Wednesday, September 23, 2009


There are some life-changing events afoot here at Casa DMD: I hope to be able to tell you what's happening in the next few days.

Thanks for your patience.

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Michelle said...

Now I'm curious... and a little sad that it might mean what I think it means... ;)

Melisa Wells said...

*twiddling thumbs, patiently waiting*

Jaina said...

Second time that song's gotten stuck in my head on a 5 second loop in the last couple days. Lol. Waiting to hear.

OHmommy said...


Cheryl said...

You are SUCH a tease!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh changes are exciting... i hope that they are GOOD changes...

Beth Cotell said...

I hope these are GOOD changes! Can't wait to hear all about them.

(Also - just wanted to let you know that I'm still praying for you.)

Anti-Supermom said...

Kelly, good changes, please! I'm looking forward to the updates. said...

Is this THE change we were talking about? Hope it all pans out well. Looking forward to the news!

Vered said...

Looking forward...

Heather said...

Wow, more changes for you? I don't know if I could take all the change!

CaraBee said...

Color me intrigued! Can't wait to hear the news!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

From reading your previous post, I'm making a guess...maybe trying home school for now? Whatever it is, I hope all works out well for your family. :)

Shauna said...

Ohhhh I'm not patient at all! You're such a tease!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Waiting on pins and needles.

Anonymous said...

The wait is killing me.

dogwooddiarist said...

Let me take a stab: pregnancy? It appears everyone else is too superstitious to opine . . . .

dogwooddiarist said...

Not opine, I mean guess. Hope I haven't offended!

Beth Cotell said...

Hope things are going well.

Getting a little impatient over here waiting to hear about these life-changing events...

...tapping foot....drumming fingers...

Karen MEG said...

Great post title (Kel, I just popped in here and I swear, I wasn't a copy cat!!!)

Hope all is great, girlfriend, and looking forward to the Bowie-fication!

Aurelia said...

Hey there? Gonna post? what's up?

Jennifer said...

Well....I keep checking....

Sass said...

Yep. I keep checking too.

I hope this is a good, happy silence.

Anonymous said...

Argh! The wait is killing me!

InTheFastLane said...

I hope everything thing is ok. i keep checking. those few days have been a lot of days.