Monday, September 10, 2007

Big boys don't nap

Another Monday after another whirlwind weekend – this one spent in the city.

Daddy was away or working the whole time and Graham decided Nap? I don’t need no stinkin’ nap! on both Saturday and Sunday, so here I am facing down the workweek with a wee deficit in the energy department.

Yesterday Graham spent most of his normal nap time at a fourth birthday party for his friend Miss Henley. A wet morning put the kibosh on plans to hold the festivities in Christie Pitts Park, so, brave souls that they are, Henley’s parents Sheona and Jon welcomed a huge gaggle of parents and tots into their home.

Here’s Jon being swarmed by party guests and birthday girl Henley (dark-haired girl in pink with painted face) during the opening of the presents.

Graham was a little freaked out by all the chaos and spent the first 15 minutes as a total cling-on, leaving me unable to even remove my shoes or my jacket. But he soon realized that there were electric shocks to be had and started a careful, methodical examination of every potentially dangerous light and/ or light fixture he could find.

As Graham and I drove across Bloor Street on the way to the party Sunday we passed several women whose excuse for fatigue today makes me look like a first-class complainer.

We honked and waved to some of the more than 5,500 people who walked 60 kilometres (yes 60!) around Toronto Saturday and Sunday in The Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Among these superwomen (and men) who raised more than $17.3 million for the Princess Margaret Hospital, was my very dear friend Sherry – a kick-ass wife, mother and fellow former Norlandonian. Way to represent Sher!

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