So we goofed around in the village Friday night...
And I skied in a t-shirt (in temps about 24 C, 75 F!) for the first time ever Saturday which was amazing, 'cept I forgot to apply sunscreen on my arms and spent last night sleepless and in agony with the Worst. Sunburn. Ever.
And we took this photo at dinner last night and I am aware that my dress is gaping and my overfed stomach is attempting a breakout. Can you blame it? We ate at a raclette restaurant which means they just bring you everything they find in the kitchen and you let the cheese melt on it and it's the Greatest. Thing. Ever.

And I think it was probably the very best time I have ever had at Mont Tremblant which is, literally, our second home (so I've been here a lot!)
BUT - the very best part of my weekend was opening the newspaper yesterday and reading this.
The story announces that the Canadian government is set to become the first in the world to ban the chemical Bisphenol-A, a proven hormone disruptor which is found in plastic baby bottles and the resin that lines the tin cans used to hold our food.
And the story says major retailers in Canada have already pulled products with Bisphenol-A off the shelves due to public demand.
Way back in October when I had been blogging for only a matter of weeks I wrote a rather impassioned piece on Bisphenol-A as part of Blog Action Day - a political movement which saw 15,000 bloggers reaching more than 12 million readers with their environmental concerns. In my neck of the woods BlogHers Act Canada concentrated its efforts on - you guessed it - banning Bisphenol-A!
Well we did it ladies and gentlemen - I believe Blog Action Day and BlogHers Act Canada put this issue on the front burner and directly influenced corporate and government policy with regards to a potentially hazardous chemical.
If you are reading this in the United States or the United Kingdom or Australia or anywhere else in the world, please follow my links, educate yourself about Bisphenol-A and find out where your government stands.
Because if we Canucks can do it, so can you: there is no force in the world greater than a mommy (or a daddy) blogger with a mission to keep their precious children safe.
We rock hard folks. We all do. Each and every one of us!
I hadn't even heard of BPA a couple of months ago--now it's being covered on NPR, I'm reading articles about it, and now this. It makes me glad I nursed and then went straight to cups.
Great work!
How exciting! The Revolution has begun...
I also hadn't heard of BPA until very recently. Our media has been covering the Canadian ban, but they failed to mention that the Canadian public demanded it! Way to go! You guys are so progressive and cool compared to Americans.
Oh, I wish I'd heard of Blogger Action Day. Pretty cool! As for BPA, I had a chemist friend tell me about it a year or so ago, and now it's all over the news. Way to go, Canucks, for fighting and winning! I would like for we Americans (the free? the brave?) to do the same thing. I think we've forgotten how to be activists.
Peace - D
We had those exact bottles (both sport and baby) on my last mat leave. Now we have Born Free (although the Little Guy won't drink from it yet) and the Klean Kanteen. Yay for awareness! Yay for dissin' the Bis!
Wow, i didn't know it was poccible to ski in weather that nice!
oh, congrats on changing the world :)
I'm so glad you had such a great time skiing- sorry about the sunburn (I did that last weekend). Your husband and you make the cutest couple ;)
I know I first learned about he dangers of BPA from blogging. I hope it gets banned in the U.S. soon.
Yes! We will forever remember the day when we were truly given voices. Ode to the blog . . .
That is awesome. Way to change the blog post at a time!
You two look like you are having a FABULOUS time!
Fun weekend.
Thanks for making the world a little better place to live. That is awesome.
I am glad you two are having some fun for yourself. Thanks for being an informative momma! =)
Oooh! Looks like you had a great time! And your husband...rawr indeed!
Congratulations! I must admit I have never heard of chemical Bisphenol-A but will definately follow your links and read up on it.
Looks like you had a fabulous trip with your HAWT husband! :)
Awesome!! I'm so proud of you for your part! Great pics, too! That cheese looks heavenly!!
My husband is a chemist and I was just reading that Health Canada was on the fence about it them WHAM public pressure and more studies forced change! Power to the MOMS
Yay! There is power in numbers, this proves it!
VERY cute pictures!
I've never heard of that type of restaurant...but anything with cheese on it sounds pretty dang good!!
Congratulations! I saw the story on the news last night.
You guys look SO happy! I'm so glad for you! 'Cept the burn. That sucks.
You are hawter than your hubby! Great post, too. So timely.
OK, I totally feel your sunburn pain because I have done that exact same thing. One just doesn't think sunscreen and snow, but yes it is important! Glad you are having such a great time!
You guys look so happy, glad the weekend was so much fun. Every parent needs a weekend like that!
Awesome pictures!!!
We do rock!!!
you look like you're having a great time. and that restaurant? my husband thinks everything is better with cheese on it, so I must try to find one and take him there (i'm fond of cheese myself, but not quite as much as he is)
and you do rock!
