too :)
He's so cute!
We didn't even bother to buy candy this year cuz noone ventures up our long dark driveway. We have to drive to get to our candy begging spot :)
You know, you could even leave an empty bowl with that note and kids would just think that they got there too late... Not that I'D ever do that...
Cute ghostie.
I'm going to go this route next year -m this year the hubby took my girl out. Looks like you guys had a blast!
It was so nice out on trick or treat night here that we saw a lot of those self-serve stations set up as everyone in the house opted to be outside.
Which is also why I bought a spare bag of candy. Because yeah, that was a good idea...
Loves it! Happy Halloween!
Now pass the candy and no one gets hurt.
Happy Halloween Weekend!
Your little ghost looks like he had a blast. :)
I always wonder when I do that if the first kid just takes all of it or if they really are honest about it. Maybe one day I'll conduct some type of sociology experiment and rig a hidden camera.
Or maybe I'll just eat all the candy and get high on sugar instead. *chuckle*
We ran a self-serve for the first bit. Came back to an empty bowl too. Greedy little bastards.
How lovely, what a cute little Ghost you have there! We don't really have Halloween over here, but on the very odd occasion we might get a trick or treater, poor souls usually end up with a packet of Sultanas!!
I bet there was nothing left when you got back!
That is one cute spectre! Ohhhh-whoooooo!
I wonder if the first trick or treater took it all! You hate to think that way but...
Looks like you guys had a blast no matter what! : ) Happy Halloween!
Ye of little faith--I'm sure your nice sign inspired everyone to behave ethically.
Cute pictures! I hope those visitors stuck to the two candy rule. It's such a temptation to take more though!
Your little ghost is adorable. I made a costume very like that for my oldest one year, he loved it.
Happy Halloween to you, too! We had fun with our 3 year old, it was his first year trick or treating.
Such a great ghost!
Great shots of your ghostly visits ... Graham is adorable!
I hope the first trick-or-treaters left some for the rest ;)
We set up a self-serve station (no note of how many to take though). A bunch of teenagers can buy and took the whole basket! (neighbour told me)
What happened to the friggin' honour system!?!
Yay! Such a cute ghost.
So very Sweet!
Oh no-- so sweet!
Mmmmm. Crunch bars. My favorite.
He looks great! I remember my Mom did that one year when we couldn't stay and give out candy. It works!
He makes a great ghost! So adorable! Love the pics!
Oh he looks adorable!
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