*Did I mention I love people from Texas? Kellan is a perfect example: exuberant, funny and straight-taking. She has a fanatical following over at her blog - On The Upside - and posts like this are precisely why...*
Hi, Kelly's readers - I'm Kellan.
I am so honored that Kelly asked me to guest post here on her fabulous site while she is gone on vacation in Key West. Kelly and I have been friends for a long time and I love her to death. I also had the wonderful opportunity to meet her at the BlogHer '08 Conference in San Francisco last year and she is just as wonderful in person as I knew she would be!
Thanks, Kelly - have a really great trip!
I have four children - 16 year old twin daughters, Courtney & Chloe, an 11 year old son, Billy and a 7 year old daughter, Alexis. On my site I generally write stories about these wonderful children. The following story is about Alexis.

When Alexis was little(er), ... she used to believe that every show on TV could be rewound to watch over - because her favorite movies on VHS tapes could be rewound to be watched again and again.
It took a while to get her to understand that this was .. not so.
When Alexis was little(er) ... she used to think that anytime you needed money you should just go up to an ATM machine and extract money - it was there - free - for the taking.
It took a while to get her to understand that this was ... not so.
When Alexis was little(er) ... she used to believe that dinosaurs were real and lived in the forest with the fairies and the trolls.
One day, not long ago, Alexis was near me in the kitchen.She was sitting at the table drawing a picture while I prepared dinner.
"That's really a good picture," I said, as I walked by her on my way across the room.She looked up at me and smiled."Did you like art when you were a little girl?" she asked.
"I did," I answered. "I loved art."
She straightened up in her chair ...She tilted her head ...She said ..."Was art your favorite class or ... did you like computer class better?"
On the upside ... When I was little ... I lived in the forest with the dinosaurs and the fairies. And ... when I went to school ... I took typing class with all the other little trolls and we learned to type on brand new Smith Corona typewriters.
Occasionally, we heard rumors of giant computers that would one day take over the world, but ... we never worried about such things - out in the forest. We were too busy fixing our CORRECT-O Tape, changing out typewriter ribbons and ... chipping arrow heads with flat rocks ... in Art class.
It took a while to convince Alexis that this was indeed ... SO!
OMG - Yes! My six year old was on the computer this evening and wanted to move down the page. I called over hit "return." What's "return" Mom?
Oh, I think nowadays it says "enter" on that one. Kind of reminded me of my mother calling the countertop a 'drainboard.'
ha ha ha ha. That Alexis cracks me up. Hi, Kellan!! :)
Did they have TV back in the olden days Miss Kellan?
Funny! It's a different world...
Bwaaa haaaa haaaa sadly - I can so relate!
I know.
"No computers? How about tv? Did you have telephones?"
My 6 year old has issues with not being able to replay anything he wants. The radio is the last hurrah for us. The ONLY live broadcast that we can't rewind (unless you have Satellite radio.)
kids NOW are taking the same TYPING class that I took as a SENIOR in high school in 3rd grade...on COMPUTERS...
It's crazy to think how far we come, yet we still do not have hovering cars like I thought we would by the year 2000. *hmph*
Kellan, that was so cute... type writers back in the day... I was actually pretty good at the typing, if it weren't for all the typos I would make...I was ecstatic when the concept of "delete" was introduced!!
Great post Kellan! Enjoy your vacation Kelly!
Hee Hee! Yes, and now all us trolls are addicted to these computer thingys that we heard about!
LOL I don't think we even had the correcto tape. Just wite-out. When I was in grade school...are you ready? WE DID NOT EVEN HAVE CALCULATORS! I don't mean we didn't have them in school I mean there was no such thing!! It's so funny. I remember when my young son couldn't figure out how to use a dial phone.
Ha! This makes me feel old since I took typing in grade nine on a typewriter! My kids will soon laugh at that....
all i can say is, "THANK GOD FOR THE EVOLUTION OF THE COMPUTER"!!! white out was NOT a friend of mine, but troll white was one of my best friends:P
snort snort.
It's not that we are old dearie. It's that they are young(er).
I have been on the hunt all week long for a vintage pink Corona. Some things never change.
Sometimes I think of how happy I indeed am that I listened to my mom and took typing class my Junior year of high school...
because it helps me on the keyboard now ;-)
I remember putting off college papers until last minute, only to run out of typewriter ribbon at 2AM!!
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