I know my recent absence from this space has been abrupt in light of the considerable effort I have spent the last two years convincing readers to invest in my life.
I know that radio silence for a month is perhaps even disrespectful, given the fact that I have often drank deeply, nay greedily, from your virtually never-ending well of support and goodwill.
But I hope you will forgive me when I explain that since I have last written, everything I used to assume about the way my life would play out has changed.
At the beginning of the summer I applied for what I can only describe as my dream job: a job that would catapult me several steps up a career ladder on which I already occupied a comfortable middle position. It is a job that represents an enormous challenge, a job that would move me into the inner circles of the film and television industry and allow me to advocate for the people and places I hold dearest in my heart.
I am not normally a humble sort, but suffice to say I firmly believed that my application was a long shot
But I got the job.
I got the job and in just a few days I will fly to Los Angeles, California on a nine-day business trip during which I will find a place for my family to live.
In mid November I will leave Don Mills and Canada and my life here behind to chase my dreams and ambitions in a place where success in my chosen industry represents the very pinnacle of success.
I have been offered what I believe is the opportunity of a lifetime folks and I'm going for it.
It will not be easy. It has not been easy. In the month since I accepted the offer I have plummeted down the rabbit hole into a vortex of details and lawyers and contracts and home listings and visas and export papers and anxiety and studying and disbelief and sleepless nights and joy and uncertainty and heartfelt late night talks.
I will pull up stakes and move south towards the end of November. Rob and Graham will await my return about a month later and after Christmas together we will return to Los Angeles as a family to build our lives anew in a sunny place, far removed we hope from the uncertainty and darkness of the past year.
It was on last New Year's Eve that we learned that cancer cells had been found in Rob's mother's stomach lining. That very day she was released from the hospital to our home where at midnight we raised a hopeful, if tentative glass to the possibilities that 2009 would bring.
We did not know then that we would mourn her death just 11 weeks later: we have learned since that, more often than not, both life and happiness are hard fought.
And so we are fighting. And we are moving. And I am moving on from this space which I believe is incompatible with my new job, at least in its present incarnation.
In just a few weeks I will be taking Don Mills Diva private and providing a password for friends and family who may be interested in photos and basic updates on how we're doing.
If you'd like to keep in touch feel free to request the password via e-mail and if you live in the Los Angeles area especially please touch base.
I will miss Don Mills Diva and I will miss all of you. It is thanks in no small part to my readers, supporters and even dissenters, that I was successful in obtaining this job. Even more than the guerrilla social media and Internet marketing skills I learned from the blogosphere, I learned confidence in the expression of my ideas and confidence in the importance of what I could contribute.
If there is one regret that I have with regards to my withdrawal from the blogging community it is the vague sense that I took so much more from it than I was able to give. During some of the darkest days of my life you gave me a renewed conviction in my personal power and there is no way I will ever be able to repay that.
Thank you each and every one for lifting me up and helping me soar.
Good bye and God bless you.

Wow! It sounds like you have an incredible, albeit life changing opportunity in front of you. Congratulations on your job, and safe travels to LA! I wish you happiness and much success!
Oh my goodness - CONGRATS! How awesome to be able to live your dreams out. I rarely comment, but I read frequently. I'll miss you, but wish you the best of everything.
Congratulations! Best wishes for you and your family in your new life.
Oh, wow. I am all verklempt for you.
I'd love to keep up with you guys, if you'll let me.
Happy, happy, happy for you.
It is in the midst of the storm, at our lowest points sometimes, that we are able to grow the most and rise out stronger, more blessed and more resilient than when the weather was calm just prior.
Wow. What an amazing opportunity and I am so happy for you. Please keep in touch and send me along your password. Would love nothing more than to follow you on this journey.
Congratulations! And, whoohoo! you are coming my way!!! :-)
Congratulations!!!!!!! I'm so sorry to see you go from here. Send the password - I know I'm a terrible lurker here but I'd love to keep tabs on you all!
Best to you in everything.
Congratulations (and selfishly, woo-hoo! we will be able to meet in person)!
You will soon be California Dreamin'!
Kelly, this is fantastic, I am so happy for you. Go after your dreams girl, I know you will achieve them!
I am so, so happy for you. Congratulations.
Congratulations, hugs, celebrations, and all that good stuff!
I am thrilled for you to be able to have this opportunity! (I'll also be emailing you.)
Congratulations! What an excelent opporunity for you and your family! Enjoy the sun and all that life has to offer.
The blogging world will miss you.
All the best to you and your family, Kelly.
I adore you, I am proud of you and I hope you consider keeping in touch with me.
I travel to San Diego frequently and would totally make the drive up to LA to say hello.
Best of luck to you, honey. You deserve only the best.
This sounds like such an amazing opportunity, I'm so happy for you and your family. I'm keeping you in my thoughts as you transition through all of it.
A huge congratulations!
For the time being, I live in LA (although hopefully not for long). I am happy to answer any and all questions. Feel free to email me.
Huge and warm congratulations to you.