I've been against BPA products for a long time (feels like well over two years now). What sticks in my craw is how much companies charge for BPA free products. But, YAY CANADA for getting them banned!
That's awesome! I saw a mom at the park feeding her 9 month old baby juice from an Advent bottle and really had to fight hard to refrain myself from lecturing her about feeding a baby less than a year old juice, nevermind that it's froma bottle known to leach Bisphenol A.
Yay! For once we are on the cutting edge. I have just heard of this BPA thingy... yes, I just crawled out from under rock...but what do I do? I have like a bazillion plastic things that we eat and drink out of. Do I get rid of everything?
I need to do more research but I read that #3, 6 & 7 are bad and the others are better. But WTF does better mean?
Glad you had so much fun, I skied there as a kid. Don't remember too much about it but it was fun!
Looks like you had a wonderful time. Am I allowed to say your hubby is hot? lol Ok, he is.
♥ Looks like you guys had a good time! The melted cheese thing look great!
WoW! Fantastic vacation and that picture of the cheesy bread makes me hungry! Great post on the Bisphenol-A. I plan to read more about it and hope the change will make it's way to the states.
Great pics (melted cheese makes anything taste grand!)
WTG with the BPA issue. That sh*t freaks me out.
Awesome! Both the trip and the bloggy action. It does have power.
Hell yeah!!!! (pumps fist in air)
Don't you just love checking the underside of every plastic bottle for the 7? Oops -- that's right, you don't have to. You're Canadian!
I would shove that plate out of the way and just let the cheese pour into my open jaws.
Oh that is awesome! -- Jealous of the skiing though-- Looks like a blast!
Oh that is awesome! -- Jealous of the skiing though-- Looks like a blast!
Oh that is awesome! -- Jealous of the skiing though-- Looks like a blast!
Yea for Canada banning the Bisphenol-A! Way to go! And good for you being part of that effort!
Sorry about your sunburn, but you guys look like you had a great time!
Next year, I am so there - in Tremblant that is. It looks amazing. Skiing in t-shirts, there is no other way. And raclette is Mike's favourite food ever.
And yeah for Canada doing the right thing!
Have a good week, Kelly.
How incredibly wonderful! Yay for the ban on Bisphenol-A! Good job, bloggers!
Congrats on making a change.
I say a big YES for the ban finally coming into effect and thanks to the bloggers that raised the stink. What really drives me freaken nuts is that it takes a stink to make politicians get up off their pasty arses to do anything. Don't they want to just save people for, let's say, oh, the sake of just saving people? Man. It's a good start. Those guyses in Ottawa just depress the hell out of me sometimes! I mean, what about the toxins in mdf, weiners, tin cans? OH, the list could go on but for tonight I'd rather just pretend we're safe now.
It looks like you had a beyond lovely time with your Hubby! I love the picture with your jean jacket on - you look beautiful!!!
Good for you and the rest of the Canadians for the BPSA ban......I know we don't have it at our house, and I feel fortunate to be informed....but it shouldn't be something that anyone can accidentally poison their baby with!!!
Congrats on the ban! Hopefully other countries will follow suit.
And that restaurant sounds wonderful. I've never heard of one like that.
Go Canada. NPR is all over it right now over here too., Great work
Totally cool about the BPA. I really hope the US starts following suit. ugh...the US really sucks about this stuff.
Now that is soooo my kind of food!
Companies in the US have JUST STARTED paying attention to things like this and started revamping their products. However, I fear legislation on this issue is lightyears away. Bummer.
My friend Buzz emailed me last week about BPA and such, and he has been following the story on his site. Many stores in BC are taking back any BPA plastics and refunding money - with no receipts!
It's awesome.
My several letters to the Globe and Mail editorial and opinion section asking Sport Check (Forzani) to do the honorable thing and remove all those nasty bottles before millions of kids grab them for the upcoming soccer season, did not get printed. My cynical reasoning is this: Forzani buys a lot of back pages from the Globe to display their ads, and my letter was not kind to this retailer who has been a huge seller of this nasty toxic holder of water. I will not shop their nor in any store that continues to flaunt these.
Nice post.
Glad to see you in the Globe today
Yeah!!!! Way to make a difference! That is wonderful news!
Looks like you had a great little break. Fab photos!
Um, all safety concerns aside... Where, oh where can I get that cheesey melty thingy? Cheese is my favorite food group. Ever. I must have it. I'm going to be obsessed by it, you know.
Also looks like you guys had a great time.
Take care!
sooo happy for you!! congrats!!
but more importantly is that a block of melty cheese???
omg :)
You are so pretty!
What great photos of you!
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