"I like spring, but it is too young. I like summer, but it is too proud. So I like best of all autumn, because its tone is mellower, its colours are richer and it is tinged with a little sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and its content."

Fall is my favorite as well.
That picture? Perfection. The colors are perfectly Fall.
Thanks for sharing.
Fall is also my favorite. The smells of fall send me over the moon.
Great picture.
I like autumn because it's crunchy. Crunchy is good; ask Jif. :)
love it, too.
what a beautiful picture :)
I just love every thing about fall. Definitely my favorite with summer a VERY close second. Or maybe tie. ;)
Autumn really is lovely, especially early autumn... when the colorful leaves start to dance in the wind.
Plus I was born in Autumn. What's not to love? ;-)
Hmmm... I don't know. Fall makes me sad.
I love Fall. And Spring.
What a lovely picture.
I love the "u" in colour. Makes me wish I were Canadian or a Brit. Words just look richer with the "u".
What a lovely picture.
I love the "u" in colour. Makes me wish I were Canadian or a Brit. Words just look richer with the "u".
I love fall too!
That is a great picture of your son!
Gorgeous shot! I could never live somewhere that didn't have all four seasons!
Me too! Especially when it comes with photos of gorgeous little boys playing in wonderfully crunchy leaves!
hope things are well with you Kelly,
That is beautiful... I love fall too. However I can do without what follows! ----snow----
Simply wonderful - aren't the fall colours and bright smiles and folick the best!?!?!?!?
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Lovely. It's my favorite season too.
I love Fall too! and I love pictures of kids playing in the leaves...
Huh. Who wrote that? You wrote that? That is precisely it, my dear. You got it bang on!
I too love fall.
ahhh..that picture is too precious..
Well said, my friend.
Love the picture too!
I used to be a Spring girl but I am coming over to the Fall side... Pumpkin bread anyone?
Love all the colors in that picture!
Someone knows how to work a color scheme!
He looks so cute, playing in those leaves. He's growing up so fast!!
Fall is my favorite season too - but my sinuses hate it. :)
Beautiful words, excellent photo. :)
perfectly true and beautifully said...
from your Vermont pal and another autumn kinda girl
it's my favorite season. I just love the colors, the temperature and the way the air smelss
Great picture. My daughter can't wait for the leaves to start falling by the masses so she can jump in a huge pile of leaves. :)
Can I tell you how much I LOVE this post? :)
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