We are fine.
We are more than fine; we are happy.
That's not to say all of the changes we have gone through the last few months haven't been difficult and scary and enormously stressful.
They have been all of those things. But, for the most part, it's all good.
I had forgotten how beautiful it is in Los Angeles.
I had forgotten that on previous visits I had felt such love and affinity for her wild canyons and roaring surf and towering palms.
I had forgotten, also, how very alive a career challenge can make me feel and how exploring a new city has always sent a thrill through my bones.
I still haven't quite figured out what I will do with this blog. I do know I will not, cannot, maintain it as a forum for discussion and rumination as I have in the past, but I am reluctant to sever a means for far-flung relatives (who haven't mastered Facebook) to keep in touch.
I have been humbled by your lovely words and well wishes over the last few months. Thanks again and please know that we are fine.
We are more than fine; we are happy.

SO good to hear from you and to SEE you too! And your little dude. Glad things are going well. You certainly look happy, that's for sure! :D
I was thinking of you just yesterday-I'm so happy to see this post. It looks like SoCal suits both you and Graham!
So glad to see that you made it,and things are going well. :)
Good to see you here and so happy. I think that last shot says it all... fabulous smiles.
Thanks for the update! I think about you often; glad you're doing well! :)
You all do look very happy! And the weather looks great. I'd ask if you miss the snow, but we're missing the snow up here (haven't gotten very much).
What a coincidence. I was just thinking yesterday that I should drop you a line to see how you are.
I should try to find you on FB.
So glad you are doing well. You all look so great and happy!
Thanks for the update. You all look terrific.
SO good to hear from you! I am glad you are fine and even glader that you are happy.
We just had a huge blizzard here so those pictures are making me want to move to LA too :)
So glad to hear how you're doing!
So surprised to see your post when it popped up on my reading list! So glad that you and your family are doing well. How I would love to live closer to the ocean!!!
Glad to hear you guys are doing fine and are happy! It looks beautiful out there. I hope all continues to go well for you and your family.
I was just thinking about you this week and wondering how you guys are!
Glad to hear you're happy. :)
you look wonderful. happy to see you.
You look so, so happy.
You look fantastic and SO very happy!! It's great to see you!!
Update. And ignore us!
Thanks for touching base :)
I couldn't be more thrilled for you! Thanks for the update.
How totally wonderful. :) you all look great!
So glad to see you are settled. And happy.
Graham has grown a foot. That sea air must be good for him.
What a nice surprise in my google reader! Glad to see and hear all is well :)
I'm so happy to see your pics :)
I see you've had no trouble adapting away from the Canadian winter ;)
Oh I've missed your posts, but I'm so happy you're doing well!
You look right at home in the pictures and hasn't Graham grown? And he looks so full of smiles.
Congratulations on the happy and the career and the new city and the HAPPY.
You LOOK happy. And I'm so happy for you all. :) Thanks for touching base with us all!
Hi Kelly!! You LOOK happy!
Thanks for popping in!!
What a wonderful surprise in my reader! I missed you! I'm glad for the check in...you all look wonderful and happy. :)
Glad all is well!
Oh my gosh! I was just thinking about you and your family the other day, wondering how you all are settling in, and HERE YOU ARE!!!
You look beautiful and HAPPY!
I am so glad to hear that you guys are adjusting well!
Good to see you back, Kel! :-)
So exciting to see your blog link hilighted in bloglines! Happy is awesome! Glad to hear it.
OMG! I just noticed that you had posted (and I missed it!). You look wonderful and it's so good to know you are doing well.
WHOA! Okay, it's been way toooooo long since I've popped by your blog! I've been doing some catching up on your posts and was SHOCKED to hear you're not in Don Mills anymore!!!
Congrats on all the exciting new changes in your life. You are right...changes can be stressful, but also so very exciting!
You guys look fantastic, by the way! You are gorgeous, as always!
So glad you are happy, it looks so beautiful where you are! I love the sand and sun, wish I was somewhere warm too. After the tough year you had last year, you and your family deserve laughter and joy, I'm glad you are enjoying life.
Kelly, I am SOOOOO glad to see you all so happy and doing so fine in L.A. I totally hear you on the career challenge thing and it's wonderfully exciting for you to be doing this with you whole family in tow.
It doesn't matter how often you blog - just throw us a bone every once in a while, 'kay ;)?
Miss ya...
I'm so glad to hear that the move has gone so well. I love it here as well. There's something about the sunshine that just makes me happy. Speaking of, it's today incredible?
Happy is good. Happy is wonderful. Seeing the pictures and then looking out my window makes me want to uh, move. Sigh.
Beautiful pictures !
And you look SO happy in the last one !! It make me want to do the same !! It's great that you decided to go for it !
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