Of course Baby Dave looks lonely.
And maybe just a little pissed off.

He just spent a week and a half cooling his heels ALONE up at Grandma and Grandpa's after being forgotten by a Mommy and Daddy who apparently don't sufficiently appreciate just how integral he is to their son's happiness! He was a gift from Graham's favorite big cousin you know! He was named after said cousin for God's sake!
Luckily, Baby Dave is not one to hold a grudge.
And when he learned that Mommy and Daddy had paid mightily for their carelessness, by way of tantrums and crying and carrying on and the like, he felt much better about the whole sorry situation.
Much better indeed.
Hey fashionistas! Check out my latest find (that I will probably never get the chance to wear) over at my Shooting for Hip column at Mommyblogstoronto.
Graham and Baby Dave are so cute!!! It's amazing how a little furry, fuzzy something can be so integral to one's day!
My Ben was like that about Blankie (that was his blankets name, original, huh?) so that we bought 3 different ones to have on hand.
Alex, who also has Blankie, has 6.
Awww... a sad story with a happy ending. I am glad Baby Dave is back safe and sound.
Aaah yes, the Blankies! I had made 2 flannelette sheets for my son's crib, which turned into his beloved Blankies. Pretty soon they became tattered, so I cut them in two to make sure we wouldn't 'run out' of them. I still had a time trying to wash them (he really wanted to have all four around all of the time...)but peace reigned for quite some time.
Then one day disaster struck - one Blankie was gone, just gone! No amount of searching gave any result, we looked high and low but to no avail. My son was heartbroken even though he still had three Blankies left...
After some time his sorrow was lessened by us going to Sweden to visit his Grandma and Grandpa. We managed to travel extensively around the country during a 4-week stay without loosing any one of his Blankies. That is, until we spent a night in a hotel in Stockholm on the way back to Canada! We didn't miss the Blankie until we were already on the plane...
By the time I could call the hotel, they had no way of knowing what had happened to the Blankie. I suspect the maid had thought it was just a rag and disposed of it with nary a thought.
What happened? I had to sit down at the barganing table with my 2½ year-old son to talk about Blankies and their care. After some really tough negotiations it was decided that the remaining two could only be used in bed, could only leave the bedroom for washing and when they disintegrated they were not being replaced. The little guy kept up his part of the agreement and I washed them after he fell asleep... By the time he turned three, they were being used as kerchiefs on his favourite stuffed toys - of which he had OOODLES!
BTW - 'the little guy' turns 30 come December...
♥ We've been lucky and only left a, need or die, baby once and the youngest 3 aren't attached to anything in particular which has been very nice!
how frigging cute is that???!!!!
Did you hear about the canadian blogging get together this summer??? I am working on my hubby!!!!
Poor mommy and daddy. I know well the pain of a child separated from a toy that they neeeeeed right nooooooow.
Ug...we did that once...left the blankie somewhere and didn't have it for a few days.
I. don't. want. to. talk. about. it.
Baby Dave is very forgiving, and Graham looks happy now, and extremely cute. That must have been a rough week and a half though, I suggest wine and chocolate to aid your recovery.
Bad Mommy!
I love that shirt. Is Joe Fresh sold anywhere in the US??
Cute pictures!
I bet you'll never be that careless again, right? he he he
I swore that my kids would never get attached to things like that because I am generally pretty absent minded and knew I would lose them. It worked for Isaac. He had to bring things to bed but it didn't matter what.
That streak ended with Gracie. She had a blanket that she loved to shreds and not only did she need it, she needed it to be in a perfect position on her little person to go to sleep. A position that changed...with her mood. And I never got it right...those were fun nights.
Does it make you feel better knowing how darn cute your son is?? Well, it should. He's adorable. The bear's okay too.
Ok, Dave rules
Cute pics! Glad all is well, hehe.
And I really like that shirt. :)
how cute are they together! glad he got his bear back
Leaving a child's most precious toy somewhere is so bad. We pay soooo dearly.
Glad to hear Baby Dave does not hold a grudge. Too funny.
I'm sure this is why we give them little brothers and sisters!! I miss my babies too, despite how much I adore their current ages. And they do improve with age.
Oh. That comment was meant to go with your last post about missing your baby! Sorry 'bout that. Glad G and the bear were re-united...
Those are such sweet photos of Grahm and Baby Dave reunited. I've left some of my kid's precious toys behind when visiting places and I understand the pain of hearing them cry when they miss those toys. We've had one cat go through the mail several times.
Cute Pictures!
I feel your pain, 3 of my 4 had stuffies that were their best friends and comforts. Misplacing them even for a few hours was torture!
you just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. if i ever lost her majesty's "b" her blanket i would freak out...because my life would be hell!