Boo! Does this mean I won't get to meet you personally and become a bona fide stalker in Toronto? ;) I'd love to keep in touch with you, I know I have your e-mail address and you have mine, but I'd love the password too. I'll miss you and your wonderful writing. (I actually drafted an e-mail to you yesterday to see how things were going!) Congratulations and such a wonderful opportunity for you AND your family. xoxo
I am so excited for you and your family! I will miss you for sure. I hope you'll stop by and let me know when you become the LA Diva.
Best of luck to you forever. You deserve this.
wow... what an amazing adventure
enjoy the ride ~ !
Light out of the gloom - SO HAPPY for you! I hope this is everything you you've dreamed it will be!
Oh, and I'd love to keep up with you, whether it be by password or by email once in awhile! I'm really excited for you, Kelly!
Completely and utterly fantastic!
(written from Eat At Joes in Redondo Beach)
Wow Kelly that sound so amazing. All be the best in LA!
Wow! Congratulations! Wishing you and your family nothing but the best on this new journey!
Will miss reading your wonderful writing here.
I'm so happy for you - it seems like a terrific opportunity in a nice warm place. Much luck to you.
Go YOU! So happy for you. Sounds wonderful. And no more freezing winters? Best of luck.
That's just fantastic! Congratulations, and good luck with the new job and the big move!
I'd love to keep up with you, if you don't mind sending me the password. :-)
I'm so happy for you! Congrats!
and perfect timing to get out of dodge ;
sunny california- what an amazing opportunity for all of you!
best of luck!!
Congrats!! This sounds like a wonderful opportunity!!! I'm not in LA, but I'm close. I would love to keep tabs on your blog if you don't mind. Have a safe trip and a blessed transition!
I am thrilled for you! I would love to keep up with you even though I'm not in LA.
I will pray for that you have success in your new job and a smooth transition to the US.
Wow! Congratulations! That sounds amazing.
Good luck and God Bless you now and in the future!
I live in L.A., I live in L.A.! Please email me admccaffery at gmail. I would love to offer whatever help I can in adjusting to your life here in SoCal.
YAY! I'm so excited!!
Wow, I just got chills reading this post. I'm going to miss your blog a lot. I'm so glad I got to meet you, although briefly, back in July.
I wish you much happiness and success in your new home and career Kelly and thanks for sharing your life and writings with us here...
I've never commented much here. But have always kept you in my reader because I love your writing.
Congratulations on landing your "dream job!"
Onward an upward, Lady! :)
Happy Trails, my friend. Should you ever end up in Chicago, do look me up. I'll miss you.
DAMN, I have something in my eye.
Oh my goodness. This brought tears to my eyes. So much raw emotion here. Good luck in your new endeavors. You'll love LA. I do, although I live in a suburb......would love to stay in contact.....
I am so incredibly happy for you! Congratulations again. You know how much I'll miss your blog, but I hope we'll keep in touch.
Wow! What a fantastic opportunity for you and your family!
Good luck in California!
Honey, I sincerely hope it works out for you guys. I KNOW it will.
I would love to be included in your password list...
Wow - amazing! Would love to keep hearing about what you are up to. Toronto will miss you!!
Congrats and good luck on the move and the new job. I hope you and yours enjoy California. Don't be a stranger! I also hope to hear great things from you.
best of luck to you in your new adventure. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and hope that the time apart from your family will go quickly! ♥
Oh! All the very, very best to you all. What a wonderful opportunity!
Congratulations Kelly!!! Wow! What fantastic news and how utterly exciting for you all. I'm so thrilled and happy for you . . . I wish you all the best and I don't doubt you will succeed in it all.
Congrats on the new job and the new life! It sounds very exciting ... good luck!
How exciting!! All the best to you and your family out there! I will miss reading your words; please send me the password too!
Congratulations! I wish all the best with your new endeavors. You will be missed.
WOW, am very impressed, and yes, I'd love to know the password and keep up with you, but yes I am also wondering about the job itself, and if you felt like emailing me and letting me know--oooh that would be awesome.
Also, kinda wondering about everything else?
Regardless good luck.
What fantastic, enourmous changes! Congratulations Kelly! I have adored getting to know you over the last few years and I hope that doesn't end. I wish you every success, in your career and especially in your personal journeys. Bless you. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so excited for you!! I was checking my feedreader the other day and was missing your posts. This explains it all. I will be sending you an email. Thank you for sharing your incredible words with all of us for so long.
Congratulations, and best of luck to you and your family, Kelly.
Wow! Congratulations.
So very happy for you, Kelly! That is exciting news. All the best.
I am so excited for you! Congratulations! I hope it all works out fabulously and you settle in quickly and love California.
Good luck in everything to all of you!
Congratulations! What a wonderful opportunity for you. I certainly am interested in staying in touch with you.
Wow! I am so envious!! :) You don't know this about me, not sure if you remember me at all (I think you commented on my blog once), but I am really into film. Hence the envy.
I wish you the best and thank you for sharing as much as you have so far.
All the best!
Congratulations on your new job! I hope you love it there. That is going to be a big change, but you will handle the challenge beautifully!
Best wishes with your future.
