My big brother is the quintessential nice guy.
He's the kinda guy who takes time out from his work day and brings his dump truck around in hopes that his beloved nephew might want a ride.
He's the kinda guy who tells you quite sincerely that he'd be more than happy to clear a day from his schedule, drive two hours to your house and help you move.

He's such a nice guy that he really, truly, thinks that Graham could have a bright future as a cake decorator.
Aw, that was sweet. Every little boy needs an uncle like that!
An uncle with a dump truck that is into avant garde cake decorating? Graham is a lucky kid.
What a nice bro!
Mine's weird and lives in Vancouver.
Happy Birthday to Russell. Your brother sounds like a very special guy.
what a nice tribute to your brother. very nice!
Happy birthday to your brother! He sounds like a great uncle and wonderful guy!
Gotta love family like that. Mine lives is Vegas, me in Indiana...that would be a long drive :)
How sweet! Happy birthday, Russell!
Happy birthday Russell!
Sounds like he has a sister who deserves him, too.
I think I love Russell now too. Seriously. ~Mary
ps I hope he reads your blog and knows just how much he is appreciated.
he sounds positively lovely
He sounds like a great big brother and a fantastic Uncle. :) Happy Birthday!!!
Reading this just about made me cry. What a great guy he sounds like. Happy birthday to him.
My kids would DIE for an uncel with a dump truck! Very cool! :)
What a cool uncle... and an awesome brother!
Happy birthday Russell!
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