After having no comfort item except her pacifiers Rosebud got a very soft baby-style doll for her 4th b-day. Even in the photos of her party there she is without Angel and once she opened her she is in every shot tucked under her arm. Angel goes everywhere with us and once we forgot her at Canadian Tire and had to rush back. My rules of Angel staying in the house are long forgotten.
Since she is from Sears I am tempted to stock up....
I'm almost afraid to say it, but we've never ever lost Mouses best buddy...she has had her since she was 9 months old (she's now five) and cares for her better than some mommys care for their kids!
I love Joe Fresh.....
At least he wasn't left in Mexico. That is where I left Jay's blue mousie. I am no longer a finalist for the mom of the year award!
He looks so happy in the last picture. :)
I sympathize. I have a very special bear too :)
P.S. Thanks so much for the very nice comment on my blog today. I appreciate it very much.
Nothing like those special cuddly guys. Except when they're missing...
Darling pictures!
Glad you are up for the meme! Can't wait to see what you come up with. And NO ONE is as prone to verbosity as MOI! ;)
Aw! Heaven forbid I ever do the same with the twin's Carebears! It's amazing the attachment these kids have to their special stuffies.
Please no. I'm having flashbacks to Social Butterfly's missing "Baby" and it's attendant 36 hours straight of no sleep.
Hi Kelly, Cute photos. Thanks for stopping by my blogs. Hope to hear from you more often.
So cute TOGETHER. Firstborn=teddy, Secondborn=blanket, Thirdborn=binky+teddy+blanket
Don't make me spend a night without any of the above mentioned necessities. You did good to make it a week.
Aaaw these pictures are precious.
Aww. I've managed to accumulate six spare ducks for that reason.
Been there....:)
Aww - That's cute! My oldest had a "pink blankie" That he couldn't live without (It also wasn't terribly pink, but that's a story for another time). When he was born and the blanet was new, they were EVERYWHERE. Naturally, by the time that it because a nasty, ratty mess, I coudn't find a spare to save my life. UGH.
Glad Baby Dave was rescued safely.
If we left Pumpkin's most prized possession somewhere, I am most certain that we would have to pay a courier a mighty fee to get it back ASAP if we were ever going to sleep again.
We have been careless too... we are still living it down 5 years later.
May the force be with you, you will need it!
I live in perpetual fear that we will lose my son's "Mr. Stinky." We have created a monster. We've had a couple of close calls that caused me to tremble in fear.
they are cute together!
Oh, I feel your pain! We once left my son's bear (a tiny Beanie Baby that fell in between the wall and bed) at a friend's house on our way home from Florida. Oy... She mailed it express back to us. NOT FUN awaiting his arrival.
Oh, I feel your pain! We once left my son's bear (a tiny Beanie Baby that fell in between the wall and bed) at a friend's house on our way home from Florida. Oy... She mailed it express back to us. NOT FUN awaiting his arrival.
How did you survive it. Seriously, if we ever lost Jack's baby lily the world as I know it would end. Cute pics.
Ugh, I hate it when you forget something that is critical to your child's happiness. We had that happen quite a few times on long trips. Once a pink baby Puff-a-lump got left at a hotel. Another time we forgot our daughter's favorite book. Dear God, I thought we'd never hear the end of it.
Geez. Kids!
Peace - D
Rory HAS to have her "pokey pillow" and it drives me crazy! She used to drag it all over the house with her all day and then we would have a massive man(pillow)hunt for it every night. It is a ratty old pillow, lumpy from all the times I have washed it, and she has rubbed through the seam twice now. ARG!
Glad baby Dave and Graham had such a sweet reunion
That was so precious!
Seriously, just precious!!!
That happy face in the reunion photo says it all!
I know I keep saying this - but that is one cute little guy.
Ah yes, the stuffed animal lovey. My older daughter has a puppy that never leaves her side...unless mommy leaves it at grandma's house.
Great pics by the way! Your boy is just too effing cute!!
Go to see they were reunited and everyone is happy again (especially mom and dad...ha!)
Here goes mother of the year again. The object of my son David's affections has been left behind in Niagara Falls. Grubby is a holey, formerly yellow, cat that is David's bestest friend and bestest stuffy. I am panicked that I could have been so stupid sleep deprived stupor be damned. I am panicked that his loved state replicates that of an overused dust rag. I am panicked that David's heart will be broken umpteen times as he grows but that I will be the first to break it. The phone calling and emailing continue for his return....Caroline
Grubby is found at the hotel...he will be picked up this weekend by Richard and Auntie Header. My mother of the year title though tarnished has been restored...thanks Kelly it happens to the best of us...
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