Wow! Congratulations! I wish you so very well on this new journey. It was awesome to meet you at BlogHer and I regret that I didn't meet you and Don Mills Diva earlier.
God Bless You!
You are such a gracious person. I can't believe that even in this situation where you are making a choice to end your blog to make way for perhaps one of the most exciting corners in your life story, you are thanking your blog readers! We should be thanking you for your beautiful farewell, for two years of sharing in your life, for your words. Good luck to you, good luck to your family! I would absolutely love to be kept in the loop if you decide to keep a blog but understand it might be a more private format than that.
Wow, K. It sounds like it will be a good move, no matter how tough it is to move ever. It's been a hell of a year for you, with lots of ups and downs and big decisions, and I hope that this new start for next year is everything you hope for.
sorry we won't be seeing you at any more of the Tdot blogger dos, but would love to hear that everything is going well for you three. Take care, and soak up that sun for us up north, girl.
My friend, what an exciting, amazing adventure ahead of you and your family.
Remember stumbling into this blog-world and meeting on the Today's Parent message boards and getting in trouble for blogging!!!!! Hee hee.
I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your wonderful family.
I would love to keep in touch. And if you ever venture to your little ski-chalet, maybe we can meet up...I regret we never met in person.
Take care...all the best. HUGS and lots of SUPPORT.
Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear that out of all the difficult times you have had this year that something GOOD has come to the forefront.
I hope this job and the move are the answers to prayers...
Please add me to you list for the password, I would love to keep up with you and all the new changes in your life. :)
I am so excited for you and your family as you start this new journey!! I would love to follow your new adventures!!! Best of luck to you!!
Oh suh-WEET! You will be living the dream! In the sun! With your family! Woman! Awesomeness! Congratulations. :) You'll be missed and envied.
This sounds like a tremendous opportunity for you and your family, and a nice way to create a new chapter. I'm very, very happy for you! Congratulations!
Well much congratulations to you! I wish you much luck, love and happiness in this huge move.
Well much congratulations to you! I wish you much luck, love and happiness in this huge move.
Wow, Kelly! I'm so happy for you. Sad to see you leave here but happy for you.
Best of luck to you and please pass on your password if you don't mind.
(I know I'm late but I just got home from a trip.)
Sad that Don Mills will be less one Diva - but great to hear you are moving forward in life, hope and career!
CONGRATULATIONS on the new position and new outlook on life. I hope that it brings nothing but happiness to you and yours!
Your last post is fabulous, but it should be followed by a link to your next blog (Wordpress this time) where we can read about your life in sunny Los Angeles! Don't throw us away... We've never been more invested! Call it A Canadian Mom in LA and you'll soon find an international audience. I mean seriously... if I ever wrote anything that garnered 79 comments I'd wallpaper my bedroom with it.
I hope it all works out!
What exciting news! This sounds like an incredible opportunity for you and I wish you all the very best in this new endeavor.
Best of luck!
Oh Kelly, you GOT THE JOB! Amazing, that's fantastic news - I am so, so very excited for you. I know I've been so behind with my bloggy friends, so I'm so sorry that I'm only commenting now.
It's been quite the year for both of us hasn't it? And you KNOW that I have to keep in touch with you so I'll be looking for a password...I'll send you an e:mail.
Hugs to you and your boys as you embark on this very exciting adventure!
Congratulations! Best wishes to you and your family as you embark on this great adventure. What an amazing opportunity, you deserve some sunshine both physically as well as emotionally, so I am so very happy for you. Take care and I would really like to keep on reading about your adventures.
Kelly! Congratulations on your new job and life. I live in L.A. county and would love to reconnect with you, when life settles. :)
You were be SO missed here for your beautiful writing. But, all of us are cheering you on. Blarney on the idea that you've taken more than you've given. You go forward knowing that you've given much to the blogosphere and to so many.
I'm also on Facebook.
Big hugs and excitement from just north of L.A. :)
Wow. I must admit I haven't been the best commenter, but I just wanted to say that you will be greatly missed in the blogging community. Congratulations on your new job, I'm so very excited for you. And a big welcome to sunny California.
Many congratulations, DMD. My heart thrills for you, and makes me think such dreams are possible for all of us if we reach out, as you have done. Thank you. And much much luck and best wishes for career fulfillment and family happiness (not always easy to achieve together!). I would love to hear more from you when you get a new web address. xo
am gutted, another favourite has slipped by the wayside, whilst l have been attending to my own private moans and groans..hope I get to read you somewhere sunny real soon!! good luck, love and life...
Kelly, I am so excited for you and Rob and Graham. I'm sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. You came to my mind a few weeks ago.
I'd love to read your updates on your new life in LA...sounds very exciting and like the beginning of a wonderful new life for all of you!!!!
Clearly I am WAY behind but congrats! And welcome to California (I'm up North in San Francisco).
Best wishes for your future success!
Welcome to LA LA Land. Happy for you! Sounds great. I myself am borderline one foot in, one foot out of this fantastic yet nutty film world.
would love to hear how you are doing was rather hoping you would post an Post script, but find myslef wanting and needing to know how you are..
hope its all working out for you
I am on
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